Lowongan Kerja PDAM Surya Sembada Kota Surabaya


PDAM Surabaya

Lowongan Kerja PDAM Surabaya

About Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Surabaya

Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum – PDAM is a locally-owned business unit, which is engaged in the distribution of clean water for the general public. PDAM contained in each province, district, and municipalities across Indonesia. PDAM is a local company as a means of water providers are supervised and monitored by the executive and legislative aparataparat area.

Water companies are managed in a modern state has existed since the Dutch colonial era in the 1920s under the name Waterleiding while the Japanese occupation of the water company named Suido Syo.

History and Status PDAM Surabaya Surya Sembada

PDAM Surabaya

PDAM status

Establishment PDAM Surabaya is a relic of the Dutch era, where the establishment of the enterprises by:

  1. Local Regulation. 7 of 1976 dated March 30, 1976
  2. Ratified by the Decree of the Governor of East Java, dated 06 November 1976 No.. II/155/76
  3. Promulgated in the Provincial Gazette of the Regional Municipality of Surabaya II 1976 series C on 23 November 1976 No.. 4 / C

History of PDAM Surabaya:

  1. 1890: Drinking water for the city of Surabaya was first taken from the water source in the village of Pasuruan Purut transported by Railways
  2. 1903: Installation of pipe Pandaan by NV. Biernie for 3 (three) years.
  3. 1906: Number of Subscribers ± 1,500 connections.
  4. 1922: IPAM Ngagel I built with a capacity of 60 l / second.
  5. 1932: The spring Umbulan enhanced its capacity by building a new pump house.
  6. 1942: Increased capacity IPAM Ngagel I be 180 liters / second
  7. 1950: Water Company submitted to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (Surabaya Municipal).
  8. 1954: Increased capacity IPAM Ngagel I be 350 l / second.
  9. 1959: Development II IPAM Ngagel capacity of 1,000 liters / second, designed and executed by Degremont Fa. (France).
  10. 1976: Water Company approved a Regional Company and set forth in Regulation No.. 7, dated March 30, 1976.
  11. 1977 Capacity building IPAM Ngagel I became 500 l / second.
  12. 1978: The transfer status of a Regional Water Company of the Office of Drinking Water by Decree No. Surabaya Mayor Dati II. 657/WK/77 dated December 30, 1977.
  13. 1980: Increased capacity to 1,000 IPAM Ngagel I l / second.
  14. 1982: Construction of IPAM Ngagal III capacity of 1,000 liters / second with a license from Neptune Microfloc (United States).
  15. 1990: Construction of IPAM Karangpilang I with a capacity of 1,000 liters / second with No. IBRD Loan funds. IND 2632.
  16. 1991: Construction of the office building located at Maj. taps. Prof. Dr.. 2 Moestopo PDAM Surabaya who funded pure.
  17. 1994: Increased capacity to 1,500 IPAM Ngagel I l / second., 1996: – Increased capacity Ngagel I IPAM to 1,800 liters / second, – Improved Karangpilang I IPAM capacity to 1,200 liters / second, – Commencement of construction of IPAM Karangpilang II with a capacity of 2,000 liters / dt. IBRD Loan No. funded. IND 3726.,
  18. 1997: – Increased capacity IPAM Ngagel III to 1,500 l / second., – Initial production of 500 l / dt IPAM Karangpilang II distributed to customers
  19. 1999: Construction of IPAM Karangpilang II with a capacity of 2,000 l / second has been completed
  20. 2001: Work Karangpilang II IPAM capacity to 2,500 liters / second begins
  21. 2005: Increased capacity IPAM Ngagel III to 1,750 l / second
  22. 2006: – Increased capacity IPAM Karangpilang I to 1,450 liters / second, – Increased capacity of IPAM Karangpilang II to 2,750 l / second
  23. 2009: Construction of IPAM Karangpilang III with a capacity of 2,000 liters / second

