
Lowongan Kerja BBKPM Bandung
About Lowongan Balai Besar Kesehatan Paru Masyarakat (BBKPM) Bandung
Balai Besar Kesehatan Paru Masyarakat – BBKPM Bandung is a government agency under the Ministry of Health who run the financial management of Public Service Agency through the Ministry of Finance letter No. 58 / MK.05 / 2011 on February 28, 2011.
BBKPM Bandung was founded in November 1952, with the name BP5 (Center for Research and Lung Disease Eradication) with the aim of eradication of the disease as a center for tuberculosis (TB). BP5 Bandung occupies the building at Jl. Ir. H. Juanda 45 and then moved to Jl. 121. Kaliki sand BBKPM building that is currently the location of BBKPM Bandung began to be occupied in July 1955.

In 1974, turned into BP4 BP5 (Center for Lung Disease Treatment) and refers to the Minister of Health Decree 144 / Menkes / SK / IV / 1978 on the Organizational Structure and Work Institute for Lung Disease Treatment in which set duties, functions, classification and Organizational Structure BP4, the duties and functions of BP4 not only treat tuberculosis but also other lung diseases.
Referring to Kep.Men.PAN 62 / KEP / M.PAN / 7/2003 on Guidelines Organization Technical Implementation Unit in the Environment Ministry and the Ministry of Non-Government Organization, which was followed by the Minister of Health Regulation No. 1352 / Menkes / PER / IX / 2005 concerning Organization and Technical Implementation Unit in the field of Public Lung Health, set BP4 Bandung as the Lung Health Center Community (BKPM) echelon 3b.
In 2007 by the Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 532 / Menkes / Per / IV / 2007 BKPM Bandung subsequently determined to be the Center for Lung Health Community (BBKPM) echelon 2b, with Main Duties and Functions implementing health care referral pulmonary specialist and or subspesialistik oriented public health; community empowerment in the field of lung health; partnerships and resource development in the field of lung health community; technical education and training in the field of lung health; as well as research and development of lung health. In the decision letter also stated that the working area of BBKPM Bandung covers 13 provinces, namely the whole province in Sumatra, West Java, Banten and Jakarta. Besides located in Bandung, BBKPM Bandung has two functional units that are in Cianjur and Garut, lung health that serve communities in the two regions, but remains in a work unit BBKPM Bandung.
Location BBKPM Bandung at Jalan Cibadak No. 214 Bandung occupies an area of 3,641 m2 building which stands on the land area of 3,330 m2, BKPM Garut Jl. Doctors Slamet General Hospital No. 13 Garut occupies an area of 246 m2 building which stands on the land area of 1,704 m2, and BKPM Jalan Cianjur Jl. Siliwangi No. 15 Cianjur is an area of 662 m2 building which stands on the land area of 2,450 m2.
In carrying out basic tasks BBKPM Bandung memilikikarakteristik clearly different from the hospital or other health care services, in addition to the specialist dealing with lung disease as a referral service and also have lung health community empowerment program, with superior service:
- Referral service centers and lung health community, meaning BBKPM perform comprehensive services to the lung health community equipped with facilities adequate resources, qualified and competent specialist is to support community health improvement lungs.
- Center of community empowerment and the promotion of lung health community, meaning BBKPM make the assessment and application of models of community development with the development of media and integrated health promotion activities for the community’s independence in maintaining his health and to support community health improvement lungs.
- The center of a network of cooperation / partnership lung health community, meaning BBKPM coordinate and mobilize other institutions in addressing the lung health community to support lung health improvement of society.
- Education and training center lung health community, it means BBKPM be a lung health education and training community health workers and non-health to support lung health improvement of society.
- The research and development of lung health community, BBKPM means a place of research and development for the lung health community health workers and non-health to support lung health improvement of society.
BBKPM Bandung officially a Government Agency under the Ministry of Health who run the financial management of Public Service Agency through the Ministry of Finance letter No. 58 / MK.05 / 2011 regarding the Great Hall of the People Bandung Lung Health In Health Ministry as the Government is implementing Financial Management Service agency general on 28 February 2011.
Contact BBKPM Bandung
Jalan Cibadak No 214 Bandung 40241
Email :
Telepon: (022) 6011523
Jobs Available
Due to strengthen its team, Balai Besar Kesehatan Paru Masyarakat Bandung are currently seeking for highly qualified candidates to fill the following positions :
- Dokter Spesialis Paru (1 position)
- Dokter Spesialis Anak (1 position)
- Dokter Spesialis Penyakit Dalam (1 position)
- Perawat Anastesi (1 position)
- Programmer (1 position)
Jobs Description
General Requirements
- Male/Female (1, 2, 3, 4), Male (5).
- Maximum age of 35 years old (4, 5).
- Education :
- Pulmonary Specialist (1).
- Pediatrician (2).
- Internal disease Specialist (3).
- D3 Anesthesia Nursing (4).
- D3 Informatics (5).
- Have a Certificate of Registration (STR) of the Indonesian Medical Council (1, 2, 3).
- Have a Certificate of Registration (STR) of PPNI (4).
- Willing to work in accordance with the provisions (4).
- Mastering .Net technology (5).
- Mastering programming PHP (5).
- mastering My SQL database (5).
- Mastering the use and develop of web service (5).
- Minimum 1 year of experience in developing application, programs and crystal report (5).
- Strong understanding of hospital management system is preferred (5).
- Mastering networking, troubleshooting, computer server (Windows/Unix) is preferred (5).
- Fluent in English, minimum passive (5).
Required application documents:
- Application letter;
- Curriculum Viate (CV);
- Affidavit was not breaking the law (sealed Rp 6,000);
- Notice letter of health condition from government doctors;
- Color photograph 4×6 (2 sheets);
- Copy of Diploma;
- Copy of transcript;
- Copy of ID Card;
- Copy of STR.
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Should you are interested and qualfied, please send all required application documents above not later than 4 April 2016 to :
Tim Seleksi Pegawai Non PNS 2016 Balai Besar Kesehatan Paru Masyarakat Bandung
Jl. Cibadak No 214 Bandung.
- Only shortlisted candidate will be proceed on the next step.
- Source
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