Lowongan Kerja Non CPNS RSUD Sragen


RSUD Sragen

Lowongan Kerja BLUD RSUD Sragen

About RSUD Soehadi Prijonegoro Kab. Sragen – RSUD Sragen

RSUD Soehadi Prijonegoro Kab. Sragen – RSUD Sragen is a State Hospital is located in Sragen, Central Java. Founded in 1958 by classification type D then 1995 Hospital Prijonegoro Kab.Sragen Soehadi develop into type C contained in Sragen Regent Decree No. 445/461/011/1995 and in 1999 RSU become self-financing C contained in Regulation No. 7 of 1999. And now Soehadi prijonegoro Sragen District Hospital has become a hospital type B.

RSUD Sragen

Until now Soehadi Prijonegoro Sragen District Hospital became the hospital of choice and have had patients from various regions around Sragen as Ngawi in East Java, Grobogan, karanganyar and Sragen own community in general. Soehadi Prijonegoro Sragen District Hospital in addition to providing individual patient care serving patients also employees of the company and the client’s insurance company.

In order to meet the needs and expectations of patients, hospitals Soehadi Projonegoro Sragen (RSSP Sragen) continue to develop seed Service Center / Center of Excellence and Diagnostic Center, complete with the latest medical equipment to support the diagnosis of disease complete and accurate.

As an organization that is always ready to face changes in the hospital Soehadi Projonegoro Sragen seeks to construct a solid foundation for the changes that occur can be measured and controlled, with a spirit of cooperation and the sincere devotion of all participants of the meeting the preparation of the basics of service in meeting rooms Hospital Soehadi Projonegoro Sragen comfortable and full of intimacy on November 14, 2007 has approved a Hospital Care Basics Sragen, which God willing will be building a strong foundation Quality Culture Sragen District Hospital. The basics of this service include the Vision & Mission, PHILOSOPHY, Motto, Basic Beliefs, Values ??and Cultural Basis of labor itself.

Contact RSUD Sragen
Jl. Sukowati 534 Sragen Jawa Tengah – Indonesia 57272
Telepon : +62-271 891-068 (Informasi) +62-271 882-1000
Email : rsudsragen1958@gmail.com

Jobs Available

RSUD Sragen is seeknig the best Indonesia people to join as :

  1. Apoteker (Kode : APT)
  2. Tenaga Teknis Kefarmasian (Asisten Apoteker) (Kode : TTK)
  3. Nutrisionis dan atau Dietisien (Ahli Gizi) (Kode : GZ)
  4. a. Perawat (ICU-ICCU) (Kode : Prwt-I)
  5. b. Perawat ( Bedah ) (Kode : Prwt-B)
  6. c. Perawat dan atau Penata Anestesi (Kode : Prwt-An)
  7. d. Perawat (Hemodialisa) (Kode : Prwt-HD)
  8. e. Perawat (Kode : Prwt)
  9. Bidan (Kode : Bdn)
  10. Ahli Teknologi Laboratorium Medik (Analis Kesehatan) (Kode : Lab)
  11. Perekam Medis dan Informasi Kesehatan (Rekam Medis) (Kode : RM)
  12. Radiografer (Kode : Rad)

Jobs Description

General requirement:

  • Citizens of the Republic of Indonesia;
  • On January 1, 2016 the highest age of 30 (thirty) years for education Diploma and the highest 35 (thirty-five) years for education Strata I;
  • Have the educational qualifications, skills, expertise and skills required;
  • Never been sentenced to imprisonment or confinement by Order of the Court who already have permanent legal force, because of a criminal act;
  • Never involved in an activity / movement against Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the State and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia;
  • Never dismissed with respect not his own request or not with respect as a civil servant / members of the TNI / police or dishonorably dismissed as private employees;
  • Good character as evidenced by Police Notes (SKCK) of Police (Police) local.

Special Requirements:

  • Photocopy of diploma and transcripts for graduates D. III / S.1 with the criteria of a minimum GPA of 2.75 (two point seven five).
  • All applicants must attach the original certificate of healthy body of the government hospital or health center.
  • Applicants for the post of nurses, midwives, pharmacists, technical personnel pharmacy (chemist’s assistant), nutritionist or dietisien (nutritionist), recording medical and health information, Expert Technology Medical Laboratory must attach a Registration Certificate or Certificate of competency (serkom) and proof of filing / processing of Certificate of Registration of Health Workers Provincial Assembly or of Educational Institutions.
  • Preferably the whole formation can operationalize the computer.

