Penerimaan Non CPNS Universitas Tidar Magelang
About Universitas Tidar Magelang (Untidar)
Universitas Tidar – Untidar is a public university located in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. At the time of its founding, UNTIDAR consists of five faculty who oversees seven departments of the Faculty of Economics, Department of Public Economics; Faculty of Arts and Culture of the Department of English; Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Civil Engineering; Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Education Expert Farming; and the Faculty of the Department of State Administration STIR. One year later, the Faculty of Literature and Culture transformed into the Faculty of Education and evolved into two departments, the Department of Education English Language and Literature and Education of Indonesia.
On January 22, 1981, UNTIDAR obtain registered status for the Bachelor level for all majors with the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. Registered status is updated by the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia number 03950/1984 dated August 24, 1984 on the adjustment path and the level of education programs with the following details S1 level educational program consists of the Faculty of Economics, Department of Economics and Development Studies, the Faculty Education, Department of Language Education and Arts consisting of Language and Literature Studies Program Indonesian and English Language Study Program, Faculty of Engineering consists of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Civil Engineering, FakultasPertanian, Cultivation Department of Agriculture, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences , Department of Administration, Department of Public Administration. As for the level of education programs DIII the Faculty of Education, Department of Language Education and Arts, Department of Language and Literature Education of Indonesia. By the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 03890/1986 dated May 22, 1986, set the status of enrolled at the undergraduate level. By the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture number 02880/1989 dated March 15, 1989, Faculty of Economics set the status acknowledged.
The emergence of trends organizing short courses for personnel ready to work to encourage UNTIDAR open for Accounting Diploma program at the Faculty of Economics and Mechanical Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering in Automotive, 1999. However, by the end of 2004, Civil Engineering Diploma program was closed due to declining interest. Since 1998, the entire course organized UNTIDAR have earned accredited status from the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN-PT). Accreditation is an independent form of guarantee for the fulfillment of the quality standards of higher education institutions implemented to protect the public service users. Entire course also mendakan operating permit, meaning that the entire course getting legality providing education from the government (Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia).
University Tidar Magelang (UNTIDAR) headed by a rector and assisted by three vice-chancellor, the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Vice Rector II for Administration, and Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs III. Rector is responsible for the development UNTIDAR (academically) and smooth operation of teaching and learning both in the classroom and outside the classroom. Structurally rector responsible for Higher Education Foundation Tidar Borobudur. Higher Education Foundation Tidar Borobudur is a foundation that owns and manages UNTIDAR.
University Tidar Magelang (UNTIDAR) has several facilities and student activity unit (SMEs). That lecture rooms: 32 rooms, Library: 576 m2 area of ??the room, a collection of 8214 titles, 23 628 copies, Laboratory: Basic Physics, CNC, Cad Cam, Technology Mechanics, Hydraulics, Fluid Mechanics, Soil Mechanics, Building Materials, Measure Soil Science, Electronics , Measurement, Installation, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Association, Experimental Farm, Pests and Diseases, Soil, Plant, Language, Computer Accounting, Computer Service Center and Development, Research Institute: Institute for Research and Community Service (Penenlitian Center and the Center for Community Service ), Student Activity: regiment, Mapala, Ukai, SMEC, BEM, Choir, Art Workshop, Other facilities: sports courts (volleyball, football, Merpati Putih, badminton), Cooperative Student Health Clinic, Mosque, Banks, Diner Campus.
Currently Tidar University Magelang amended by the Private Higher Education Coordinating (Kopertis) Region VI Central Java HAS changed its status to state universities (PTN)
Contact Universitas Tidar
Jl. Kapten S. Parman 39 Potrobangsan
Magelang Utara, Jateng 56116
(0293)364113, (0293)362438
Jobs Available
Universitas Tidar Magelang invites qualified candidates to fullfill the position as follows :
- Tenaga Kependidikan (Penyusun,Pengadministrasi, Pengolah, dan PenataDokumen)
- Tenaga Kependidikan (Pustakawan,Pengolah Pustaka Elektronik, danPetugas Perpustakaan)
- Pengemudi
- Satpam
Jobs Description
Tenaga Kependidikan (Penyusun, Pengadministrasi, Pengolah, dan Penata Dokumen)
- D3/S1 from all disciplines.
- Have an outstanding academic record with minimum GPA of 3.00 (preferred).
- 20 positions available.
Tenaga Kependidikan (Pustakawan, Pengolah Pustaka Elektronik, dan Petugas Perpustakaan)
- D3/S1 majoring in Library.
- Have an outstanding academic record with minimum GPA of 3.00 (preferred).
- 5 positions available.
- SMA/SMK or equivalent.
- Have driving license class B1 (SIM B1).
- 7 positions available.
- SMA/SMK or equivalent.
- Have security certificate.
- 3 positions available.
General Requirements
- Indonesian citizens;
- Fear of God Almighty;
- At least 21 (twenty-one) years and a maximum of 35 (thirty-five) years of age on 1 April 2016;
- Have required competence;
- Have a good health (spiritual and physical) and drug-free;
- Well-behaved and never sentenced to imprisonment or confinement under a court decision has binding legal force;
- Never be dismissed with respect not his own request or with respect as PNS / Member of TNI / Police / Private Employees;
- Not being bound by contract with the agency / institution;
- Not demanding to be appointed as CPNS / PNS.
Application documents are arranged in the following order:
- Application letter, addressed to the Rector of the University Tidar;
- Copy of valid ID Card (KTP);
- Recent photograph size 4 x 6 cm (2 sheets);
- Legalized copy of diploma and transcripts for D3/S1
- Legalized copy of diploma and UAN for SMA/SMK;
- Copy of SIM B1 for Pengemudi;
- Copy of Security certificate for Satpam;
- Other relevant certificates or documents to support the application.
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Should you are interested and qualified, please send all required documents above to :
Bagian Kepegawaian / Personalia Universitas Tidar
Jl. Kapten Suparman 39 Magelang 56116.
- Closing date 29 April 2016.
- All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
- Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
- Source
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