
Lowongan Kerja PDAM Pekalongan
About Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM Kota Pekalongan)
Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum – PDAM Kota Pekalongan is one of the BUMD owned by the Government of Pekalongan City that serves the community in the field of drinking water supply. SPAM Pekalongan City was originally built in the Dutch era around 1930, using raw water from Rogoselo Springs, so its management by the Dutch government until about 1941, which was later taken over by Japan and then after independence managed by the Sub-Manpower Office of Sub Bag Air Drinking Water.

Entering the Government of the Republic of Indonesia PDAM became part of the Public Works Department, sub-section of drinking water (SAM) until the enactment of Law no. 5/1974 on the Principles of Governance in the Region. Here are the rules that underlie PDAM Establishment:
- Law No.5 / 1962 jo. Law No.6 / 1969 on Regional Companies
- UU no. 5/1974 on the Principles of Governance in the Region
- Perda Kotamadya Dati II Pekl. No.3 / 1975 jo. Perda Kotamadya Dati II Pekl. No.7 / 1990 on Establishment of PDAM Municipality Dati II Pekl.
- Perda Kotamadya Dati II Pekl. No.8 / 1990 on Principles of Supervisory Board, Board of Directors and Personnel of PDAM Municipality Dati II Pekl.
- Decision of Mayor of Pekl. No. 061.1 / 425 th. 2008 on the inauguration of SK. Director of PDAM Kota Pekl. No.800.6 / 001/2008 on SOT Determination of PDAM Kota Pekalongan.
Pekalongan City is one of the central economic growth centers in Central Java bordering the Java Sea in the north, Batang regency in the east, and Pekalongan regency in the south and west. Pekalongan consists of 4 districts, namely West Pekalongan, North Pekalongan, East Pekalongan, and South Pekalongan.
The city is located on the Pantura line connecting Jakarta-Semarang-Surabaya. Pekalongan is 101 km west of Semarang, or 384 km east of Jakarta. Pekalongan known as batik city nickname, because Pekalongan batik has a distinctive and varied style. Pekalongan City entered the creative city network UNESCO in the category of crafts & folk art in December 2014 and has a city branding World’s city of Batik.
Transportation in this city was already quite developed, because there are large terminals, stations, and taxis. Pekalongan typical food is megono, which is sliced ??jackfruit mixed with chilli spices. These foods are generally served when it is hot and mixed with petai and grilled fish as an additional menu.
Pekalongan City is famous for its religious nuance because the majority of its population embrace Islam. There are some custom traditions in Pekalongan that are not found in other areas such as: syawalan, alms earth, and so forth. Syawalan is a celebration of seven days after Lebaran and is now enlivened by giant lopis cuts that break the MURI record by the mayor to be distributed to the visitors.
Contact PDAM Kota Pekalongan
Jl. Pembangunan No. 1, 51141, Pekalongan, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
(0285) 421 558 / (0285) 432 009
Website :
Jobs Available
PDAM Kota Pekalongan is looking for talented people and the best candidates to join as positions below:
- Rekrutmen Calon Pegawai PDAM Kota Pekalongan
Education / Majors:
- D3 / S1 Teknik Sipil
- D3 / S1 Teknik Lingkungan
- D3 / S1 Ekonomi AKuntansi/ Manajemen (berpengalaman di bidang perpajakan)
- S1 Hukum (pengalaman di bidang HRD/Personalia)
Jobs Description
- Indonesian citizen (WNI)
- Not married / married
- Minimum age of 20 years and maximum 30 years counted as of August 2017
- Minimum GPA 3.0 from 4.0
- The experience of working 2 years in the field is evidenced by a letter of work experience
- Good personality and never sentenced to jail / confinement
- Not being an employee of any agency and not attending formal / nonformal education
- Physically and mentally healthy
The completeness of document :
- Application letter addressed to: Director of PDAM Pekalongan c.q. General & Personnel Section
- CVs (CV)
- Photocopy of birth certificate
- Photocopy of the last diploma / certificate of passing legalized
- Photocopy of legalized transcripts
- Photocopy of EKTP / EKTP Description in Pekalongan City Process
- Healthy Certificate from the hospital
- Pas recent photo 4 × 6 2 sheets
- SKCK from the police
- Drug-free certificate (required after passing the selection test)
Sites Reference
Submit Application
For those who are interested and meet the requirements, then please send your complete application file by post to:
- Closing date : 2 August 2017
- All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
- Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
- Source
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