Lowongan Kerja Non CPNS Diskominfo Kota Bandung


Diskominfo Kota Bandung

Lowongan Kerja Diskominfo Kota Bandung

About Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika (DISKOMINFO Kota Bandung)

Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika – DISKOMINFO Kota Bandung is the Regional Technical Institute was established by the Regulation of Bandung No. 12 of 2007, dated December 4, 2007 and is an amalgamation of the Local Government Unit (SKPD) Office and Office in the city government Bandung, namely the Office of Information and Communication with the Office of Electronic Data Processing (EDP) , Thus Bakominfo established since the enactment of Perda No. 12 of 2007 on the Establishment and Organizational Structure of the Regional Office of Bandung. With diterbirkan and enactment of Bandung City Regulation No. 13 of 2009 on the Amendment of Bandung City Regulation No. 13 Year 2007 on the Establishment and Organizational Structure of the Regional Office. Under the Rules of Bandung Number 13 Year 2009 on Amendment to the Regulation of Bandung No. 13 Year 2007 on the Establishment and Organization Structure Regional Office Bandung On August 7, 2009, the Agency for Communications and Information Technology Bandung is the Communications and Information Agency (DISKOMINFO) City duo.

Diskominfo Kota Bandung

Diskominfo Main Duties:

  • Implement part of the regional government affairs in the field of communication, information and public relations based on the principles of autonomy and assistance.

Diskominfo functions:

  • Formulating technical policy in the field of communication, information and public relations;
  • Coaching and implementation of communication, information and public relations services that include post and telecommunications, means of communication, dissemination of information and information technology and public relations;
  • Implementation of the Administrative Department of technical services, and
  • Implementation of tasks assigned by the Mayor in accordance with its duties and functions.

Bandung is the largest metropolitan city in West Java province, as well as the provincial capital. It is located 140 km southeast of Jakarta, and is the third largest city in Indonesia after Jakarta and Surabaya by population. In addition, the city of Bandung is also the largest city in the southern part of Java Island. While Bandung Raya (Bandung Metropolitan Area) is the third largest metropolitan in Indonesia after Jakarta and Gerbangkertosusila (Gerbangkertosusila).

In this city recorded a variety of historical importance, among them as a place of establishment of a technical college in Indonesia (Technische Hoogeschool te Bandoeng – TH Bandung, now the Bandung Institute of Technology – ITB), the location battleground at the time of independence, and had been a venue for the Conference Asia-Africa in 1955, a meeting which voiced the spirit of anti-colonialism, even the Prime Minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru in his speech said that Bandung is the capital of Asia and Africa.

In 1990 the city of Bandung was chosen as one of the safest cities in the world by Time magazine survey.

City flower is another name for this city, because in ancient times the city is considered to be very pretty with many trees and flowers that grow there. Besides Bandung formerly also known as Parijs van Java because of its beauty. In addition the city of Bandung also known as a shopping town, with malls and factory outlets are widely spread in the city, and is now gradually Bandung is also a culinary tourism. And in 2007, the British Council made the city of Bandung as a pilot project the most creative cities throughout East Asia. Today, the city of Bandung is one of the main destinations of tourism and education.

Contact Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika
Jl. Wastukencana No 2 Bandung
Telp : (022) 4234892
Fax : (022) 4234892
E-mail : diskominfo@bandung.go.id
Website : http://bandung.go.id

Jobs Available

Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Kota Bandung is seeking the best candidates to join as :

  • Operator Data dan Jaringan for Operation Room SKPD Periode II Pemerintah Kota Bandung

Job Description

General requirement :

  • Indonesian citizen (WNI);
  • Devoted to God Almighty;
  • Has a high integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia;
  • Never sentenced to prison or jail based on court decisions that already have binding legal force, for committing a criminal act;
  • Never be dismissed with respect not his own request or not with respect as a civil servant or dishonorably dismissed as private employees;
  • Not located as a candidate for Civil Servants or the Civil Service;
  • Have the educational qualifications, skills, keahliandan skills required;
  • Good character;
  • Physically and mentally healthy.

Special Requirements:

  • Last Education S1 / D3 / vocational appropriate qualifications of positions required (attached);
  • Aged maximum of 35 years for graduates of S1, 30 years for D3 and 25 years for graduates of vocational TKJ;
  • Min GPA 2.75 for S1 and D3;
  • Raport grades average 70 scale of 0-100, and a 7.0 scale of 0-10 for vocational students
  • Understanding of computer networks and servers;
  • Master one programming language;

Documents Required:

  1. Copy of Identity Card is still valid;
  2. Recent Photograph size 4×6 with blue background as much as 2 pieces;
  3. Application letter;
  4. Curriculum Vitae;
  5. Copy of diploma and transcripts (respectively legalized); Note: diploma recognized valid is excluded from the School / College of the State or of the School / College of private accredited or who has received permission operational / implementation of DIRJEN DIKTI BLS, as well as certified / authorized by the competent authority;

Sites Reference

  1. www.bandung.go.id

Submit Application

For those who are interested and meet the requirements, please file an application included in strappy brown envelope size 25 x 34 cm, and write the position in the top right corner of the letter, addressed to:

Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Kota Bandung
up. Bidang Telematika
Jl. Wastukancana No.2
Bandung 40116

Notes :

  • Application documents delivered instantly at the latest on June 30, 2016 (hours)
  • Outside the provisions of the time of application will not be processed and considered ineligible;
  • Recruitment Diskominfo Bandung is free of charge
  • Contact: mohammad.fajrin@bandung.go.id or through the page portal.bandung.go.id
  • Source

Lowongan Kerja Diskominfo Kota Bandung brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn.com