
Lowongan Kerja RSUD Indramayu
About Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kabupaten Indramayu (RSUD Indramayu)
Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kabupaten Indramayu – RSUD Indramayu is a technical implementation unit area government Indramayu District established since the Dutch government that the function originally used to house and care for survivors of the war, after a change in the function of the hospital shifted to hospitals that serve the outpatient and inpatient, as well as to education, both of among those who can afford and the poor people.

Since starting the establishment, location of Indramayu District Hospital is still up to now, there is only a change in the layout of the room and looked ahead. At the beginning of the establishment, RSUD Indramayu regency overlooks the river Cimanuk at that time height of the embankment Cimanuk River is higher than the location of the hospital building, in anticipation of overflow of the River Cimanuk in the rainy season, the hospital management and related elements therein especially District Government Indramayu hospital arranged for a height higher than that exceeds the Cimanuk River embankment. Thanks to the cooperation of various parties all that has been achieved, as evidenced present hospital building height exceeds height Cimanuk River embankment. Around 1981 the financial support of the Dutch Government, Indramayu regency hospitals changed from that originally overlooking the River Cimanuk revamped facing Jalan MT. Haryono. In 2002 the budget of the state budget Indramayu District Hospital then turned back toward the river Cimanuk or Cheap Way Nara No. 7 Sub District Sindang Indramayu District.
Indramayu District Hospital started up in 1917 by the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, in 1950 hospitals district belong Indramayu Indramayu District Government.
Since its establishment until now Indramayu District Hospital was led by several names head of the hospital, from 1965.
Regional General Hospital District Indramayu at its inception was a hospital that served only type D patients using the services of a general practitioner. Then after a few specialists that Surgeon, Child Specialist and Specialist Obstetrics and Gynecology hospital then status be upgraded to Type C hospitals and since 2003 to form a self-financing by PERDA No: 6 Year 2003. On January 14, 2009 Indramayu District Hospital began BLUDs implement the system in accordance with Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 61 Year 2007 on Technical Guidelines for Financial Management Public Service Board, which contains about easiness in the procurement of goods and services. On October 5, 2009 Hospital has been accredited 5 and continuing service to 12 services (in the process).
On February 21, 2011 RSUD Indramayu transformed into type B by the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia under number: HK.03.05 / i / 523/2011. On August 11, 2011 in Indramayu Hospital set into BLUDs full discretion Indramayu Regent number: 445 / Kep.180-Huk / 2011. Size Indramayu District Hospital is 21 148 m2, comprising a land area of ??12 740 m2 and a building area of ??8,408 m2.
Geographically Indramayu District Hospital is located at a strategic location, easily accessible by either car or motorcycle two but as many popping new hospital then this location needs to be reconsidered.
Contact RSUD Kabupaten Indramayu
Alamat : Jl. Murah Nara No. 7, Sindang – Indramayu
Phone: (0234) 275330 Email:
Jobs Available
Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Indramayu open career opportunities in the medical world as a civil servant or an employee Non Non Permanent Employee (PTT) with the following conditions:
- Dokter Umum
- Elektromedik
- Ahli Gizi
- Perawat
- Penata Anestesi
- Fisioterapis
- Rekam Medis
- Teknik
- Radiografer
- Asisten Apoteker
- Juru Masak
- Pemulasaraan Jenazah
Jobs Description
Requirements :
- Own hand-written cover letter addressed to the Recruitment Committee PTT Indramayu Hospital and contains the complete data includes name, gender, date of birth, complete address, phone number / HP
- Copy of diploma and transcripts legalized with the details of the S-1 / D-3 with a minimum GPA of 2.75. D3 Keperawaan with a GPA of at least 3.00 (preferably with Cumlaude GPA), high school or its equivalent and a minimum value of the average certificate 7.00 (seven point zero zero)
- Copy of certificate of police record (SKCK) is still valid and legalized
- A copy of national identity card valid ID (preferably a native of Indramayu and domiciled in Indramayu)
- Copy of health certificate and not color blind from Government Doctors were civil servants active and legalized dated 3 (three) months prior to the postmark
- The certificate of free drugs from government hospitals, dated 7 (seven) days prior to the postmark
- Copy of certificate of MMPI-2 (The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory – 2) of the government hospital legalized (special power Physicians)
- Copy of certificate of MMPI-1 (The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory – 1) from the government hospital legalized (for other health personnel and Power Engineering, Cook and undertakers)
- Registration letter (STR) to the Workers Doctors, Nurses and other Health Workers, Special to the formation Elektromedis technique and anesthesia stylist simply attach the certificate passed the competency test
- A copy of the certificate of ATLS and ACLS or the like to force General Practitioners, Nurses and Nurse Anesthesia (BTLS / PPGD) is still valid, and preferably for Power Nurses who have basic surgical care training certificate, ICU, NICU, HD, Soul and other nursing training
- Curriculum Vitae
- Pas-colored 4×6 photograph last four (4) pieces
- Letter work experience if any
- Medical Record for formation preferably have experience in hospital coding INACBGs
- 6000 sealed affidavit that the employee will not file move or resigned during the contract period of at least two years, if within that time resigned or moved, then the employee is subject to a fine of Rp, 2,500.000, – (two million five hundred thousand rupiah)
- Eligible age as follows
- S1 / Professional and D III: Minimum 18 years / maximum of 35 years per 31 december 2016
- High School education or equivalent: Minimum 18 years / maximum of 45 years as of 31 December 2016 (Special undertakers)
- Specialized nurses formation of at least 155 cm in height and 150 cm in men and women are not physically disabled
- To Nutritionist preferably experienced and have worked or are working in a hospital
- For formation cook Tata boga vocational graduates or high school equivalent certified cook (chef) and preferably experienced and have worked or are working in a hospital
- A copy of the training certificate for Power undertakers undertakers
Governing Terms files are put into folders and envelopes
- The color red: General Practitioner
- Yellow color: SI + Nursing Profession
- The blue color: D3 Nursing / other health workers
- Color Green: Power Non health (Informatics Engineering, Computer Engineering, cooks and undertakers)
The time and place of execution
1. Time
- Registration 12 to May 21, 2016 (postmark last 21 May 2016) at 19:00 pm
- Practice tests (undertakers and physiotherapy) dated 02 June 2016
- Written test dated 05 June 2016
- Final graduation announcement dated June 20, 2016
2. Place
- Testing Write: SMP Negeri 2 SMP Negeri Sindang and 3 Sindang
- Testing Practice: Room Jenzah Indramayu district hospitals and district hospitals Physiotherapy Poli Indramayu
- Closing date 21 May 2016.
- All application will kept strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
- Source
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