
Lowongan Kerja Non CPNS BIG
About Badan Informasi Geospasial (BIG)
Badan Informasi Geospasial – BIG is the national surveying and mapping agency of Indonesia. BIG formerly named Badan Koordinasi Survei dan Pemetaan Nasional. This national agency is responsible for Indonesian geospatial information as one map policy implementation. In 2010, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (former president of Indonesia) stated that Indonesia should has single referenced map, so there wouldn’t be any different spatial data for country development.
BIG is subordinate and accountable to the president and is led by a chief. Dr. Priyadi Kardono, M.Sc. currently serves as the Head of BIG under Presidential Decree No. 184 / M Year 2014. In carrying out its duties and functions, BIG coordinated by the Ministry of National Development Planning.

Surveying and mapping activities after the independence of Indonesia implemented on the basis of Government Regulation No. 71 Year 1951 concerning the Establishment Board and Direktorium Measurement and Depiction map. Furthermore, survey and mapping activities confirmed again by Presidential Decree No. 263 dated September 7, 1965 on the Establishment of Board of Surveying and Mapping (Desurtanal) and Command Surveying and Mapping (Kosurtanal) as the executor. In the division of tasks listed Desurtanal inventerisasi link between the mapping of natural resources in order to support national development. Kosurtanal scope of the task is not only the coordination of the activities of the departments that need a map, but also includes management functions for mapping.
Meanwhile, efforts to national atlas assembles conducted by the Committee of the National Atlas institutionalized in the National Atlas Agency by Decree of the Cabinet Presidium Work No. Aa / D / 37/1964. With regard to the uprising G30S / PKI and penumpasannya followed by the consolidation of a state that requires concentration of all the government’s attention that absorb a lot of money, then the state can not provide an adequate budget for systematic mapping, either from the source of the armed forces and from other national resources. In the New Order period with the development program outlined in Pelita, felt the need more urgent basic data mapping.
In this period, activities Desurtanal and Kosurtanal felt not optimal because:
- Desurtanal can not get together on a regular basis so that less work.
- Kosurtanal status as command deemed no longer in accordance with the conditions and spirit of the new order.
On the basis of the above reasons, Kosurtanal make recommendations and propose changes Kosurtanal be Bakosurtanal. On October 17, 1969, issued Presidential Decree No. 83 of 1969 on the Establishment of Coordinating Agency for Surveys and Mapping (Bakosurtanal).
With this decree, the government dissolved the National Atlas Agency and its activities as well as continued by Bakosurtanal accommodated. Similarly, the Advisory Board functions Desurtanal be fused within the parent organization Bakosurtanal.
On June 17, 1998, the organizational structure Bakosurtanal refined through Presidential Decree No. 87 of 1998 so that it becomes a non-ministerial government institution that shelter and is directly responsible to the president.
With the enactment of Law No. 22/1999 on Regional Government, then held rearrangement position, duties, function, authority, organizational structure and working procedures of the entire non-departmental government institution, is no exception Bakosurtanal. Then by Presidential Decree No. 166/2000 on the status, tasks, functions, authority, organizational structures and working arrangements of the Department of Non-Government Organization (which has been amended several times), the Presidential Decree Number 87 Year 1998 concerning the Coordinating Agency for Surveys and Mapping Agency declared no apply again.