Documents required :

  1. Cover letter should write complete data as follows:
    • a. Full name;
    • b. Gender;
    • c. Education;
    • d. Date of birth;
    • e. Full address (street, hamlet / village, RT / RW, village, district / city and province);
    • f. And home phone number or HP;
    • g. Outlines the types of formation proposed.
  2. Administrative records that do not / incomplete or do not meet the requirements did not pass the administration and the committee did not receive supplementary completeness.
  3. Applicants must come in and submit the application file itself.
  4. Applicants who meet the administrative requirements to be set by the Procurement Committee Employees Not PNS dr Soehadi Prijonegoro and given the number selection.
  5. Provisions concerning legalisasir diploma is as follows:
    • a. University / institute: Rector / Dean / Vice Dean for Academic Affairs
    • b. High School: Chairman / Vice / Chairman of Academic Affairs
    • c. Academy / Polytechnic: Director / Director of Academic maid
    • d. Education diplomas from abroad need to be attached to equal recognition determination letter from the minister responsible in the field of education as assessed in advance by the foreign diploma assessment team at the Directorate General of Higher Education.
    • e. Higher education diploma is a diploma from an accredited college of at least B (Good).
    • f. Diploma Colleges that have not been accredited prior to the enactment of the National Education Minister Decree No. 184 // 2001 on 23 November 2001 should be approved by the local Kopertis.
    • g. A data error or damage the diploma must be accompanied by a Certificate of Correction of Principal known by the Head of District Education City where the issuance of a diploma.
    • h. Diploma missing must be accompanied by a Certificate in Lieu of known diploma from Principal Chief of the District Education Office / town where the publication of a diploma along with a list value of a diploma missing.

Sites Reference

  1. www.rsspsragen.com

Submit Application

  1. Registration begins January 28 till January 30, 2016 on working days and hours with the following provisions:
    • a. Thursday: At 08.00 am s.d 13:00 pm
    • b. Friday: At 08.00 am s.d 11:00 pm
    • c. Saturday: At 08.00 am s.d 12.00
  2. Registration is only carried out directly in dr. Soehadi Prijonegoro and not by post / Mailbox / Other packages.
  3. Applicants must come in person to bring and submit the file as follows:
    • a. 4×6 color photograph number 2 (two) pieces and 3×4 number two (2) pieces of colored and written names of participants disebaliknya;
    • b. A cover letter addressed to the Director dr. Soehadi Prijonegoro, handwritten / printed, black ink, signed, Indonesian language;
    • c. Photocopy of the last diploma and transcripts corresponding formations that have been certified by the competent authority;
    • d. Photocopy of ID enlarged to 200%;
    • e. CV (Curriculum Vitae) and signed by the participants;
    • f. Photocopy of Police Notes (SKCK) of Police are still valid and legalized;
    • g. Healthy body Original Certificate signed by a government doctor of the government hospital or health center;
    • h. Photocopy of STR (Certificate of Registration) which legalized or mail proof of the nomination process and the STR legalized certificate of competency for health workers (nurses, midwives, pharmacists, pharmaceutical technical personnel (assistant pharmacist), nutritionist or dietisien (nutritionist).
    • i. 6000 affidavit stamped in a sheet on (can be downloaded at http://rsspsragen.com/):
      • 1) Never engage in an activity / movement against Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the State and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia;
      • 2) Never sanctioned by imprisonment or confinement Court decision that already has permanent legal force for committing a crime;
      • 3) Never dishonorably discharged as a government employee, temporary employee, or as private employees;
      • 4) Never consume / use of narcotics, psychotropic substances, precursors and other additives.
      • 5) Willing to do medical tests and examinations in hospitals dr.Soehadi Prijonegoro drugs at their own expense and be willing to accept the results of the Health Test when it is based on these results can not be accepted as an employee is not a civil servant.
    • j. Photocopy of certificate or a certificate of work experience (if any);
    • k. Photocopy of certificate of training / courses (if any);
    • l. Participants are eligible for selection is that participants who pass the administration and has submitted a letter of application;
  4. All files are arranged as in the sequence above and included in the binder with the formation of the proposed code list at the top right corner with the following conditions:
    • a. Formation Nurse: Map Color Yellow
    • b. Formation Midwives: Map Color Red
    • c. Formation Assistant Pharmacist and Pharmacist, nutritionist or dietisien: Map Color Blue
    • d. Formation technologist, Medical Record and Health Analyst: Map Color Green
  5. On the outer side of the map was written the name of the participants concerned with the letter and the formation of the desired beam.
  6. Procurement Committee Employees not civil servants are not accepting applications beyond schedule and formations that have been determined.


  • Registration will close on January 30, 2016 12:00 pm.
  • The whole process of procurement of civil servants is not free of corruption, collusion and nepotism
  • Procurement process of non-civil servants is no fee unless specifically for the implementation of the Health and inspection Drug Tests charged to participants who have already qualified earlier stage.
  • Health tests and examinations as a candidate drug can abort Employees not civil servants if the participant is not free of drugs and or have other illnesses that can not be considered to perform the job well.
  • The test results of health and psycho become the property of the committee.
  • For Applicants convicted perjokian and or giving false information stated Not Passed / Autumn and will be prosecuted in accordance with applicable regulations.
  • All the documents that have been submitted become the property of the Committee and is not refundable.
  • All Applicants are prohibited from engaging in correspondence with the entire committee.
  • Source

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