Lowongan Non CPNS Lapan
About Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (Lapan)
Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional – LAPAN is the government agency in charge of implementing nonkementerian Indonesian government duties in the field of aerospace research and development and utilization. Space agency four main areas namely remote sensing, aerospace technology, space science and aerospace policy.
History of LAPAN
On 31 May 1962, Astronautics Committee formed by the First Minister of Indonesia, Ir. Juanda (as Chairman of the Board Flight RI) and RJ Salatun (as the Secretary of the Board Flight RI).
Dated 22 September 1962, the establishment of the Scientific and Military Rocket Project Early (PRIMA) Airforce affiliates and ITB. Successfully created and launched two rockets following Kartika series telemetry.
Dated 27 November 1963, the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (LAPAN) was established by Presidential Decree No. 236 of 1963 on Space agency.
Space agency organizational improvement through:
- Presidential Decree (Decree) No. 18 of 1974,
- Presidential Decree No. 33 Year 1988
- Presidential Decree Number 33 Year 1988 jo Presidential Decree No. 24 of 1994,
- Presidential Decree No. 132 of 1998,
- Presidential Decree No. 166 of 2000 as amended several times the latest by Presidential Decree No. 62 Year 2001,
- Presidential Decree No. 178 of 2000 as amended several times the latest by Presidential Decree No. 60 Year 2001,
- Presidential Decree No. 103 of 2001.
Scope of Activities
- Development and utilization of remote sensing technology.
- Utilization of atmospheric science, climate and space.
- Development of aerospace technology.
- National aerospace policy development.
Contact LAPAN
Jl. Pemuda Persil No.1 Jakarta 13220
Telepon (021) 4892802 Fax. 4892815
email :
Contact Unit Lapan
Kantor LAPAN Pusat
Jl. Pemuda Persil No. 1 Rawamangun,
Jakarta Timur 13220
Telp. (021) 4894989, 4895040, 4892802
Fax. (021) 4894815
Pusat Pengkajian Informasi Kedirgantaraan
Jl. Cisadane No. 25 Cikini, Jakarta 10330
Telp. (021) 31927982
Fax. (021) 31922633
Pusat Teknologi dan Data Penginderaan Jauh
Jl. Lapan No. 70, Pekayon
Pasar Rebo, Jakarta 13710
Telp. (021)8710786
Fax. (021) 8717715
Pusat Pemanfaatan Penginderaan Jauh
Jl. Lapan No. 70, Pekayon
Pasar Rebo, Jakarta 13710
Telp. (021) 8717716
Fax. (021)8722733
Pusat Teknologi Penerbangan
Komplek Perkantoran LAPAN
Jl. Raya Lapan Sukamulya, Rumpin
Bogor 16350, Jawa Barat
Telp. (021) 6717716
Fax. (021) 75790031
Pusat Teknologi Roket
Jl. Rayan Lapan No. 2 Mekarsari, Rumpin
Bogor 16350, Jawa Barat
Telp. (021) 70952065
Fax. (021) 70952064
Pusat Sains Antariksa
Jl. Dr. Junjunan No. 133 Bandung 40173,
Jawa Barat
Telp. (022) 6012602, 6038060
Fax. (022)6014998
Pusat Teknologi dan Sains Atmosfer
Jl. Dr. Junjunan No. 133 Bandung 40173,
Jawa Barat
Telp. (022) 6037445, 6037446
Fax. (022) 6037443, 6014998
Pusat Teknologi Satelit
Jl. Cagak Satelit Km. 04 Rancabungur
Bogor 16310, Jawa Barat
Telp. (021) 8621667
Fax. (021)8623010
Balai Produksi dan Pengujian Roket
Jl. Cilauteureun Pameungpeuk
Garut 44175, Jawa Barat
Telp. (0262) 521282
Fax. (0262) 521282
Loka Pengamatan Dirgantara Sumedang
Jl. Raya Bandung, Sumedang KM 31
Sumedang 45363, Jawa Barat
Telp. (022) 7911262
Fax. (022) 7911261
Balai Pengamatan Dirgantara Watukosek
Jl.Raya Watukosek No. 1 Gempol
Pasuruan 67115, Jawa Timur
Telp. (0343) 851887
Fax. (0343) 851569, 852311
Balai Penginderaan Jauh Parepare
Jl. Jend. A. Yani KM. 6
Pare-pare 91112, Sulawaesi Selatan
Telp. (0421) 22290
Fax. (0421) 22270
Loka Pengamatan Dirgantara Kototabang
Bukit Kota Tabang, Desa Simpang Muaro
Kecamatan Palu Puah, Kabupaten Agam
Sumatera Barat.
Telp/Fax (0752) 6237028
Balai Pengamatan Dirgantara Pontianak
Jl. 28 Oktober, Siantar Hulu Pontianak 78241
Telp. (0562) 881599
Fax. (0561) 881599
Balai Penjejakan dan Kendali Wahana
Jl. Angkasa Trikora Biak 98117 Papua Barat
Telp. (0981) 24567, 24333, 27171
Fax. (0981) 22602, 26926
Jobs Available
Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional seeks the best Indonesian Citizen who have high integrity and commitment to seize theese career opportunities :
- Analis Keuangan
- Pengelola Data
- Analis Organisasi
- Analis Keuangan
- Analis Sistem Informasi
- Arsiparis
- Pengadministrasi Layanan Informasi dan Publikasi
- Pengelola BMN
- Pranata Komputer
- Teknisi Litkayasa Bidang Satelit
- Pranata Komputer
- Analis Hukum
- Pranata Komputer
- Teknisi Litkayasa Bidang Penerbangan
- Peneliti
- Pranata Komputer
- Analis SDM Aparatur
- Pengelola BMN
- Pengelola Data
- Pranata Komputer
Jobs Description
General requirement :
- Male / Female
- At least 21 years and a maximum of 30 years on 31 April 2017
- Are not civil servants or members of the TNI / police
- Physically and mentally healthy
- To be responsible
- Has a high work spirit
- Have a high initiative
- Having good communication skills
- Dress modestly and neatly
- Able to work under pressure
- Able to work in team
- Able to work outside office hours
- A minimum GPA of 2.80 on a scale of 4
- Higher Education Accreditation minimum B
- Special requirements can be found on the online registration page
Terms of registration documents online:
- Soft file size color photographs 4X6 (Formal) with a blue background (Male), Red (Female
- A curriculum vitae (CV)
- Scan a valid identity card
- Scan Original certificate / copy of which has been legalized
- Scan original academic transcript / copy of which has been legalized
- Scan certificate / letter alreditasi college
- Scan a certificate of good / SKCK
- Scan a health certificate from doctor
- Scan certificate / certificate of work experience (if any)
- Scan certificate / letter more.
SItes Reference
Submit Application
For those who are interested and meet the requirements, then please register online through the official website below :
- Closing date : 6 March 2017
- Only shortlisted candidates will be notified
- Source
Lowongan Non CPNS Lapan brought to you by