Contact PDAM Surabaya

Jl. Mayjend Prof. Dr. Moestopo 2 Surabaya 60131
Telephone +6231 5039373 – +6231 2926666
Faximile +6231 5030100
SMS 08123316666, 081 650 9202
e-mail : humas@pdam-sby.go.id

Jobs Available

Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum Surya Sembada Kota Surabaya, provide an opportunity for Indonesian Citizen to be prospective employees, with the required education qualifications:


Jobs Description


  • Indonesian citizens;
  • Physically and mentally healthy;
  • Never undergo criminal punishment for the crime;
  • Education have at least a Bachelor Strata 1 (S1), or equivalent;
  • The age limit of candidates for the Board of Directors who come from outside the Solar Sembada PDAM Surabaya upon appointment highest first age of 50 (fifty) years;
  • The age limit of candidates for Board of Directors from Surabaya PDAM Surya Sembada upon appointment first highest age 55 (fifty-five) years;
  • Having a work experience of 10 (ten) years in the management of those that came from taps throughout Indonesia or have work experience of at least 15 (fifteen) years in the management of a company for those who are not from taps as evidenced by a certificate (reference) of the company well before the vote;
  • Having a certificate of drinking water management training inside or abroad which has been accredited or make a statement stamped 6000, unable to meet the requirement of having the training certificate if elected as a member of the Board of Directors.
  • Creating and presenting proposals regarding the vision and mission of taps;
  • Willing to work full-time and not working in companies outside taps;
  • Unbound family relationship with the Regional Head or Deputy Head of Surabaya PDAM Surya or the Supervisory Board or Board of Directors Sembada Surabaya PDAM Surabaya Surya Sembada more to the third degree vertically or laterally including the son and brother;
  • Pass the fit and proper test conducted by a team of experts appointed by the Regional Head of Surabaya.

Terms of application file

  1. Recent color photographs size 4 x 6 (2 sheets), is written the name of the participant on the back of the photograph;
  2. ID Card Copy is masihberlaku;
  3. Job application letter as Position Managing Director or Director of Operations;
  4. Vitae, equipped with a mobile phone number and email;
  5. Copy of last diploma which has been legalized;
  6. Copy Police Notes (SKCK) is still valid and has been legalized;
  7. Certificate of physical and spiritual health of the Government Hospital.
  8. The certificate (reference) from the previous company with good ratings;
  9. Copy of certificate of passing water management training inside or abroad which has been accredited or waiver stamped 6000 unable to meet the requirement to have a certificate of management of drinking water if elected to the Board of Directors.
  10. Affidavit stating that (sample affidavit attached on the source page):
  11. Never undergo criminal punishment for the crime;
  12. Willing to work full-time and not working in companies outside taps;
  13. Unbound family relationship with the Regional Head or Deputy Head of Surabaya PDAM Surya or the Supervisory Board or Board of Directors Sembada Surabaya PDAM Surabaya Surya Sembada more to the third degree vertically or laterally including the son and brother;
  14. If the documents and information that I have provided is incorrect, I am willing to be canceled / aborted or canceled the recruitment process and the Decree of my appointment as Director of PDAM Surabaya Surya Sembada, and processed in accordance with the provisions of the criminal law.

Sites Reference

  1. www.pdam-sby.go.id

Submit Application

For those who are interested and meet the requirements, then please file an application delivered through the mail addressed to :

JL. Mayjend. Prof. Dr. Moestopo 2 Surabaya 60131


  • Each applicant is allowed to submit only one application file for only one position is the Managing Director or Director of Operations .;
  • Application delivery no later than December 31, 2016 (postmark).
  • Supervisory Board of Solar Sembada PDAM Surabaya City only received the application file submitted by the above address;
  • Application files neatly arranged in the order in a sealed envelope and on the top right corner of the written application code (code that is in the desired position);
  • Application file that do not meet the above requirements will not be processed;
  • Application file that has been accepted by the Supervisory Board of Solar Sembada PDAM Surabaya City can not be held back by the applicants.
  • Source

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