Lowongan Kerja Non CPNS Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan



Lowongan Kerja Penyuluh Perikanan Bantu

About Kementerian Kelautan, dan Perikanan (KKP)

Kementerian Kelautan, dan Perikanan – KKP is the Indonesian government ministries in charge of maritime affairs and fisheries. Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries is headed by a Minister of Marine and Fisheries, which was first held by Sarwono Kusumaatmadja and since October 27th, 2014 chaired by Susi Pudjiastuti.

Since the reform era in Indonesian politics, since it is also a fundamental change in the life growing in almost all the life of nation and state. Such as the outbreak of various crises that hit the Republic of Indonesia. One is related to the Development Orientation. The days of the New Order, the orientation of development is still concentrated in the mainland.


The marine sector can be said to be nearly untouched, despite the fact that marine resources and fisheries owned by Indonesia is very diverse, both types, and potential. The resource potential is composed of renewable resources, such as fisheries resources, both capture fisheries and aquaculture, and coastal, non-conventional energy, and energy and non-renewable resources such as oil resources, and natural gas, and various types of minerals. In addition to these two types of resources, there is also a wide variety of ocean environmental services that can be developed for the development of marine and fisheries as marine tourism, maritime industry, transport, and so on. Surely this is what underlies President Abdurrahman Wahid by Presidential Decree 355 / M of 1999 dated October 26, 1999 in the Cabinet of 1999-2004 raised Ir. Sarwono Kusumaatmadja as Minister for Exploration of the Sea.

The next appointment was followed by the establishment of the Department of Exploration of the Sea (DEL) and the details of the task, and function through Presidential Decree No. 136 of 1999 dated 10 November 1999 on the Status, Tasks, Functions, Organizational Structure and Work Procedure of the Department. It turns out the use of nomenclature DEL did not last long because it is based on the proposed Parliament and various stakeholders, has made changes to the mention of the Minister of Exploration of the Sea Exploration of the Sea Minister and Fisheries under Presidential Decree No. 145 of 1999 dated December 1, 1999. This change followed by replacement nomenclature DEL become Exploration Department of Marine and Fisheries (Delp) through Presidential Decree No. 147 of 1999 dated December 1, 1999.

In a further development, there has been a reshuffle cabinet after the Annual Session in 2000, and a change in nomenclature Delp to the Department of Marine and Fisheries (DKP) in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 165 of 2000 on 23 November 2000 on the status, tasks, functions, powers, Organizational Structure and Administration of the Ministry.

Later transformed into the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 47 of 2009 on the Establishment and Organization of the Ministry of State, the Nomenclature Department of Marine and Fisheries into the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Extension Center (Pusluh KP) is a unit of the Agency for Human Resources Development of Marine and Fisheries based on the Regulation of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries No. Per.15 / Men / 2010 dated August 6, 2010 on the Organization and Administration of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.

Job and function

  1. Carrying out the preparation formulation of policies and programs, as well as carry out the preparation of guidelines, standards, guidance, monitoring, and evaluation of the implementation procedures, the need for education, development and institution building, energy, organization of counseling, institutions, and extension workers in the field of maritime affairs and fisheries. In carrying out the tasks referred, KP Pusluh the following functions:
  2. Assessment and preparation of materials policy formulation, planning, educational programs in the field of marine and fisheries;
  3. Implementation of the joint development of education in the field of marine and fisheries;
  4. Implementation of the development of guidelines, standards and implementation guidance counseling system as well as the preparation of education needs in the field of marine and fisheries;
  5. Implementation of development and institution building, energy extension, matter, means, methods, and systems implementation counseling in the field of marine and fisheries;
  6. Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation and results prnyuluhan in the field of fisheries; and
  7. Management of administrative affairs and household Counseling Center of Marine and Fisheries

Contact Pusat Penyuluhan Kelautan dan Perikanan

Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan
Jalan Merdeka Timur No. 16
Gedung Mina Bahari III, Lt. 6
Jakarta Pusat, Kode Pos 10110
Telepon : +6221-3513300, +6221-3513255
Fax : 021-3513328
E-mail : pusluhkp@kkp.go.id

Jobs Available

Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan Republik Indonesia through Pusat Penyuluhan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Kelautan dan Perikanan – Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Kelautan dan Perikanan (BPSDMP KP) currently seeking an exceptional individual to fill the following positions :

Rekrutmen Penyuluh Perikanan Bantu (PPB)

Jobs Description

General Requirements

  • Indonesian Citizen (WNI).
  • Male or Female, with the maximum age of 35 years old prior to the date of 31 December 2015 for new applicants.
  • Education background in Bachelor Degree or equivalent (S1/D4) majoring in Fisheries Extension or Diploma and Bachelor Degree or equivalent (D3/D4/S1) in the field of Maritime and Fisheries.
  • Have a GPA score min 2.75 within 4.00 scales for new applicants.
  • Not located as a candidate for Candidate Civil Servants (CPNS), Civil Servants (PNS), Region Honor, Other governments Companion Program, State-Owned Employees, or Private Employees (attach statement letter).
  • Have excellent health both physically and mentally.
  • Well-behaved.
  • Willing to work in a contract system with the status of temporary employees.
  • Not demanding to be appointed as Civil Servant / ASN.
  • Will not ask for compensation in case of termination of employment for any reason.
  • Willing to be placed in the technical Department which handles maritime affairs and fisheries in the districts / cities throughout Indonesia.
  • Willing to support the vision and mission of KKP; include strategic objectives and performance indicators, if it has been accepted as PPB.

Special Requirement

  • Must obtain a recommendation from the Office that handles marine and fisheries in the district / city.

Application should contains the below documents :

  1. Handwritten application letter to become contract workers of Penyuluh Perikanan Bantu (PPB);
  2. Latest photograph size 4 x 6 with blue background (3 sheets);
  3. Copy of valid identity card (KTP);
  4. Authenticated copy of diploma;
  5. Authenticated copy of transcripts;
  6. Original or legalized copy of Medical certificate from the doctor (PUSKESMA/ hospital);
  7. Authenticated copy of SKCK;
  8. Copy of other expertise certificate(s);
  9. Copy of Decree (SK) from Kepala Badan Pengembangan SDM KP for Ex-PPB 2015 applicants;
  10. Work / internship / research certificate(s);
  11. Statement letter :
  12. Not undergoing a job as a Candidate Civil Servants (CPNS), Civil Servants (PNS), Region Honor, State-Owned Employees, or Private Employees.
  13. Not demanding to be appointed as Civil Servant / ASN.
  14. Not be an official or a member of political parties;
  15. Willing to be placed throughout Indonesia.
  16. Recommendation letter from the Office that handles marine and fisheries in the district / city (for Ex-PBB 2015 or new applicants).

Sites Reference

  1. www.kkp.go.id

Submit Application

To apply for the position, Please fill out the application form at :

Kepala Pusat Penyuluhan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Kelautan dan Perikanan
Gd. Mina Bahari III Lt 6,
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No 16 Jakarta.


  • Closing date 19 March 2016 (postmark).
  • Applicants must send an email recommendation of the Department that handles Marine and Fisheries in the district / city through rekrutmenppb2016@gmail.com.
  • Your application will be treated confidentially and only short listed candidates will be followed up.
  • Source

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