Lowongan Non PNS RS Rotinsulu Bandung
About RS Rotinsulu Bandung
RS Rotinsulu Bandung – Rumah Sakit Paru Dr.H.A Rotinsulu established by Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 190/Menkes/SK/II/2004 Date February 26, 2004 On Organization and Administration of Pulmonary Hospital, as amended by Regulation of the Minister of Health No. 250 / Men-kes/PER/III/2008 Date March 11, 2008 had a position as a Technical Implementation Unit of the Ministry of Health that is – under and responsible to the Director General of Medical Services
- Rumah Sakit Paru Dr. H. A. Rotinsulu established and inaugurated in 1935 by the Government of the Dutch East Indies as a continuation of the background activity Solsana sanatorium. According to the locals as well as other sources, in the Dutch in the area Ciumbuleuit a tea plantation (onderning).
- Dr. Lung Hospital. H. A. Rotinsulu located on the Bukit Jarian now is the resting place of the tea pickers and places the weighing bud tea, while Solsana and Sabiena building located at Jalan Ciumbuleuit is the resting place of plantation owners and the Dutch soldiers. After the Dutch defeated and returned to his country this place used to transfer patients from the general hospital. Rancabadak (now RS. Hasan Sadikin), and Hospital Rancabadak used for the army.
- In the period 1945 – 1955 the hospital began treating patients with lung diseases especially tuberculosis to recover and average a patient treated for 3 years. Name of the hospital at the time was Sanatorium Solsana-Cipaganti. The hospital was led by dr. Wisnujudo, in addition to caring for patients also perform surgery (surgical lung, etc.).
- In the period 1955-1965, there were a couple of times a change of leadership at the Hospital of the Hospital in 1956 led by dr. Spot Beng Tong, replaced in 1959 by dr. Tjeng Tan Tjoe and thereafter since 1963 led by dr. Rotinsulu.
- In the period 1965-1975, hospitals implementing health services include treatment of patients with pulmonary diseases particularly pulmonary tuberculosis. In 1965 the building Sabiena requested by the owner (individual) for sale while Solsana building donated by the owner to the Catholic mission and subsequently used as a means of education (Parahyangan University) and Sanatorium building located on the Bukit Jarian submitted to the Government of Indonesia.
- In the 1970’s the name Sanatorium removed and converted into Cipaganti Pulmonary Hospital, led by the Director of BP4 Bandung.
- In the period 1975 – 1985, Pulmonary Hospital Cipaganti implement patient treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. In 1978, the composition of Organization and Administration of Hospitals organized by SK Menkes RI No.137/SK/IV/78 the name was changed to Hospital Tuberculosis Hospital Lung Cipaganti. In 1975 the leadership of dr. Rotinsulu replaced by dr. Partasasmita Iskandar who also concurrently Director BP4 London until 1979 and since 1979 was replaced by dr. Sunali Sukartaatmadja and in 1984 the hospital was led by dr. Darmawan. Beginning in November 1980 RSTP Cipaganti perform services Outpatient Unit.
- In the period 1985 – 1995, taking place a variety of development and maintenance treatment of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in both Inpatient Unit and Outpatient Unit. Development of Medical Support unit in the form of laboratory tests, radiodiagnostic, elektromedik medical and therapeutic measures. In 1987 there was an increase in the class that originally shaped barracks maintenance (zaal) now has a class II, IIIA and IIIB. In 1988, dr. Darmawan replaced by dr. Moch. Jojo wisdom as Director Cipaganti RSTP. In October 1991 began to operate services in the ICU intensive care unit with a capacity of 2 beds.
- In the development of health services are not only dealing with patients with pulmonary tuberculosis but also dealing with patients with other lung diseases. On July 28, 1997, dr. Moh. Hikmatjojo replaced by dr. Marwan Awaloeddin, Sp.P, FCCP Director Cipaganti RSTP. Revamping of facilities and infrastructure such as building renovations and improvements and procurement of medical equipment so it’s ready to use has been implemented in the period 1997 – 2003. In mid-2003 dr. Marwan Awaloeddin, Sp.P, FCCP retired as an officer temporarily filled by dr. Edi Sampurno, Sp.P. And in 2003 proposed to the Ministry of Health for the development and change of name of the Tuberculosis Hospital Lung Lung Cipaganti a Hospital Dr. H.A. Rotinsulu. The goal is to change the status of increased professionalism and competitiveness as well as the independence of the management of the hospital can be achieved. And on February 26, 2004 RSTP Cipaganti officially changed its name to the Pulmonary Hospital Dr. H. A. Rotinsulu and on March 1, 2004 dr. Edi Sampurno, Sp.P officially appointed Director of Pulmonary Hospital Dr. H. A. Rotinsulu. To improve the quality of service to the community (public) Pulmonary Hospital Dr. H. A. Rotinsulu on June 26, 2007 formally established a hospital that uses the CO-BLU so the flexibility in financial management to be more effective and efficient in supporting the duties and functions of Pulmonary Hospital Dr. H. A. Rotinsulu.
- Based on the Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 190/Menkes/SK/II/2004 Date February 26, 2004 on the Organization and Work Procedure Pulmonary Hospital, as amended by Regulation of the Minister of Health No. 250/Menkes/PER/III/2008tanggal March 11, 2008 has position as a Technical Implementation Unit in the Ministry of Health under and responsible to the Director General of Medical Services has the task of implementing the health service for people with lung disease as a whole, integrated, and sustainable education and training and research and development in the field of disease prevention lung.
Company Contact
Rumah Sakit Paru Dr.H.A.Rotinsulu
Jl. Bukit Jarian No. 40 Bandung
Jobs Available
Nomor : KP.01.02/ 063 / I / 2013
Nomor : KP.01.02/008.I/2013
Rumah Sakit Paru Dr.H.A.Rotinsulu invites the best candidate to join as follow :
- S.1 Humas Fak. Ilmu Komunikasi (kode PR) 1 orang
- D.3 Farmasi (kode FM) 1 orang
- D.3 Administrasi / MPRS (kode MP) 1 orang
- D.3 Sekretaris(kode SK) 1 orang (Wanita)
Jobs Description
- Cover letter signed by the applicant addressed to the Director of Pulmonary Hospital Dr.HARotinsulu, the cover letter should mention the proposed position;
- Maximum age 27 years;
- Special position of Secretary height min. 160cm, able to speak English active / passive, attractive.
- Attach a copy of last diploma which has been legalized;
- Index minimum 2.75 grade point average and attach a copy of the transcripts that have been legalized;
- Certificate of able-bodied;
- Attach letter Police Notes (SKCK) of Police / Police;
- Attach a photo copy of valid ID card;
- Pas 4 x 6 color photo 2 pieces;
- Attach a copy of the training certificate (if any);
- Able to operate computer (Ms. Office, etc.)
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Interested applicants may come in person or send resume by mail to:
Tim Rekrutmen dengan alamat Rumah Sakit Paru Dr.H.A.Rotinsulu Jl. Bukit Jarian No. 40 Bandung, waktu : pukul 08.00 – 14.00
Closing date
- 17 January 2013
- Rumah Sakit Paru Dr.H.A.Rotinsulu not serve the correspondence in this selection process and is free of charge.
- Source : Click Here
Lowongan RS Rotinsulu Bandung by lokercpnsbumn