Lowongan Kerja LPDP Kemenkeu



Lowongan Kerja LPDP Kemenkeu

About Lembaga Pengelolaan Dana Pendidikan (LPDP Kemenkeu)

Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan – LPDP is a work unit under the Ministry of Finance that manages funds for education as mandated by the PMK No. 252 of 2010. The institute is abbreviated LPDP. LPDP then established as an institution in the form of Public Service Board on January 30, 2012 after the passing of KMK No. 18 in 2012. LPDP has a vision Being the best fund management institutions at regional level to prepare future leaders and encourage innovation for Indonesia that is prosperous, democratic, and fair , LPDP service program consists of scholarships, research funding and fund management (investment).

The fourth amendment of the 1945 Constitution requires the state to prioritize education budget of at least twenty percent of the state budget since more than ten years ago. After five years, in order to fulfill the mandate of the constitution, the government began to allocate funds for educational purposes through the APBN-P 2010. In 2010, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati initiative to set aside the funds allocated to education in the National Education Development Fund points through Law No. 2 2010 on the APBN-P 2010. The same law also establishes forms of managed funds in the form of endowment fund (endowment). After about two years managed by the Government Investment Center via KMK No. 490 of 2010, Finance Minister Agus Martowardoyo draw up a working team to prepare for the establishment of the trust fund management institutions in November 2011. Similarly Held in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Religious Affairs in order to integrate the management of This education fund. On December 28, 2011, Institute of Education Fund Management was established as a working unit under the Ministry of Finance through the PMK No. 252 in 2010. LPDP later established as an institution in the form of Public Service Board on January 30, 2012 after the passing of KMK No. 18 in 2012.

1945 instructs that at least twenty percent of Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) is for educational function. The Government and the Parliament in 2010 through Law No. 2 of 2010 on the 2010 state budget agreed that some of the funds from the allocation function of education in the state budget will serve as the National Education Development Fund (DPPN) managed by management mechanism endowment (endowment fund) by a Public Service Agency (BLU).

In 2011, the Minister of Finance and Minister of Education and Culture agreed that DPPN management and utilization of the results of the management of these funds will be implemented by the Ministry of Finance but officials and employees is a combination of employees of the Ministry of Finance and the employees of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Minister of Finance through the Finance Minister Regulation (PMK) No. 252 / PMK.01 / 2011 dated December 28, 2011 establishes the Organization and Governance Fund Management Institution of Education as a non echelon are directly responsible to the Minister of Finance and based on the policies set by the Board of Trustees LPDP (Minister of Education and Culture, Ministry of Finance, and Mensteri Religion). Through the Minister of Finance (KMK) No. 18 / KMK.05 / 2012 dated January 30, 2012, LPDP designated as government agencies that implement financial pattern Badana Public Service.

LPDP Kemenkeu

Contact LPDP Kemenkeu
Gedung A.A. Maramis II
Lt. 2 Kementerian Keuangan
Jl. Lap. Banteng Timur No. 1
Jakarta 10710
Telepon (021) 3846474
Fax (021) 3808392

Jobs Available

LPDP Kementerian Keuangan is looking for talented people and the best candidates to join as positions below:

  1. Staf Audit Internal
  2. Analis TIK
  3. Analis SDM
  4. Analis Investasi
  5. Analis Perencanaan Bisnis

Job description

Staf Audit Internal


  • Minimum S1, preferably from Management, Accounting, Economic, and Engineering.
  • Minimum 3 years of relevant working experience.
  • Have an understanding of Indonesia Fund Management Regulation.
  • Mastering the techniques of document management / archiving.
  • Proficient in computer literacy, minimum Microsoft System Office.
  • Mastering aspects of work in the field of internal audit.
  • Active in English.

Analis TIK


  • Mininum S1 in all relevant disiciplines, preferably majoring in TIK/Information System.
  • Possess certification or have attended training for more than 50 hours in related field.
  • Minimum 5 years of relevant working experience.
  • Good knowledge and understanding of programming language.
  • Active in English.

Analis SDM


  • Mininum S2 in all relevant disiciplines, preferably majoring in Psyschology, Law, HR Management, and Industrial Engineering.
  • Possess certification or have attended training for more than 50 hours in related field.
  • Experienced in relevant field for more than 5 years.
  • Good understandung of Corporate Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).
  • Active in English.
  • Experienced in conducting reviews / design institutional culture, internalization, evaluation and audit of the institutional culture.

Analis Investasi


  • Mininum S2 in all relevant disiciplines, preferably majoring in Finance, Economics, Accounting, Management and Taxation.
  • Possess certification or have attended training for more than 50 hours in related field.
  • Experienced in relevant field for more than 5 years.
  • Active in English.
  • Have an understanding of the related regulations ; management of educational scholarships, public finance, treasury and financial management of public service agencies.

Analis Perencanaan Bisnis


  • Mininum S2 in all relevant disiciplines.
  • Possess certification or have attended training for more than 50 hours in related field.
  • Experienced in relevant field for more than 5 years.
  • Active in English.
  • Good understanding the process of strategic policy analysis, especially in analyzing the internal factors institution.

Sites Reference

  1. www.lpdpkemenkeu.go.id

Submit Application

If you match the profile and are interested in this exiting career opportunity, please send your updated Curriculum Vitae (CV) to :



  • Please write Position Applied_Your Name on the email subject.
  • The applications must be submitted before 31 July 2015, 9.00 pm Jakarta time.
  • All applications will be treated confidentially.
  • Only short listed candidates will be notified.
  • Source

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