
Lowongan Pegawai LKPP Biro Umum dan Keuangan
About Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang / Jasa Pemerintah (LKPP)
Embryo of Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah – LKPP began in a unit called the Center for Development of Procurement Policy / Public Services (PPKPBJ) as the unit echelon II. Formed in 2005, the unit was tasked to develop policies and regulations of procurement of goods / services of the government, provide technical guidance and advocacy related to the procurement of government goods / services, and to facilitate the implementation of certification exam expert procurement of goods / services of the government.
With a passion to make Indonesia a better place, raised the hope that the process of procurement of goods / services that government funding comes from the State Budget / Budget Revenue and Expenditure (Budget / budget) can take place more effectively and efficiently and prioritize the application of principles principles of fair competition, transparent, open and fair to all parties and of course, can be accounted for.
Based on expectations of an ideal it is necessary to develop a system of procurement of goods / services that includes aspects of clear regulations and procedures, institutional better qualified human resources, business processes are transparent and accountable, and handling legal issues that promote the principle of justice.
Regarding institutional better, it is necessary that the institution has the authority to formulate planning and development strategies, policies and rules and regulations determining the procurement of government goods / services in accordance with the changing demands.
In harmony with it as part of the global community, the existence of the agency will align Indonesia in the international arena, should similar institutions that already exist in a number of countries such as the Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) in the United States, the Office of Government Commerce (OGC ) in England, the Government Procurement Policy Board (GPPB) in the Philippines, Public Procurement Policy Office (PPPO) in Poland, and the Public Procurement Service (PPS) in South Korea.
So to give gratitude to God Almighty, on December 6, 2007, Institute for Procurement of Goods / Services (Audited) was established by Presidential Decree No. 106 of 2007.
In practice Audited serves as the Ministry of Non-Government Institutions (LPNK) and directly responsible to the President. In carrying out its duties and functions, under the coordination Audited State Minister for National Development Planning / Head of Bappenas.
In addition to implementing the program according to the vision, mission, strategic goals and objectives, Audited also responsible for achieving the national targets as mandated in RPJMN 2010-2014, the priorities in the areas of good governance apparatus, increasing clean governance, free of corruption, collusion and nepotism. Specifically, the functions and authority of the institute is organizing good governance in the procurement of government goods / services.
Audited determined to be a qualified organization procurement policy, capability, and authority to generate and develop policies to realize the goods / services that are reliable in Indonesia.
Contact LKPP

Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang / Jasa Pemerintah (LKPP)
SME Tower Lt. 8 Jln. Gatot Subroto Kav 94
Jakarta – 12780
Telpon : 021 – 7167 3000 & 021 – 799 1025
Fax : 021 – 799 6033 / 021 – 799 1125
Informasi Umum & Permintaan Informasi
E-mail :
Konsultasi Pengadaan
Website :
Kontak Direktorat e-Procurement
Helpdesk : 021 – 7918 1153
Fax : 021 – 797 3548
Email :
Kontak Sertifikasi
Telepon yang dapat dihubungi untuk penyelenggaraan ujian :
Phone : 021-7974321 & 021-7991025 ex. 169/137
Fax : 021-79181137
E-mail :
Sekretariat Bina Sertifikasi Profesi :
Phone : 021-44469812
HP : 081219403350
Penjadwalan Ujian :
Phone : 021-44469813
HP : 081219403360
Penjadwalan Ujian 32 Provinsi dan Kabupaten/Kota :
HP : 081298498400
Jobs Available
Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah – LKPP is calling young smart Indonesian Citizen (WNI) to seize theese career opportunities :
- Staf Bendahara
Job Description
Requirements :
- Male or Female (maximum age of 30 years old).
- Minimum Diploma Degree (D3) with major study in Taxation, Accounting, Accounting Banking, Accounting Computer.
- Minimum GPA of 3.00 from 4.00 scale.
- Able to communicate well and have a willingness to learn.
- Able to work independently and in teams.
- Able to work on target.
- Never involved in drugs and other violations of law.
Sites Reference
Submit Application
If you are interest and meet the requirement that needed, please apply and fill-in application form :
- Closing date 14 April 2017, 15.00 WIB.
- All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
- Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
- Source
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