Lowongan Kerja RSUP Persahabatan
About Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Persahabatan
Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Persahabatan – RSUP Persahabatan is a Government General Hospital Class A located in East Jakarta, precisely on Jalan Raya Friendship. Currently the department of Friendship has a capacity of 600 beds, is accredited for 16 fields of health care, and a referral hospitals (top referral) to national health problems respiration.
The existence of the General Hospital Center (Dr) Friendship standing in one of the green area (catchment area) capital Jakarta is actually started since the end of the era of Sukarno government. In the period around 1960-1965, Indonesia has extensive bilateral relations with the countries of the Eastern Bloc, one with the biggest that the Russian State. As part of the relations between the two countries at that time were closely; Russian Government to provide assistance and cooperation in many areas, one of which was to establish a hospital in East Jakarta area known as the Hospital (RS) Friendship. The name “friendship” was chosen symbolically to describe the intimate relationship between the two countries at that time.
If we go back to see the history of the National, at the beginning of 1960 President Sukarno began using the slogan Nasakom (Nationalism, Religion, Communism). Since it began the era of communism openly and recognition as one of the familiar and the official ideology in Indonesia. Russian President Nikita Khrushchev in the same year visiting Jakarta, which was then reciprocated General Nasution visit to Russia in late 1960. Shortly after the exchange of the visit, Russia began to disburse aid in a very large amount of time to Indonesia, most of which are actually used in the military field to confront the remnants of PRRI, Permesta, Darul Islam in Sumatra, Sulawesi and Java, start Trikora operation to take back the West Irian, and then the confrontation with Malaysia. Most of the Russian aid funds are also used to establish the National Monument (Monas); one of the relics to the Indonesian President Sukarno very famous.
Development department of Friendship in Rawamangun, East Jakarta, starting in 1961, running for three years, and chaired by Russian engineers. Hospital handover formally by the Russian Government to the Government of Indonesia conducted on November 7, 1963. This date was later known as the anniversary of the Friendship Hospital, which was officially celebrated every year with the presence of representatives of the Indonesian government (usually the Ministry of Health), representatives of several countries a friend of Indonesia, and of course the presence of the Russian government (representatives of the Russian Embassy) as a permanent guest.
After the official submission in 1963 to the present department of Friendship undergone various developments in terms of the more modern repair facility and increase its function as a center for health care, which is now recognized and to be the best hospital in the health services in the field of respiration (breathing) in Indonesia. We can divide the growth and development of the General Hospital Friendship into six periods, as follows:
Period I (1963 – 1975
In this early period Friendship Hospital is a hospital branch (satellite) from Dr Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM). Medical personnel who work at the Friendship Hospital during this period consisted of a qualified doctor (specialist) doctors and assistants of RSCM-FKUI and specialists from Russia. After the events G30SPKI, at the discretion of the New Order, all experts from Russian doctors returned to his country.
Therefore RSCM a teaching hospital of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (Faculty), it automatically becomes the Friendship Hospital School of Medicine teaching hospital which is actually the best medical faculty in Indonesia. This causes the majority of physicians who then worked at the Friendship Hospital until now is the best graduates in their respective fields.
Period II (1975 – 1992
The period 1975-1992 is characterized by a change in “status” hospital Friendship Hospital became independent, separated from RSCM, and later became a general hospital (RSU) class B-3 area of ??East Jakarta. Nevertheless, Friendship Hospital remains one of the teaching hospitals of Medicine, apart from the already independent status.
Most doctors, who was coming RSCM, then specialize, explore, and develop the branch of medical science in the field of respiration (respiratory organs and systems) – such as pulmonology, thoracic surgery, respiratory pathology, radiology respiration etc. – Finally able to make Friendship Hospital as into national referral hospital for lung disease. Not only at the national level, even WHO provides international recognition for achievements doctors with a pin Friendship Hospital Germs Tuberculosis Laboratory certification Friendship Hospital as one of the “Collaborating Centre” WHO important.
