
Lowongan Kerja Kementerian PP & PA Non CPNS
Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak (Kemeneg PP & PA)
Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak – Kemeneg PP & PA is the Indonesian government ministries in charge of the affairs of women’s empowerment and child protection. PP & PA Ministry is headed by a Minister of Women Empowerment and Child Protection (State Minister of PP & PA)
In essence, human beings were created to be a woman and a man to be able to complement each other in order to build synergies and to the sustainability of mankind. But in its development, there is dominance by one party, giving rise to discrimination between women and men. Statistically, in general, women get a disadvantage in many aspects of life.

Here another, low welfare and protection of children lead to acts of violence, the number of children employed, prostituted, School Enrollment (APS) is low, infant mortality rate (IMR) is high, malnutrition, child nutrition lack of iodine, and 60% of children do not have certificates birth. This situation is the result of accumulation of socio-cultural values ??of a society.
Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, guidelines, and or RPJM as Legal Foundation, placing women and children as creatures of God with sublime dignity and status, and as citizens have the status, rights, obligations, responsibilities, roles and opportunities equal to men to play a role in various areas of life and all development activities.
Government programs in women empowerment has stepped into thirty-four years, which is implemented since 1978. To win the women’s empowerment, the government has developed policies and strategies through the five-year development phase (Pelita) that has been conducted since 1978 until today in called reform era.
Ministry (official name: the Ministry of State) is the Indonesian Government agency in charge of certain affairs in the government. Ministry domiciled in the country’s capital, Jakarta, and is subordinate and accountable to the president.
The legal basis for the ministry is Chapter V, Article 17 UUD 1945 which states that:
- The President is assisted by state ministers.
- Ministers are appointed and diperhentikan by the President.
- Every minister in charge of certain affairs in the government.
- The formation, alteration and dissolution of the ministry of state governed by law.
Furthermore, the ministry stipulated in Law No. 39 of 2008 concerning the Ministry of State and Presidential Regulation No. 47 Year 2009 on the Establishment and Organization of State Ministries.
The formation of the ministry carried out later than 14 working days since the president took the oath / pledge. Government affairs ministry nomenclature explicitly mentioned in the Constitution 194 must be formed into a separate ministry. For the purposes of synchronization and coordination affairs ministry, the president can also form coordination ministry. The total number of ministries maximum 34 ministries.
The ministry in charge of government affairs ministry nomenclature other than those explicitly mentioned in the 1945 Constitution can be changed by the president. Separation, merger and dissolution of the ministry is done with consideration of the House of Representatives (DPR), except for the dissolution of the ministry that handles religious affairs, legal, security, and finances should be subject to parliamentary approval.
Contact Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan Dan Perlindungan Anak
Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat No. 15, Jakarta 10110
(021) 3842638, 3805563
Jobs Available
Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak Republik Indonesia, seeking Non ASN to be placed on the second-echelon unit, with the formation and educational qualifications as follows:
- Asdep Kesetaraan Gender Bidang Ekonomi
- Staf Pendukung Administrasi : S1 Sosial/ Ekonomi/ Pertanian/ Manajemen/ Kehutanan/ Teknik (2 orang)
- Asdep Kesetaraan Gender Bidang Pendidikan, Kesehatan dan Pembangunan Keluarga
- Staf Pendukung Administrasi : S1 Ekonomi/S1 Kesehatan (1 orang)
- Sekretariat Deputi Bidang Perlindungan Hak Perempuan
