
Lowongan Kerja PAI Kemenag
About Kementerian Agama (Kemenag)
Kementerian Agama Republik Indonesia – Kemenag or the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia is a government ministry in Indonesia which oversees the religious affairs in Indonesia. Kemenag formerly known as the Department of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (Departemen Agama Republik Indonesia – Depag). The Ministry is based in Jakarta and its head office is situated in Jl Lapangan Banteng Barat No. 3 – 4 Jakarta 10710. Kemenag supported by 33 regional offices spread in 33 provinces of Indonesia. the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia is headed by a Minister of Religious Affairs (Menag).

The announcement of the establishment of the Ministry of Religion published by the government through the broadcast of Radio Republik Indonesia. Haji Mohammad Rasjidi appointed by the President as Minister of Religious Affairs First. H.M. Rasjidi is a scholar of modern Islam educational background and became known as a prominent Muslim leaders and leaders of Muhammadiyah. Rasjidi the time was minister without portfolio in the cabinet of Sjahrir. In the post as state minister (replacing K.H.A.Wahid Hasjim), Rasjidi is in charge of issues related to the interests of Muslims.
Ministry of Religious Affairs took over the duties of religion which was originally located in several ministries, namely the Ministry of the Interior, concerned with issues of marriage, religious courts, kemasjidan and pilgrimage affairs; of the Ministry of Justice, concerning the duties and powers of the High Court; of the Ministry of Teaching, Education and Culture, concerned with the problem of teaching religion in schools.
Secretary General of the Ministry of Religious Affairs Decree No. 14 of 2016 on Guidelines for Procurement candidate for Civil Servants (CPNS) of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the General Applicants Fiscal Year 2016
Contact Kementerian Agama Republik Indonesia
Pusat Informasi dan Hubungan Masyarakat
Jalan Lapangan Banteng Barat No. 3 4
Jakarta 10710
Telepon: (+6221) 3811679, 34833004
Email : pinmas[at]
Jobs Available
Kementerian Agama Republik Indonesia open the opportunity for Indonesian Citizen who have high integrity and commitment to be a candidate for :
- Penyuluh Agama Islam Non PNS tahun 2017
Job Description
- Age as low as 22 years and a maximum of 60 years;
- Religious education preferably S 1 Non Education;
- S1 Bachelor of Da’wah / Comparative Religion (Drs / S.Ag)
- S1 degree in Islamic Communication (S.Kom.I)
- S1 degree in Islamic Philosophy (S.Fil.I)
- S1 degree in Islamic Social (S.Sos.I)
- S1 Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Islamic Law (SH / SHI / S.Ag)
- S1 degree in Islamic Economics (S.EI)
- Economics degree S1 of Sharia (SE.Sy)
- SI / equivalent graduates Egypt / Yemen / Medina (Lc)
- Special undergraduate who had graduated SI. Religious, but do not yet have the Mandatory Attach a diploma certificate from the local college.
Administrative Requirements / File:
- A letter of request & curiculum vitae / bio-data;
- Copy of the latest certificate and transcript of legalized;
- Photocopy of ID cards and KK according domicile;
- Decree (SK) is active in a religious organization / community;
- Certificate of medical / doctor;
- Statement of the board members or organizations not forbidden
- Statement of the Management Not Political Parties;
- Not as Employee Statement of Honorary funded by APBN / APBD;
- Statement of Not Retired civil servants / state;
- Letter of Recommendation from MUI the District;
- Letter of Recommendation from Pokjaluh Regency / City
- Map Snelheckter plastic green color.
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Recruitment of PAI Kemenag implementation carried out by the Office of Religious Affairs Regency / City and quota based on the number of RKKL Year 2017, as well as seriously the principle of proportional, professional and transparent, and guided by the Technical Instructions.
- Kemenag PAI registration period: 24th s.d. October 28, 2016.
- Implementation of the Written Test: On November 22, 2016 o’clock. 8:00 pm
- Implementation Interview: On 23 s / d 24 November 2016 At 08.00 am. The tests are held simultaneously in Kemenag District / City. (The location where the tests soon).
- Announcement of the administration PAI Kemenag: November 14, 2016 Housed Office of Religious Affairs Regency / City.
- Announcement Participants pass: On December 7, 2016. Located at Kemenag District / City respectively
- Date December 29, 2016 report the results of recruitment following the Decree of Appointment Extension Islam Non PNS to the Regional Office of South Sumatra Province Kemenag up. Penais field of Zakat and Waqf which would then be forwarded to the Director General of Islamic Guidance Ministry of Religious Affairs. (Hardcopy and softcopy).
- Download Attachments : Click Here
- Source
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