Lowongan Kerja LIPI Non CPNS



Lowongan Kerja Non CPNS LIPI

About Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia – LIPI

Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia – LIPI or Indonesian Institute of Sciences was officially established on 23 August 1967. Its history however can be traced by Presidential Act no. 128/1967 following a letter of People Representative Assembly (MPRS) no. 18/B/1967 concerning the merging of National Research Institute (LEMRENAS) and Indonesian Council of Science (MIPI).


The history of LIPI as scientific organization could be traced to the nineteenth century when a Botanical Garden (Land’s Plantentuin) was developed in Bogor by C.G.L Reindwardt and the Batavia Association Arts and Science (Bataviaasch Gennotschap voor Kunsten and Wetenschappen) was established by J.C. Rademacher, followed by the formation of Natural Science Board for Netherlands India (Natuurwetenschapelijk Raad voor Nederlandsch Indie) in 1928. This board was reorganized in 1948 to become Organization for Research on Natural Science (Organisatie voor Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek). After Indonesia’s independence, MIPI was founded in 1956, this organization rechange its name to Lembaga Penyelidikan Ilmu Alam (Research Institute for Natural Science) and was put under the newly founded Department of Natural Research Affairs (DURENAS) and was given additional duties to develop LEMRENAS.

The organization of LIPI was restructured in 1986 and 2001. The 2001 reorganization was based on Presidential Act no. 178/2000 on the Organization Structure and Duties of Non-departmental Research Institutions, followed by letters No. 1151/M/2001, 1008/M/2002, 1027/M/2003, and 321/M/2004 signed by Chairman of LIPI, these letters consisted regulation of various aspects of Organization, Working Mechanism, and main Duties of LIPI.


  • LIPI is a non departmental research institution belongs to the government. The Chairman of LIPI is directly responsible to the President of the Republic of Indonesia. At present, LIPI is one of the five Non-ministerial Government Institutes (Lembaga Pemerintah Non Departemen-LPND) coordinated by the State Ministry of Research and Technology (Kementrian Negara Riset dan Teknologi-KNRT)


  • The formation of a just, enlightened, creative, integrated, and dynamic society, supported by science and technology.


  • To master science and technology in the incessant efforts of strengthening national unity and of vitalizing the competitiveness of the nation.
  • To participate in the endeavor to develop the national community through


LIPI has three responsibilities as follows:

  • Responsibility to world of learning
  • Responsibility to society, and
  • Responsibility to stakeholders

All research done by LIPI’ scientists has to produce high quality results which contribute significantly to the advancement of science and to the academic world, industries, government institutions and society.


  1. To advice and to formulate national policies in the field of science and technology
  2. To conduct strategic and fundamental research in science and technology
  3. To undertake appropriate scientific and technological research for sustainable development
  4. To carry out basic, inter-and multidisciplinary research
  5. To monitor, evaluate, and analyze trends in science and technology
  6. To facilitate government institution activities in scientific research
  7. To provide guidance and services to scientific and technological enterprises
  8. To promote a code of ethics for scientists
  9. To encourage and establish national and international scientific cooperation
  10. To provide scientific and technological services
  11. To coordinate functional activities and general administration services.

Jobs Available

Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia – LIPI is pleased to announce the following vacancies for immediate recruitment :

  1. IT Programmer (Code : ITPROG)
  2. IT Network Administrator (Code : ITNA)
  3. Customer Service Officer (Code : CSO)

Jobs Description

IT Programmer (Code : ITPROG)


  • Male and Female, age 23 to 28 years old.
  • Minimum Bachelor Degree or equivalent (S1/D-IV), majoring in Informatics Engineering, Computer Science, Information System, Electro Engineering or equivalent (accredited BAN PT).
  • Minimum GPA of 3.00 (scale 4.00).
  • Mastering one Web Framework (CodeIgniter, Laravel, Vii, Play Framework, ZK, Django, Zend, Cake or Symfony).
  • Mastring HTML, CSS, Javascript (JQuery) and mastring Bootstrap Framework.
  • Mastring RDBMS/SQL.
  • Familiar with Unix/Linux Environtment.
  • Preferably fro those who have experience in the field of programming, software design, software debugging, software documentation and software testing.
  • Honest and have strong communication skill.
  • Able to work in a team and under pressure.
  • Willing to work full time in contract system.
  • Willing to comply with all regulations in LIPI’s environment.

IT Network Administrator (Code : ITNA)


  • Male, age 23 to 28 years old.
  • Minimum Bachelor Degree or equivalent (S1/D-IV), majoring in Informatics Engineering, Computer Science, Electro Engineering or equivalent (accredited BAN PT).
  • Minimum GPA of 3.00 (scale 4.00).
  • Preferably for those who have experience in the field of network administrator at least 1 year.
  • Preferably for those who have professional certification in the field of networking ; MTCRE, CCNA or related certification.
  • Mastering Network Switching and Routing and network security.
  • Mastering virtualization/cloud technology.
  • Familiar with Unix/Linux Environtment.
  • Mastering network equipment configuration; switch, routers, access point and firewall CISCO/Microtik or related.
  • Honest and have strong communication skill.
  • Able to work in a team and under pressure.
  • Willing to work full time in contract system.
  • Willing to comply with all regulations in LIPI’s environment.

Customer Service Officer (Code : CSO)


  • Female, age 23 to 26 years old.
  • Minimum Diploma Degree (D3), majoring in any field.
  • Minimum GPA of 3.00 (scale 4.00).
  • Good looking with weight and height proportionally.
  • Strong communication skill and service oriented.
  • Well communicated in English.
  • Computer literate.
  • Preferably for those who have experience as Customer Services.
  • Able to work in a team and under pressure.
  • Willing to work full time in contract system.
  • Willing to comply with all regulations in LIPI’s environment.

Application should contains the below documents :

  1. Scan of legalized diploma/certificate of graduation and transcript;
  2. Color Photograph 4×6;
  3. Scan of NPWP;
  4. Scan of Indonesia KTP or SIM;
  5. Curriculum Vitae and prortofolios;
  6. Other supporting certificate(s).

Sites Reference

  1. www.lipi.go.id

Submit Application

Should you are interested and qualified, please send your application letter, relevant documents above and put the code of position on the email subject to :



  • Application letter addressed to Pejabat Pengadaan Sekretariat Utama LIPI.
  • Application should be submitted no later than 17 February 2017 by email only.
  • Only qualified candidates will be contacted and invited to attend the selection process.
  • Source

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