- Staf Pendukung Administrasi Keuangan : S1 Ekonomi/ Akutansi (1 Orang)
- Asdep Perlindungan Hak Perempuan dari Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga
- Staf Pendukung Administrasi Keuangan : D3/S1 Ekonomi/ Akutansi (1 Orang)
- Asdep Perlindungan Hak Perempuan dalam Ketenagakerjaan
- Staf Pendukung Administrasi Keuangan ? D3/S1 Ekonomi/ Akutansi ? 1 Orang
- Asdep Perlindungan Hak Perempuan dalam Situasi Darurat dan Kondisi Khusus
- Staf Pendukung Administrasi ? S1 Ekonomi/ Adm Negara/ Sarjana Komputer ? 1 Orang
- Asdep Perlindungan Hak Perempuan dari Tindak Pidana Perdagangan Orang
- Staf Pendukung Kesekretariatan Gugus Tugas ? S1 Hukum ? 1 Orang
- Asdep Perlindungan Anak dalam Situasi Darurat dan Pornografi
- Staf PendukungAdministrasi Keuangan ? S1 Akuntansi & Manajemen Keuangan ? 1 orang
- Staf Pendukung Substansi ? S1 Sarjana Ilmu Sosial (2 orang)
- Asdep Perlindungan Anak Berhadapan dengan Hukum & Stigmasisasi
- Staf Pendukung Substansi Hukum ? S1 Hukum ? 2 orang
- Asdep Perlindungan Anak dari Kekerasan dan Eksploitasi
- Staf Pendukung Substansi : S1 Psikologi/IlmuKesejahteraanSosial/Komunikasi (2 orang)
- Sekretariat Deputi Bidang Partisipasi Masyarakat
- Staf Pendukung Administrasi : S1 Ekonomi/ Akutansi/ Perpajakan, S1 Komputer/ Manajemen Informatika (4 Orang)
- Asdep Partisipasi Organisasi Keagamaan dan Kemasyarakata
- Staf Pendukung Administrasi : S1 Ekonomi (2 Orang)
- Sekretariat Deputi Bidang Tumbuh Kembang Anak
- Staf Pendukung Substansi Hukum : S1 Hukum (1 orang)
- Staf Pendukung Teknik Informatika : S1 Informatika/Komputer (1 orang)
- Staf Pendukung Administrasi : D3 Sekretaris (1 orang)
- Staf Pendukung Substansi : S1 Komunikasi (1 orang)
- Asdep Pemenuhan Hak Sipil, Informasi, dan Partisipasi Anak
- Staf Pendukung Substansi : S1 Programmer, S1 Psikolog (2 Orang)
- Asdep Pemenuhan Hak Anak Atas Kesehatan dan Kesejahteraan
- Staf Pendukung Substansi : S1 Kesejahteraan Sosial (1 orang)
- Asdep Pemenuhan Hak Anak atas Pendidikan, Kreativitas dan Budaya
- Staf Administrasi : S1 Semua Jurusan (1 Orang )
- Staf Pendukung Substansi : S1 SemuaJurusan (1 Orang)
- Biro Umum dan SDM
- Staf Pendukung Tata Usaha : D3 Semua Jurusan ? 1 orang
- Staff Pengelola PBJ : D3 Administrasi/ Manajemen Informatika (2 Orang )
- Staff Pengelola BMN : D3 Akuntansi (1 Orang )
- Biro Hukum dan Humas
- Staf Subbagian Peraturan Perundang Undangan : S1 Hukum (2 orang)
- Staf Publikasi dan Pers : S1 SemuaJurusan (1 orang)
- Staf Analis Media : S1 SemuaJurusan (1 orang)
- Inspektorat
- Pengadministrasian Umum : D3 Semua Jurusan (1 orang)
- Biro Perencanaan dan Data
- Staf Pendukung Pelaksanaan Kerjasama ASEAN : S1 Hubungan Internasional (1 orang)
Jobs Description
- Male / Female Citizen Indonesia
- Maximum age of 35 (thirty-five) years of age on March 1, 2017
- Minimum GPA 3.0
- Not going through the bond of institutions or government or private legal entity
Terms of employment application file:
- Job Application Letter (typed with computers)
- Vitae, disertaialamatlengkapdannomor HP can be contacted
- Copy of Identity Card (KTP)
- Copies of Diploma and transcript values have been legalized
- Pas recent color photos 4 x 6 cm = 2 pieces
- Police Notes (SKCK)
- Health Certificate from the Doctor
- Certificate of others, such as the Certificate Special, work experience, etc.
- Filling Statement Will Not Demand was appointed as a civil servant as the attachment of this announcement.
Sites Reference
Submit Application
For those who bermindat and meet the requirements, then please file Administrative Requirements Applications submitted in one envelope, and on the upper right corner is written Echelon Unit II of the destination, is sent via POS to:
Notes :
- Envelopes rear complete with the sender’s name written address.
- Acceptance Closing Time Limit Proposal Work and Cap Post dated February 3, 2017 At 17:00 pm.
- For applicants who meet the administrative requirements to follow CAT akandihubungi
- Implementation of Basic Competence Test done through mechanical CAT (Computer Assisted Test) conducted in BKN Pusatpadatanggal February 13, 2017.
- Applicants who pass the CAT, will be invited to interview and skills test.
- Source
Info Lowongan Kerja Kementerian PP & PA brougth to you by