Period III (1992 – 2002)
RSU Friendship Hospital set to become Swadana since September 2, 1992 with the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 747 / Men.Kes / SK / IX / 1992.
1997 RSU Friendship obtain full accreditation from the Ministry of Health for 5 activities through 7 standard hospital services. In this period MOH began directing and set the Friendship Hospital as the hospital develops medical science in the field of respiration and referral hospitals (nationwide) for respiratory health.
Period IV (2002 – 2005)
2002 by Government Regulation No. 118 of 2000 on the Establishment of Public Service Agency, RSU status Friendship turned into a departmental agency. In 2005 the department of Friendship has passed the accreditation of the Ministry of Health for 16 standard hospital care.
Period V (2005 – 2011)
In 2005 the Regulation of the Minister of Health, number: 1679 / Menkes / Per / XII / 2005 concerning Organization and Work Procedure General Hospital Friendship, said that the Friendship Hospital is a Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) in the Ministry of Health under and accountable to the General of Medical Services. The pattern of financial management is the Public Service Agency (BLU), which is subordinate and accountable to the Ministry of Finance.
Period VI (2011 – Present)
As of March 3, 2011 there was an increase of classes and functions into a hospital department of Friendship Class A because of the assessment carried the Health Ministry said that “… the facilities and capabilities General Hospital has met the requirements and the ability to serve as General Hospital Class A. “, based on the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 514 / Menkes / SK / III / 2011. It is not only a recognition and appreciation of the ability of health care provided Friendship Hospital, but also an increase in the burden of responsibility to the community to continue to provide the highest level of health care in referral hospitals class scale in Indonesia.
Contact RSUP Persahabatan
Jl. Persahabatan Raya No.1 Jakarta Timur 13230
Telp. (021) 4891708, 4891745
Fax. (021) 4711222, 4890778.
Jobs Available
In order to meet the needs of workers and improved quality of care at the RSUP Persahabatan required:
Perawat :
- Ners (15 orang)
- D-III Perawat Umum (35 orang)
Jobs Description
General Requirements;
- Indonesian citizen (WNI)
- Capable and able to work in a team.
- Experienced / inexperienced.
- Maximum age 35 years.
- Not under contract with government and private agencies.
- Good character (includes a copy of Police Notes)
- Physical and Spiritual Health (original health certificate includes a doctor).
- Willing to work full time and shift, as well as willing to work as servants Non-civil department of Persahabatan and does not demand to be appointed as a permanent employee or civil servant.
Documents Required:
- Cover letter, written on paper stamped Rp. 6000, –
- Curriculum Vitae
- Copy of diploma and transcripts that have been legalized with a minimum GPA
- State Educational Institution: 2.75
- Private Educational Institutions: 3.00 (Minimal Accreditation B, to include copy / accreditation)
- Copy of Certificate of Registration (STR) which has been legalized.
- A copy of the certificate of professional training
- Copy of Police Notes (SKCK) have legalized
- Original Health Certificate from the Doctor.
- Recent photograph color, size 3 x 4 cm 2 pieces
- A copy of the certificate of work experience of old work place (for those who have work experience)
Sites Reference
Submit Application
For those who are interested and meet the requirements, then please register on the following conditions:
- Handwritten letter of request addressed to: Director of the department of Persahabatan.
- Before being sent to be examined reset all file completeness according to the requirements because there is no mechanism complete the file that has been collected.
- Files that are complete put in a brown envelope (by writing a “letter of application nurse” the upper right corner of the envelope) and addressed to the Director of the department of Persahabatan with the address PO Box 0007, Jakarta 13000 housed the Post Office, East Jakarta, or Jl Persahabatan Raya No. 1, Jakarta Timur (Part SDM).
Notes :
- Closing date : 25 April 2017.
- All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
- Only short listed candidates will be notified.
- Source
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