
Lowongan Komisi Akreditasi Rumah Sakit
About Komisi Akreditasi Rumah Sakit (KARS)
Komisi Akreditasi Rumah Sakit – KARS is an independent agency implementing hospital accreditation that is both functional, non-structural and is responsible to the Minister of Health. KARS was formed first in 1995 and every three (3) years of the regulations are updated, most recently updated through the Minister of Health No. 417 / Menkes / Per / II / 2011 on the Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals, with the duties and functions of carrying out accreditation in Indonesia .

Hospital Accreditation was first implemented in 1995, with 5 service, and in 1998, has grown to 12 services and in 2001 to 16 services. However, in line with the increase in public demand for services that focus on the patient. It is necessary to change the paradigm that focuses accreditation to be accredited provider that focuses on the patient.
A change of paradigm accreditation began in 2012. Accreditation standards turn out to be focused on the patient, which was developed with reference to the standards of the Joint Commission International (JCI) coupled with program targets the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Extra Goals MDGs program is a commitment to the Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals (KARS) in the success of government programs. The new accreditation standards consist of four categories: patient-focused service standards, standards of hospital management, patient safety goals, targets MDGs program. Standard change should also be followed by changes in accreditation instruments and changes in survey methods.
Oldest folkus accreditation surveys to input or documents, while the new accreditation process as well in addition to input and output / outcome will be assessed and traced by the surveior.
Because the hospital needs to prepare for accreditation early because apart must complete the accreditation document, also must implement activities focused services to patients.
In order to help hospitals prepare for the accreditation of the Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals provides coaching accreditation of hospitals that are tailored to the needs of the hospital.
Contact Komisi Akreditasi Rumah Sakit
Gedung Epicentrum Walk Unit 716 B
Jl. Boulevard Epicentrum Selatan – Kawasan Rasuna Epicentrum Kuningan
Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12960 – Indonesia
Telepon : (021) 299 41552 / 299 41553 Fax: (021) 299 41317
Jobs Available
Komisi Akreditasi Rumah Sakit committed invite you to fill the following positions:
- Staf Keuangan & Akunting
- Staf IT (Supports)
Jobs Description
Staf Keuangan & Akunting
- Minimum D3 / S1 Accounting
- 2 years working experience as an accounting staff
- Maximum age 30 years
- Understanding on the management of taxation
- Mahir operate MS Office well (Excel, Word and Power Point)
- Honest, responsible, able to work in a team, be able to work with deadlines
Staf IT (Supports)
- S1 IT (Supports) with work experience of 2 years
- Maximum age 30 years
- Understanding maintenance of hardware, operating systems, and software
- Understanding the basics of LAN, MAN, WAN and the Internet
- Understanding the implementation wordpress
- Honest, responsible, able to work with deadlines, able to work in teams
Sites Reference
Submit Application
For those who are interested and meet the requirements, then please send your resume to:
- Only shortlisted candidate will be proceed on the next step.
- Source
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