Lowongan Kerja Pertamina EP – UGM Yogya



Lowongan Kerja Pertamina EP UGM Yogya

About Pertamina EP

PT Pertamina EP (PEP)is engaged in managing the upstream oil and gas production through a more manageable exploration and exploitation activities. Adding to that, PEP has been undertaking other supporting businesses, which have been intended to back up the main business directly or indirectly.

Presently, Pertamina EP production level for oil is around 120 throusand barrel oil per day (BOPD) and around 1,003 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) for gas.

Pertamina EP Working Areas of 140.000 km2 were once largely PT Pertamina (Persero)’s Oil and Gas Mining Authority Zone. The working areas are managed through own operation and partnership cooperation, comprise 3 contracts of Joint Operating Body Enhanced Oil Recovery (JOB-EOR) and 33 contracts of Technical Assistant Contract (TAC). Thus geographically, Pertamina EP operates in nearly all territory of Indonesia, from Sabang to Merauke.

Pertamina EP Working Areas consist of three regions namely Sumatra, Java and Eastern Indonesia Regions. All JOB EOR and TAC operations are managed from Headquarter while own operations are managed by each region respectively.

The opration of those regions comprise 12 Field Areas, namely Rantau, Pangkalan Susu, Lirik, Jambi, Prabumulih and Pendopo in Sumatra, Subang, Jatibarang and Cepu in Java as well as Sangatta, Bunyu and Papua in Eastern Indonesia.

Beside the management of working areas as stated earlier, other business pattern is management through projects, such as gas development project of Pagar Dewa in South Sumatra, Gundih in Central Java and Matindok in Sulawesi.  ref : www.pertamina-ep.com

Company Contact

  • http://www.pertamina-ep.com/en/contact

Jobs Available


Jobs Description


PT Pertamina EP opens the opportunity for the best graduate Diploma III Program of Higher Education to participate in the selection of candidates Worker PT Pertamina EP according to the required qualifications and are willing to be placed throughout Indonesia, with the following requirements:

  1. Indonesian Citizen (WNI), based on identity cards (KTP) is valid.
  2. Education Diploma from an accredited university with majors as follows:
    • Programs – Code
    • Chemical Engineering TKM
    • Electrical Engineering (Power Lines) tke
    • TMS Mechanical Engineering
    • Civil Engineering TKS
    • Information Technology workers
    • Social Sciences ISO
    • Economic Management IEK
    • accounting AKT
    • Hiperkes / K3 HK3
  3. Grade point average (GPA) of at least 3:00 on a scale of 4.
  4. Maximum date of birth November 21, 1988 or on November 21, 2012 aged 24 years.
  5. Physical requirements based on the Certificate of Physician:
  6. Physically and mentally healthy.
  7. Minimum height 160 cm.
  8. Not color blind.
  9. Good behavior is evidenced by Certificate of good conduct from the authorities
  10. Drug free as evidenced by the complete sealed affidavit itself Rp. 6000, –


  1. Cover letter prepared and signed by the applicant by enclosing the following documents:
  2. Include a curriculum vitae with complete information about the name, gender, address, phone number, HP, e-mail, religion, place and date of birth, formal and non formal education.
  3. Photocopy of Diploma / Certificate of Graduation and transcript of the last value that has been certified from an accredited university.
  4. Copy of Birth Certificate / Birth and Know Identity Card is still valid.
  5. Passport photo size 4 X 6 cm color 4 (four) pieces.
  6. Physician Certificate (original) which describes physical and spiritual health, height and description of the results of color blindness.
  7. Documents in addition to the above-mentioned application need not be attached and the application that is submitted will not be returned.
  8. In the right corner of the envelope and cover letter department code listed according to item 2 (two) above.
  9. Each applicant is only allowed to submit a cover letter.
  10. Applications MUST be submitted to the Engineering Career Centre (ECC) Univ. Gadjah Mada (UGM) to PO.BOX.174 YKBS 55281A dated no later than February 10, 2012 (postmarked).
  11. Only complete applications and delivered through Engineering Career Centre (ECC) Univ. Gadjah Mada (UGM) to be processed.
  12. Applications that are sent prior to the date of February 1, 2012 (postmarked) and after the date of February 10, 2012 (postmark) will not be processed.


  1. Applicants will be called to follow each stage of selection is only a short pass by listing the best candidates.
  2. Selection knockout and only the participants who passed the selection process to be invoked.
  3. The decision to call the applicant and the determination of the selection results can not be contested.
  4. Announcement of selection results will be announced by the Engineering Career Centre (ECC) Univ. Gadjah Mada (UGM).
  5. During the selection process, applicants or other parties are not allowed to do correspondence, whether oral or written, with the Engineering Career Centre (ECC) Univ. Gadjah Mada (UGM) and Pertamina.
  6. Costs during the selection process (such as accommodation, transportation, meals, etc.) become the responsibility of participants.
  7. During the selection process was not asked and does not charge anything (be careful with fraud).

Sites Reference

  1. www.pertamina-ep.com
  2. www.ecc.ft.ugm.ac.id
  3. informasicpnsbumn.com

Submit Application

Applications MUST be submitted to:

Engineering Career Centre (ECC) Univ. Gadjah Mada (UGM)  PO.BOX.174 YKBS 55281A

Closing Date

  • February 10, 2012


Lowongan Kerja Pertamina EP UGM Yogya provided by http://lokercpnsbumn.com