Lowongan Kerja LMAN Non CPNS
About Lembaga Manajemen Aset Negara (LMAN)
Lembaga Manajemen Aset Negara – LMAN is a non-echelon organizational unit in the Ministry of Finance with the financial management of public Service Agency (BLU) formed to be the operator of the state assets that are in the State General Treasurer (BUN).
In 1971 the organizational structure and human resources Receivables State Affairs Committee (PUPN) is not able to handle the delivery of state receivables originating from investment loans. Based on Presidential Decree No. 11 of 1976 established the Bureau of State Receivables (BUPN) with the task of taking care of the completion of state receivables as Law Number 49 Prp of 1960 concerning Affairs Committee State Receivables, while PUPN which is a committee interdepartemental just set a legal product in the management of state receivables , As the translation of the decree, the Ministry of Finance issued Decree No. 517 / MK / IV / 1976 on the organizational structure and working procedures BUPN, where the maintenance tasks carried out by the State receivable SatuanTugas (Task Force) BUPN.
To speed up the process of settlement of accounts receivable country to a standstill, was issued Presidential Decree No. 21 of 1991 which combines the functions of an auction and the entire apparatus of the Directorate General of Taxes in BUPN organizational structure, forming a new organization called the Bureau of State Receivables and Auction (BUPLN). As a follow up, the Minister of Finance decided that the accounts of the State management of operational tasks performed by the Office of State Credit Management Services (KP3N), while the operational tasks auction conducted by the Office of State Auction (KLN). Furthermore, under Presidential Decree No. 177 of 2000 and followed it up with the Minister of Finance Decree No. 2 / KMK.01 / 2001 dated January 3, 2001, BUPLN upgraded to the Directorate General of State Receivables and Auction (DJPLN) the operational functions carried out by the Office of Management Accounts Receivable and Auction state (KP2LN).
Reforms in the Ministry of Finance in 2006 to make the function of management of state receivables and service auction combined with the function management of state assets in the Directorate of Property Management / Wealth State (PBM / KN) Directorate General of Treasury (DJPb), so that by the Presidential Decree Number 66 Year 2006 on the Fourth Amendment of Presidential Decree Number 10 Year 2005 regarding Organization Unit and Task of Echelon I Ministry of the Republic of Indonesia, DJPLN transformed into the Directorate General of State (DJKN), and KP2LN renamed the State Property Office and Auction (KPKNL) with additional functions services in the field of state assets and valuation.
Control of State Property (BMN), which consists of the inventory, assessment and mapping of problems BMN started DJKN tasks in the management of state assets, followed by a correction value on the balance sheet of the Central Government Financial Report (LKPP) and the Financial Statements of the Ministry / Agency (LKKL). From this activity, LKPP previously received a disclaimer opinion from BPK RI, has won a qualified opinion. In the reporting period of 2012, as many as 50 of the 93 ministries / agencies earned unqualified opinion.
Given the asset management function of the state which is the biggest post balance sheet at LKPP, and as a contributor to national economic development, is currently conducting a DJKN institutional transformation as part of the Institutional Transformation Ministry of Finance. Institutional transformation in DJKN is intended to enhance and sharpen DJKN functions associated with asset management and wealth management state special mission.
Jobs Available
Lembaga Manajemen Aset Negara – LMAN open opportunities to Professional (Non PNS), in the field of formation and properties with the following provisions:
- Pengadministrasi Umum
- Penyaji Data
- Fungsional Umum
Jobs Description
Requirements :
- Indonesian citizens.
- Physically and mentally healthy.
- Have completed the study period according to the required level of education by attaching a diploma.
- Have Identity Card (KTP).
- Pengadministrasi Umum Position:
- Minimum D3 from all majors.
- Maximum age 28 years (as of July 1, 2017).
- Minimum GPA 2.75 (scale 4.00).
- Preferably have English proficiency certified.
- Penyaji Data Position:
- Minimal S1, from Accounting / Architecture / Legal / Management / Psychology / Engineering Informatics / Civil Engineering Department.
- Max age 32 years (as of July 1, 2017).
- Minimum GPA 2.75 (scale 4.00).
- Having minimum 3 (three) years working experience in the relevant field.
- Preferably has the ability to speak English with the following conditions:
- TOEFL: minimum score 450
- IELTS: score of at least 4.5
- Fungsional Umum Position:
- Minimal S1, from Accounting / Architecture / Legal / Management / Psychology / Engineering Informatics / Civil Engineering Department.
- Max age 35 years (as of July 1, 2017).
- Minimum GPA 2.75 (scale 4.00).
- Have at least 5 (five) years working experience in the relevant field.
- Preferably has the ability to speak English with the following conditions:
- TOEFL: minimum score 450
- IELTS: score of at least 4.5
- Willing to work with a specific time agreement system.
- Not undergoing obligatory work / obligation bonds with any company / institution, or willing to release obligatory work / obligation bonds if accepted at the State Asset Management Agency (LMAN).
- Never dismissed in disrespect as an employee of any company / institution.
- Never and / or are not in court or involved in legal proceedings.
- All selection stages will be conducted in Jakarta.
Sites Reference
Submit Application
If you match the profile and are interested in this exiting career opportunity, please apply in confidence by filling online application form at :
- Closing date : 30 April 2017
- Applications received after these dates will not be considered.
- All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
- Only candidates that meet the above qualification will be shortlisted.
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