
Lowongan Kerja KPU
Jobs Available
KPU Biro Perencanaan dan Data Sekretariat Jenderal is seeking urgently qualified candidates of employee for the position of :
- Programmer (TIPA01) – 3 formations
- Tenaga Teknis Jaringan (JKD01) – 2 formations
- Tenaga Administrasi Keuangan (JKD02) – 1 formation
- Tenaga Teknis Database Administrator (PETA01) – 2 formations
- Tenaga Teknis Desain Grafis (PETA02) – 1 formation
Jobs Description
Programmer (TIPA01) – 3 formations
Requirements :
- Male / Female with at least 1 year of experience in developing web applications.
- Mastering the use of PHP with a code igniter framework or mastering the use of Java with framework spring or mastering the use of java script for making mobile applications on Android and iOS.
- Mastering the use of MySQL database or Postgresql.
- Minimum SMA or equivalent.
- Eager to learn and adjust to work conditions.
- Mastering programming algorithms.
Tenaga Teknis Jaringan (JKD01) – 2 formations
Requirements :
- Male with a maximum age of 30 years as of 31 January 2019.
- Minimum SMK or equivalent.
- Have expertise in the following field:
- Computer Network, TCP / IP, Rounting, Cabling, OSI Layer. Preferably have a CCNA, Mikrotik, etc. certificate.
- Technical Computer / PC devices.
- Mastering at least 2 of the following OS servers: Linux, Windows Server, FreeBSD.
Tenaga Administrasi Keuangan (JKD02) – 1 formation
Requirements :
- Male with a maximum age of 30 years as of 31 January 2019.
- Minimum D3.
- Have expertise in financial preparation and reporting.
Tenaga Teknis Database Administrator (PETA01) – 2 formations
Requirements :
- Male / Female with a maximum age of 30 years as of 31 January 2019.
- Minimum D3 / S1 or equivalent
- Have good understanding and mastering in Structured Query Language (SQL), and MySQL
- Able to analyze problems and provide solutions.
- Eager to learn and adjust to work conditions.
Tenaga Teknis Desain Grafis (PETA02) – 1 formation
Requirements :
- Male / Female with a maximum age of 30 years as of 31 January 2019.
- Minimum D3 / S1 or equivalent
- Have good understanding and mastering in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Corel, etc.
- Eager to learn and adjust to work conditions.
- Creating the best graphic design portfolio with the theme of the 2019 Election.
General Requirements :
- Domiciled in the greater Jakarta area.
- Sign a statement consisting of:
- Not a member of a political party
- Willing to work full time is not hindered by working hours and working in the holidays / national holidays in accordance with the schedule and stages of elections / elections
- Not being tied to a work contract from any agency
- Not being educated at any level
- Not demanding more than the rights contained in the employment contract
- Not demanding for contract extension.
Please enclose the following documents
- Copy of Electronic Identity Card (E-KTP)
- Legalized copy of Academic Diploma
- Application letter (stamped Rp 6,000)
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Qualification Certificate (if any)
- Color photograph 3×4.
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Please send all required application documents above via email to :
Notes :
- All application files are sent in pdf format which is combined in one attachment in the format (rar / zip) and write the title [Position Code] and
- the name of the applicant.
- Closing date 28 February 2019.
- Your application will be treated confidentially and only short listed candidates will be followed up.
- Source
- Lowongan Kerja KPU brougth to you by
About Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU)
Komisi Pemilihan Umum – KPU is a state agency that organizes elections in Indonesia . Chairman of the Commission is currently Husni Kamil Manik . KPU KPU that there is now a fourth- established since the 1998 Reform . Commission first (1999-2001 ) was formed by Presidential Decree No. 16 Year 1999 , consisting of 53 members , from the government and political parties . The first Commission was appointed President BJ Habibie . The second Commission (2001-2007) established by Decree No. 10 of 2001 , consisting of 11 people , from academic and NGO elements . The second Commission was appointed by President Abdurrahman Wahid ( Gus Dur ) on April 11, 2001.
In Article 10 of Law No. 3 of 1999 on General Elections and Article 2 of Presidential Decree No. 16 Year 1999 on the Establishment of the National Election Commission and the Establishment of Organization and Work General Secretariat of the National Election Commission , explained that in order to implement the General Election , the Commission has the authority to task as follows :
- Plan and prepare for the upcoming general elections ;
- Receive , examine and establish political parties are entitled as a participant of the General Election ;
- Shaping the Indonesian Election Committee , hereinafter referred PPI and coordinate the activities of the General Election from the national level to at voting places , hereinafter referred to TPS ;
- Setting the number of seats in the DPR, DPRD I and II for each electoral district ;
- Establish the overall results of the General Elections in all the electoral districts for the DPR , DPRD I and DPRD II ;
- Collecting and systematized the material as well as the data results of the General Election ;
- Leading the activity phase of the General Election .
In Section 2 of Presidential Decree No. 16 of 1999 are additional letters :
- Other duties and authority set forth in Law No. 3 of 1999 on General Elections .
While Article 11 of Act No. 3 of 1999 is also added , that in addition to the duties and authority of the Commission as referred to in Article 10 , no later than three (3 ) years after the General Election held , the system evaluates the General Election Commission .