As stipulated by Article 22, paragraph 4 of Law No. 4 of 2011 on Geospatial Information, the government through Presidential Regulation No. 94 of 2011 which was signed by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on December 27, 2011, form the Geospatial Information Agency (BIG). At the time of entry into force of this perpres, field work related to geospatial information remain to be implemented by Bakosurtanal until the completion of the BIG organization arrangement in accordance with the Presidential Regulation. Bakosurtanal within a maximum period of one year to submit all records and documents relating to the performance of its duties to the BIG. As for civil servants (PNS) in the Bakosurtanal a civil servant in BIG, whose setting will be done by the Head Bakosurtanal
Contact Badan Informasi Geospasial (BIG)
Jl. Raya Jakarta – Bogor KM. 46 Cibinong 16911, INDONESIA
Telp. 021-8753155 atau 021-8752062 ext.3608/3611/3103
Fax. 021-87908988/87916647
E-mail :
Jobs Available
Badan Informasi Geospasial open an opportunities for Indonesian citizen dedicated employee to join as non-civil servant with the formation and the following provisions:
- [PKH-A1] Pengadministrasi Evaluasi Pelaporan
- [PKH-A2] Pengadministrasi PHLN
- [PKH-A3] Pengadministrasi Persuratan
- [PKH-B1] Pendukung Pengelolaan Sistem Informasi Anggaran
- [UK-A1] Pengadministrasi Keuangan
- [UK-A2] Pengadministrasi Umum
- [PPKS-A1C] Pengelola Jurnal Ilmiah
- [PPKS-A2C] Pengelola Administrasi Kerjasama Informasi Geospasial
- [PPKS-B1C] Pengelola Sistem dan Konten Website BIG
- [PPKS-B2C] Desain grafis
- [PPKS-B3C] Videografis
- [PPKS-B4C] Petugas Layanan Jasa Informasi Geospasial
- [PPKS-B5C] Petugas Layanan Produk Informasi Geospasial
- [PPKS-B6C] Petugas Pengelola Aplikasi Data Persediaan Produk
- [PPKS-A1Y] Pendamping Kunjungan dan Promosi
- [PPKS-B1Y] Analis Tematik Pesisir dan Kelautan
- [PPKS-B2Y] Analis Penginderaan Jauh dan Geodatabase
- [PPKS-B3Y] Analis Sosio Ekonomi
- [PPKS-B4Y] Pendukung Teknologi Informasi dan Multimedia
- [PPKS-B5Y] Teknisi Umum
- [PIT-A1] Tenaga Pendukung Administrasi S1
- [PIT-A2] Tenaga Pendukung Administrasi D3
- [PIT-A3] Tenaga Pendukung Administrasi SMK
- [PIT-B1] Tenaga Pendukung Teknis GIS
- [PIT-B2] Tenaga Pendukung Teknis Geografi Fisik
- [PIT-B3] Tenaga Pendukung Teknis Geodesi
- [PIT-B4] Tenaga Pendukung Teknis Penginderaan Jauh Lahan Pertanian
- [PIT-B5] Tenaga Pendukung Teknis Penginderaan Jauh Penutup Lahan
- [PIT-B6] Tenaga Pendukung Teknis Penginderaan Jauh Kelautan
- [PIT-B7] Tenaga Pendukung Teknis Kelautan
- [PTRA-A1] Administrasi Perkantoran
- [PTRA-B1] Pendukung Informasi teknologi (IT)
- [SKIG-A1] Administrasi Umum dan Keuangan
- [SKIG-A2] Pendukung Teknologi Infomasi (IT)
- [PPIG-A1] Administrasi Perkantoran
- [PPIG-A2] Administrasi keuangan
- [PPIG-A3] Administrasi Umum dan Kearsipan
- [JKGG-B1] Surveyor GNSS
- [JKGG-B2] Teknisi Peralatan
- [JKGG-B3] Asisten Pengolahan Data Gayaberat
- [JKGG-A1] Tenaga Pendukung Administrasi S1
- [JKGG-A2] Tenaga Pendukung Administrasi D3
- [JKGG-A3] Tenaga Pendukung Administrasi SMK
- [PRT-A1] Pendukung Administrasi Keuangan
- [PRT-A2] Pendukung Administrasi Kearsipan
- [PRT-B1] Pendukung Kegiatan Teknis
- [PRT-B2] Pendukung Teknologi Infomasi (IT)
- [PKLP-B1] Pendukung Surveyor Pemetaan
- [PKLP-B2] Pengelola Database
- [PBW-B1] Analis Pemetaan Batas Administrasi
Jobs Description
- Indonesian citizen (WNI)
- Not located as a prospective employee / civil servants, and the prospective member or members of the military and police
- Not located as a trustee / member of a political party
- Never dishonorably discharged as an employee in an agency, both government and private
- Good character as evidenced by a certificate from the Indonesian National Police
- Physically and mentally healthy
- Willing to be placed anywhere
- Miinimal age of 20 years and maximum 35 years of age on 1 April 2017
- Have a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
- Sign a statement not to prosecute was appointed Administrative State Civil (CPNS / PNS and first-aid)
Terms of application file
- Application letter
- A curriculum vitae (format can be downloaded from the online recruitment system BIG)
- Recent photos of 4 x 6
- Diploma
- Transcripts (level D1 / S1) or the National Test Scores / A type (for SMA / SMK)
- Identity Card (KTP)
- Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
- Police Notes (SKCK)
- Affidavit signed and stamped Rp6.000 stated that it will not sue appointed as a civil state apparatus CPNS PNS first aid and data provided is correct (example of a form on the site online registration). Uploaded document tailored to the specific requirements
- Work experience letter
- training certificate
- Resume thesis or scientific work
Sites Reference
Submit Application
For those who are interested and meet the requirements, then please immediately register online through the official website of BIG below:
Notes :
- Donwload form Surat Pernyataan : Click Here
- Donwload form Daftar Riwayat Hidup : Click Here
- All applications will be treated as strictly confidential.
- Only shortlisted candidate will be proceed on the next step.
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