
Lowongan Kerja Unpad Non CPNS
About Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad)
Universitas Padjadjaran – UNPAD is a public university in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. On October 20, 2014, the University changed its status to a State Universities Legal Entities (PTN BH) of the Public Service Agency (BLU). The inauguration was marked by government regulation (PP) were signed by former President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Determination is based on a performance evaluation conducted independent team formed the Ministry of Education and Kebudayan (Kemendikbud) . Also based on the Decision of the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN PT) enacted on January 16, 2014, Unpad were rated A (Excellent).

Selection of the name “Padjadjaran” used is taken from the name of the Sunda kingdom, the Kingdom of Padjadjaran, led by Raja Prabu Prabu Siliwangi or Dewantaprana Sri Maharaja Pakuan Baduga Padjadjaran (1473-1513 AD). This name is the name of the most famous and remembered by the people of West Java, because fame figure among the kings in Tatar Sunda at the time. Universitas Padjadjaran was established on the initiative of West Java community leaders who want the college where young people obtain a higher education in West Java to prepare leaders for the future.
After going through a series of processes, on 11 September 1957 Padjadjaran University was formally established by Government Regulation No. 37, 1957, and was inaugurated by the President on September 24, 1957.
At its inception, Padjadjaran University has four faculties, has now grown to 16 faculty and graduate programs. Programs offered Unpad include doctoral programs (S-3) consists of 9 courses, master program (S-2) consists of 19 courses, two program specialists, five professional programs and graduate programs (S-1) consists of 44 courses, diploma courses III (D-3) consists of 32 courses and diploma programs IV (D-4) consists of one course of study. Unpad has Institute of Research and Community Service (LPPM) as a forum for managing research activities and community service.
The birth of Padjadjaran University was the culmination of the intellectual movement of community life in West Java that has been pioneered by several leaders, among others Raden Dewi Sartika, Siti Jenab, Ayu Lasminingsih, K.H. Abdul Halim, and K.H. Hasan Mustafa.
Educating the nation’s desire is getting stronger when the independence of the Republic of Indonesia was proclaimed on August 17, 1945. Public figures in West Java desire hard so that the younger generation of West Java can increase their education up to college level. The existence of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) was then considered inadequate. In addition to its special education in engineering, also is considered less support education and Bandung in West Java, since the ITB is already a national college.
West Java community want to have a public university education in various fields of science. However, due to political and security situation is not conducive for the wake of the War of Independence (1945-1949), the embodiment toward the ideals that inhibited. In the 1950s the determination of community leaders in West Java to have a state university in Bandung increasingly leads to the reality, particularly after Bandung was chosen as the Asian-African Conference (KAA) on 18-24 April 1955.
On 4-7 November 1956 with the knowledge of the authorities and local government at the time, never held a Youth Congress Sunda in Bandung and attended by delegates from all the regions of West Java, including Jakarta, and also from Yogyakarta. The congress aims to find concrete and positive way to participate in solving various problems at that time raging in the Sunda, including a security breach committed by gangs Kartosuwiryo, social and economic life that very difficult, and cultural life is suppressed.
Through Decree No. 91 445 / .CIII dated September 20, 1957, the Minister of Education, Teaching and Culture to change the status and functions of the Working Committee of the State Committee for the Establishment of the State University of Padjadjaran University in Bandung became Presidium. The Presidium appointed by the President of the Republic of Indonesia on 24 September 1957 in the governorate of Bandung, which was attended by the Minister of Education, Teaching and Culture, the presidents of state universities all over Indonesia, the civil and military officials, professors and lecturers.
At its inception the University of Padjadjaran only has 4 (four) faculties, namely the Faculty of Law and Society Studies, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Medicine, and the Faculty of Education. Two faculty called first to come from the Foundation Universiitas Merdeka in Bandung; while the faculty of the latter is the embodiment of the College of Teacher Education (onset) in Bandung. The four faculties officially formation didasarkann on government regulation No. 37 of 1957 dated September 24, 1957.
In times of struggle and pioneering establishment, Padjadjaran University, led by a presidium which was appointed by the Minister of Education, Teaching and Culture. The presidium inauguration on Tuesday, September 24, 1957, located in West Java Governor, Otto Iskandar Dinata No. 1 Bandung. The Presidium consists of leaders within government and the people of West Java.
Kepemipinan Universitas Padjadjaran by Presidium lasted only one and a half months. Furthermore, on 6 November 1957 by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 154 / M dated October 1, 1957 the leadership of the University of Padjadjaran handed over to the Presidium Prof.Mr.Iwa Kusuma Sumantri who was appointed President of the University of Padjadjaran.
