Lowongan Kerja PDAM Jambi


PDAM Jambi

Lowongan Kerja PDAM Kota Jambi

About PDAM Tirta Mayang Kota Jambi

PDAM Tirta Mayang Kota Jambi is a Regional-Owned Enterprises (enterprises) formed by Mayors Jambi 25 / X / 1974 Date March 27, 1974 and the Regulation of Urban Jambi 7 Year 1974 Date July 31, 1974, which was amended twice and the latter by Regulation Jambi city No.9.

PDAM Jambi

PDAM Tirta Mayang Jambi City carries on business in the distribution of clean water to the general public who supervised and monitored by officers of executive and legislative area and taps contained in each of the provinces, districts and municipalities across Indonesia.

Implementation of piped drinking water supply in the city of Jambi started since the days of the Dutch East Indies government in 1928. Year Staadfonds or city government in that time establishing waterleiding Bedrijf with a capacity of 7 liters / sec, then the Mayor decree Level II Regional Head of Jambi No. 25 / X / 1974 dated March 27, 1974 is set to be the Regional Water Company.

Year 1997 – 1998, Project collaboration / partnership taps with the Private Sector to develop drinking water supply system in the Western District of the city of Jambi especially Telanaipura and Kotabaru to build IPA Aur Duri capacity of 100 liters / second and the main pipeline distribution network.

Year 1997 – 2000, Project Sumatra Urban Development Sector Project (SUDSP) rehabilitate and increase the capacity of IPA Broni to 600 liters / sec, and the construction of 750 m3 capacity reservoir located on Jl. M. Strong District of New Town.

In 2005, Development Booster Pump Capacity 10 liters / sec located in Seberang Kota Jambi Tanjung Pasir is intended to improve water distribution to customers in the District of Bay Lake and District Pelayangan.

In 2006, the construction of Main Pipe in Seberang Kota Jambi and Kotabaru (Mayang area Parse) through the help of the project budget 2006 Jambi City Jambi intended to improve performance and develop water supply services.

In 2007, construction of 500 m3 capacity reservoir on the location of Mayang Parse intended to improve and expand the network in the Regional District of New Town.

In 2009, Development Reservoir with a capacity of 150 M3

In 2013, Development and IPA Intake Sijinjang Tanjung Sari with a capacity of 100 liters / sec.


Jln. Slamet Riyadi, Broni. Kota Jambi, Kode Pos 36121
Telp. 0741-7550122, 7550126. Fax. 0741 – 22031
Humas: humas@pdamtirtamayang.com
Sekretaris: sekretaris@pdamtirtamayang.com
Website : www.pdamtirtamayang.com

Jobs Available

PDAM Kota Jambi is seeking the best candidates to join as position below :

  • Rekrutmen Calon Pegawai PDAM Tirta Mayang Kota Jambi

Job Description

Requirements :

  • Male, max 25 years old
  • Not married
  • IPK Min 2.8
  • Education :
    1. D-3 Teknik Lingkungan
    2. D-3 Sipil
    3. D-3 Teknik Kimia
    4. D-3 Teknik Elektro
    5. D-3 Akuntansi
    6. D-3 Manajemen Informatika

Sites Reference

  1. www.pdamtirtamayang.com

Submit Application

Please submit your application by send to :

  1. Apply_1


  1. Apply_2


  1. Apply_3

Notes :

  • Closing date : 17 March 2016.
  • Only candidates that meet the above qualification will be shortlisted.
  • Source

Lowongan Kerja PDAM Kota Jambi brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn.com