
Lowongan Komnas HAM Non CPNS
About Komisi Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia (Komnas HAM)
Komisi Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia – Komnas HAM is an independent institution, on an equal level to other state institutions and which holds the functions of carrying out research and study, education and public awareness, monitoring and investigation, mediation of human rights.
Komnas HAM was at the beginning, established by virtue of decree of President Number 50 of 1993 regarding National Commission on Human Rights. Since 1999 existence of the Komnas HAM was based on Law, namely Law Number 39 of 1999 which also provided the existence, objective, function, membership, principles, completeness, as well as tasks and authority of Komnas HAM.

In addition to authority according to Law No. 39 of 1999, Komnas HAM is also authorized to do investigation against gross human rights violation by the issue of Law No. 26 of 2000 regarding Human Rights Court, Komnas HAM is an institution which is authorized to investigate gross Human Rights Violation. Komnas HAM may, in conducting this investigation, establish ad hoc team consisting of Komnas HAM and Society components.
Since the issue of Law No. 40 of 2008 regarding Elimination of Racial and Ethnic discrimination, the authority of Komnas HAM is added namely supervising any kind of effort to eliminate racial and ethnic discrimination In the framework of performing function of supervising elimination of racial and ethnic discrimination, Komnas HAM shall have the following tasks and authorities:
- Monitoring and evaluating central and regional government policy valued to be potential to result in racial and ethnic discrimination and monitoring and evaluating the implementation of elimination of racial and ethnic discrimination.
- Finding facts and evaluation against any individual, group of society, or public or private institution that are allegedly committing racial and ethnic discrimination.
- Granting recommendation to the central and regional government for monitoring and evaluation findings concerning with any acts containing racial and ethnic discrimination.
- Granting recommendation to DPR RI (Peopleās House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia) to do supervision toward the government ignoring the finding of Komnas HAM.
Contact Komnas HAM
Jalan Latuharhari No. 4 B, Kelurahan Menteng
Jakarta Pusat 10310, Indonesia
Tlp : +62-21-3925230
Fax :+62-21-3925227
E-mail :
Jobs Available
Komnas HAM is seeking the qualified canidates to join as Non CPNS with position below :
- Sekretaris (Kode SK: 2 Orang)
- Petugas Kebersihan (Kode PK : 1 Orang)
- Resepsionis (kode RS : 1 Orang)
- Pengemudi (Kode PI : 2 Orang)
Jobs Description
1. Sekretaris (Kode SK: 2 Orang)
- Male / Female, age at least 18 years and maximum 28 years.
- Minimal education D3 Secretary and equal.
- GPA for Private Higher Education Minimum: 2.75
- Minimum 1 year working experience in the field of protocol or secretary.
- Being able to communicate in English both active and passive.
- Able to operate computer minimal Microsoft Office.
- Diligent, thorough, friendly and cooperative and has a working initiative
2. Petugas Kebersihan (Kode PK : 1 Orang)
- Female, age at least 18 years and a maximum of 25 years.
- Minimum high school education / equivalent, the Average Value of diploma / STTB minimal 7:00
- Minimum 1 year experience.
- Understanding the ordinances of service, diligent, thorough, friendly and cooperative as well as having an employment initiative, respectful and ethical.
3. Resepsionis (kode RS : 1 Orang)
- Female, age at least 18 years and a maximum of 25 years.
- Minimum high school education / equivalent, the Average Value of diploma / STTB minimal 7:00
- Preferably attractive.
- Minimum 1 year experience in the field receptionist.
- Understand the procedure of guest service, diligent, thorough, friendly, and cooperative as well as having an employment initiative, respectful and ethical.
4. Pengemudi (Kode PI : 2 Orang)
- Male.
- Minimum Education High School / equivalent, the Average Value of diploma / STTB minimal 7:00
- Having a driver’s license, and knowing Jakarta and surrounding areas.
- Minimum 1 year working experience.
General Requirements:
- Indonesian citizen (citizen);
- Not dishonorably discharged poses as private employees;
- Never imprisonment or confinement by court decisions which have binding legal force, because of a criminal act;
- Physically and mentally healthy evidenced by the Certificate of Doctor Government;
- Never consume / use of narcotics, psychotropic substances, precursors and other addictive substances evidenced by the Certificate of government health care units;
- Good behavior as evidenced by Police Notes (SKCK) of the Police Resort (Police) local.
Sites Reference
Submit Application
- An application letter written by hand with black ink / typed and include the address of the applicant along with a phone number to call.
- Photocopy of Diploma and transcripts legalized authorized official.
- Original and photocopy legalized Police Notes (SKCK) of Police Resort (Police) is still valid.
- Copy of Health Certificate from a government doctor (Puskesmas / RS Government) is still valid.
- Color photograph size 4 x 6 as much as 5 (five) pieces.
- Copy of Identity Card (KTP) is still valid.
Application documents addressed to:
Up. Kepala Biro Umum
Jalan Latuharhary No.4B Menteng Jakarta Pusat
- Cover Letters received no later than October 10, 2016 (stamp Cap Pos) at 24.00 pm / stamp National Commission for direct inter at 16:00 pm, by including the code of each position on the left corner of the envelope.
- Announcement of the administration and at the same time calls for a test (can be viewed at the website Komnas HAM) on Tuesday, October 20, 2016.
- For participants who do not qualify administration application file is not returned and become the property of the General Secretariat of the Commission.
- The selection of applicants or participants no charge.
- Decision Team Selection Recruitment Variable General Secretariat of the Commission for Fiscal Year 2016 is absolute and can not be contested.
- Sumber
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