Lowongan Kerja LIPI Kebun Raya Bogor


Kebun Raya Bogor LIPI

Lowongan Kerja Kebun Raya Bogor

About Kebun Raya Bogor LIPI

Kebun Raya Bogor – The Bogor Botanical Gardens is a botanical garden located in Bogor, Indonesia, 60 km south of Jakarta. It is currently operated by Indonesian Institute of Sciences (Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia or LIPI). The Gardens are located in the city center and adjoin the presidential palace compound of Istana Bogor. It covers an area of 87 hectares (210 acres) and contains 13,983 different kinds of trees and plants of various origin. The geographic position of Bogor means it rains almost daily, even in the dry season. This makes the Garden an advantageous location for the cultivation of tropical plants.

Founded in 1817 by the order of the government of the Dutch East Indies, the Garden thrived under the leadership of many renowned botanists including Johannes Elias Teijsmann, Rudolph Herman Christiaan Carel Scheffer, and Melchior Treub. Since its foundation, Bogor Botanical garden has served as a major research center for agriculture and horticulture. It is the oldest botanical garden in Southeast Asia

Kebun Raya Bogor LIPI

The area that is now Bogor Botanical Gardens was part of the samida (man made forest) that was established at least around the era when Sri Baduga Maharaja (Prabu Siliwangi, 1474-1513) ruled the Sunda Kingdom, as written in the Batutulis inscription. This forest was created to protect seeds of rare trees. The forest remained neglected after the Sundanese kingdom was destroyed in the 16th century. In 1744 the Dutch East India Company established a garden and mansion at the site of the present Botanical Gardens in Buitenzorg (now known as Bogor).

After the successful British invasion of Java in 1811, Stamford Raffles was appointed as the island’s Lieutenant-Governor and he took Buitenzorg Palace as his residence. During his rule in the palace, he had the garden re-landscaped into English-style garden. His wife, Olivia Mariamne Raffles, died in Buitenzorg on November 26, 1814 and was buried in Batavia. A memorial monument was built in the garden, as a commemoration for her.

The Garden is roughly square shaped covering an area of 87 hectares (210 acres), with additional 28.4 hectares (70 acres) of the ground in the north-west being the palace garden. The Garden is divided by the Ciliwung river and has three bridges. The main gate is located in the south and is where most of the garden facilities are concentrated, such as ticket purchasing booth, Treub’s laboratory, Nusa Indah Guesthouse, plant/souvernir shops, the library and the conservation building. The precinct east of Ciliwung was laid out in 1927 with facilities as the mosque, cafes, Herbarium, orchid section and Wisma Tamu guesthouse, near Astrid’s avenue.

Today the garden contains 13,983 specimens of trees and plants, belonging to 3373 species, 1257 genera and 218 families. There are 288 species (88 genera) of exceptional palms along lawns and avenues.The Gardens are a refuge for more than 50 different varieties of birds and for groups of bats roosting high in the trees.

In 1852, the Cibodas Botanical Gardens was founded as an extension of the Bogor Garden at the town of Cibodas, roughly 45 kilometers to the southeast of Bogor. A branch of the garden was opened in 1941 near the town of Purwodadi, and later in 1959 another branch was opened in Bali.

Kontak Pusat Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya-LIPI
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 13 Bogor Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Telepon (0251) 8311362 – 8336871
e-mail :kriblipi@indosat.net.id
informasi : informasi.krbogor@mail.lipi.go.id
kerjasama : kerjasama.krbogor@mail.lipi.go.id

Jobs Available

Pusat Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya Bogor LIPI seeks extraordinarily talented individuals to join as positions below:

  1. Pendamping Kebun raya daerah (Kode : KRD)
  2. Arsitektur Lanskap / Pertamanan (Kode : AL)
  3. Pengelola website (Kode : PW)
  4. Pengadministrasi laporan keuangan (kode : AK)
  5. Pengadministrasi umum (kode : TA)
  6. Penata usaha kepegawaian (kode : A.kep)
  7. Satuan pengamanan (Kode : SP)

Jobs Description


  • Preferably male
  • Single
  • Willing to be placed anywhere
  • Job application letter and curriculum vitae
  • Copy of diploma legalized
  • A copy of transcripts legalized, Rated minimum GPA of 2.75 (scale 4:00)
  • Copy of birth certificate, applicants Age maximum 27 years (on the date of January 17, 2017)
  • Physical and Spiritual Health (letter Description Doctor)
  • Police Notes (SKCK) is still valid
  • Identity Card / Identification Card valid
  • Color photograph size 4 × 6 (2 sheets)

Sites Reference

  1. www.krbogor.lipi.go.id

Submit Application

For those who are interested and meet the requirements, then please do the registration online by completing the registration form on the website recruitmentptt.krbogor.lipi.go.id and upload a photo copy of diploma, transcripts and identification cards in a single file up to 2 MB, no later than January 2, 2017, 12.00 pm.

Job application letter shown to:

Kepala Pusat Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya-LIPI, cq.
Kepala Subbagian Kepegawaian.
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 13 Bogor Jawa Barat


  • Entire Document beg requirements brought on when the written exam.
  • Only the best candidates will be processed further
  • Recruitment LIPI Bogor is no charge at all
  • Source

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