To smooth the task of helping with the leadership of the university, on February 20, 1958 established the Foundation Trustees of the University of Padjadjaran with Prof.Mr.Iwa chairman Kusuma Sumantri assisted by some local government officials and community leaders in West Java. The formation of this foundation was intended to provide support and assistance for the moral and material builder Padjadjaran University and a liaison between the university community.
On August 30, 1958, the government also inaugurated the Board of Curators, Padjadjaran University by the Decree of the Minister of Education, Teaching and Culture No. 8295 / S, dated August 22, 1958. The Board is responsible for assisting the government in the maintenance and development of the University of Padjadjaran. On September 18, 1960, opened the Faculty of Physical Education (FPJ) as a change from the Academy of Physical Education. In 1963-1964, FPJ and FKIP escape from Padjadjaran University and each into High School Sports and the Institute of Teacher Training & Education (Teachers’ Training College, now the University of Education Indonesia).
1961, Prof.Mr.Iwa Kusumasumantri appointed PTIP. Therefore iitu, President of the University of Padjadjaran temporarily chaired by Prof. drg. R. G. Soeria Soemantri, M.P.A., F.A.C.D., M.R.S.H. (September 1961 s.d. June 1962) by Drs. Muchtar Affandi as secretary. Furthermore Prof. drg. R. G. Soeria Soemantri inaugurated as President of the University of Padjadjaran for the period 1962-1964. The inauguration was followed also by changes in the organizational structure of the University of Padjadjaran, namely the post of Secretary I and II is converted into a president Authorization I, II and III.
Since 1963, the organization at the University of Padjadjaran changed again, the term President Padjadjaran University Padjadjaran University Rector, and the Power of the President become Vice Chancellor.
In line with the development of education / science then on September 22, 1973, the Rector / Chairman of the Senate Professor by Decree No. 30 / Kep / Universitas Padjadjaran. This policy followed by the Rector Decree No. 75 / Kep / Universitas Padjadjaran / 73 on the Structure, Organization, Powers and Procedures of the Environment, University of Padjadjaran.
In further developments the structure, organization, authority and procedure of the Universitas Padjadjaran undergone various changes and adapts to the demands of the present situation of the world of education.
Padjadjaran University has two main campuses, the Campus Iwa Koesoemasoemantri in Ukur, and Campus Jatinangor Bandung, Sumedang regency.
Contact Univeritas Padjajaran
Jalan Dipati Ukur, Bandung
Jobs Available
Universitas Padjadjaran is pleased to announce the following vacancies for immediate recruitment
Penerimaan Calon Pranata Laboratorium Pendidikan
Pegawai Universitas Padjadjaran Non Pegawai Negeri Sipil
Tahun 2016
Job Description
Education :
- Sarjana : Ners, Teknik Informatika, Biologi, Agroteknologi, Kimia, Teknologi Pangan, Teknologi Pertanian, Teknik Sipil, Geografi, Teknologi Industri Pertanian, Teknik Komputer, Farmasi, Statistik, Peternakan, Geofisika, Teknik Elektro Instrumentasi, Perikanan / Ilmu Kelautan, Teknik Geologi, Teknik Lingkungan
- D3 : Biologi, Analis Kimia
- D3 / D4 : Perawat Veteriner
General Requirements
- Indonesian Citizen (WNI).
- Maximum age of 42 years old on 30 April 2016.
- Minimum GPA of 2.75 from 4.00 scale.
- Accredited A (PTN / PTS).
- Physically and mentally healthy.
- Not under contract with another agency or outside the University of Padjadjaran.
- Have TOEFL score minimum 450.
Application should contains the below documents :
- Application letter;
- Color phptpgraph 3×4 (3 sheets);
- Copy of ID Card;
- Legalized copies of diploma and transcripts;
- Curriculum vitae (downloas here);
- Notice letter of health condition (medical certificate);
- Copy of TOEFL score.
Sites Reference
Submit Application
If you are interested to be a member of UNPAD’s big family, you could come and directly submit all required application documents above to :
Direktorat Sumber Daya Manusia Gedung Rektorat Lt 2 Universitas Padjadjaran Kampus Jatinangor (As much as 2 copies, for D3/D4 red folder and S1 green folder).
- Please submit your application before 25 May 2016.
- Your application will be treated confidentially and only short listed candidates will be followed up.
- Source
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