Lowongan Kerja KKP Yogya – Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Yogyakarta



Lowongan Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Yogya

About Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Kelas IV Yogyakarta (KKP Yogyakarta)

Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Kelas IV Yogyakarta – KKP Yogyakarta is one means a technical unit within the Ministry of Health which is under and responsible to the Directorate General of Disease Prevention and Control.

Port Health Office Class IV Yogyakarta have duty to prevent the entry and exit of disease, potential disease outbreaks, epidemiological surveillance, kekarantinaan, controlling the impact of environmental health, health care, supervision OMKABA as well as safeguards against new diseases and the disease reappears, bioterrorism, elements of biology, chemical and radiation safety in the working area airports, seaports, and land border countries.


Port Health Office held 16 functions:

  1. implementation kekarantinaan
  2. Implementation of health care
  3. Implementation of environment risk control at airports, seaports, and land border cross country
  4. Implementation of disease surveillance, potential disease outbreaks, new diseases, and diseases are reappearing
  5. Implementation of security ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, biological and chemical
  6. Implementation of the center / epidemiological surveillance network node in accordance diseases related to the traffic of national, regional, and international
  7. Implementation, facilitation and advocacy preparedness and management of Extraordinary Events (KLB) and disaster areas of health, and health dimensions, including the organization of the Hajj health and population movements
  8. Implementation, facilitation, and advocacy of environmental health in airports, seaports, and land border cross country
  9. Implementation of the health certificate drugs, food, cosmetics and medical devices and addictive substances (OMKABA) export and supervise health documents OMKABA import requirements
  10. Implementation of health surveillance and cargo conveyances
  11. Implementation of the delivery of health services in the region of airports, seaports, and land border cross country
  12. Implementation of networks of information and technology in health airports, seaports, and land border cross country
  13. Implementation of networks and partnerships in health in airports, seaports, and land border cross country
  14. Implementation kekarantinaan assessment, risk control environment, and health surveillance harbor
  15. Implementation of technical training health field airports, seaports, and land border cross country
  16. Implementation of administrative and household KKP

Quarantine comes and says’ QUADRAGINTA (latin) “which means 40. Once all the patients isolated for 40 days. In 1348 more than 60 million people worldwide die from the disease “Pes” (Black Death). In 1348 the Port of Venice as one of the largest ports in Europe to make efforts QUARANTINE by refusing the entry of ships coming and the area affected by Pes and against vessels suspected of contracting the disease Pes (PLAGUE).

In 1377 in Roguasa made a rule that passengers of elapsed areas infected with bubonic plague have to stay somewhere outside of the port and stayed there for 2 months for free from the disease. That is the history of quarantine measures in the form of isolation was first performed on humans. In 1383 in Marseille, France, set the first Quarantine Act and established the first Quarantine Station.

Expert Initiative on Health has implemented an intensive infectious disease diplomacy and multilateral cooperation of public health which produces the International Sanitary Conference, Paris 1851 known as ISR 1851. Then in 1969 the WHO changed the ISR into the International Health Regulations (IHR)

In Indonesia in 1911, Pes enter through the Port of Tanjung Perak Surabaya. At that time Indonesia was still alive in the Dutch colonial era. Quarantine regulations are enforced Ordonanti (Statute No. 277 of 1911). In history Ordonanti Quarantine (Statute No. 277 of 1911) has been repeatedly amended. Health care in the port carried by HAVEN ARTS (Doctor Piers) under HAVEN MASTER (Syahbandar). It was in Indonesia there are only 2 Haven Arts is on the island of Sabang & Rubiah at Onrust Island in the Bay of Jakarta

At the time of Independence, circa 1949/1950 Government of Indonesia formed 5 Port Quarantine, the Port of Tanjung Priok Quarantine Class I and Sabang, Port Quarantine Surabaya and Semarang Class II and Class III Quarantine Port Cilacap. In 1959, Indonesia issued Government Regulation No. 53 of 1959 concerning Quarantine Diseases, then sprang Law No. 1 of 1962 on Sea and Quarantine Law No. 2 Year 1962 concerning the Air Quarantine.

In 1970, published SK Menkes No.1025 / DD / Menkes, on the establishment of the Health Service Seaports (DKPL) 60 DKPL & Air Port Health Office (DKPU) by 12 DKPU.

Minister of Health Decree No. 147 / Menkes / IV / 78, DKPL and DKPU merged into Port Health Office (KKP) and under the technical guidance Desenban Affairs Regional Office Department of Health which led KKP is Echelon III B.

Since the adoption of the Law on Regional Autonomy, health authorities at provincial level called the Regional Office of the Department of Health should be merged into the structure of the Provincial Health Office. Government Regulation on the Division of Authority mandates that Kekarantinaan as the authority of the central government. SK Menkes 2004 issue No. 265 / Menkes / SK / III / 2004 concerning Organization and Work Procedure of the new KKP

Contact Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Yogyakarta
Jl. Ring Road Utara No.8, Maguwoharjo Depok, Sleman
Telepon : 0274-484259
Fax: 0274-484259
Email: kkpyogyakarta@yahoo.com
Website: www.kkpyogyakarta.com

Jobs Available

Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Yogyakarta is seeking the qualified Indonesia people to join as position below :

  1. Perawat
  2. Petugas Keamanan / Security
  3. Petugas Kebersihan
  4. Driver / Sopir

Jobs Description

General requiments :

  • Population of the Republic of Indonesia (citizen).
  • Candidates have Age Requirements:
    • Age 21-30 Years for Nurses formation;
    • Age 21-45 Years for formation Security Officer / Security;
    • Age 21-45 Years for formation Hygiene Officer;
    • Age 21-45 Years for formation Driver / Driver:
  • Candidates Not being tied to an agreement / contract with other agencies;
  • Prospective candidates not located as CPNS / PNS, Candidate / Member of military and police;
  • Candidates not domiciled as a trustee / member of a political party;
  • Participants must have good character and was never sentenced to imprisonment or confinement under a court decision which has had permanent legal force, for committing a criminal act;
  • Medical history Physical and Spiritual Health;
  • Candidates Never consume / use of narcotics, psychotropic substances, precursors, and addictive substances;
  • Never dishonorably discharged as a candidate Servant / Servant state / local enterprises and private employees;
  • Not demanding to be appointed as civil servant;
  • Has a high loyalty to the office.

Special Qualifications:

  • A minimum of two years of work experience on the type of job that is proposed;
  • Candidates have educational criteria / diploma in accordance with the formation of vacancies;
  • For jobs Driver / Drivers must have a SIM A / B Common and preferred living in the area around Sleman and understand the vehicle’s engine;
  • Vacancy formation for Nurses willing to work on the day shift and Sign work on Saturday and Sunday and Public Holidays. Especially those who have nursing-related training certificates;
  • For Job Security Officer / Security has a basic martial arts abilities and Security Certificate (Gada Pratama).

Sites Reference

  1. www.kkpyogyakarta.com

Submit Application

For those of you who are interested and meet the job qualifications, please register by following these steps:

  • Application documents using folders YELLOW (applicants formations Nurse), colored folders BLUE (applicants formation Security), colored folders GREEN (applicants formation Hygiene Officer) and map RED (applicants formations Driver) made copies of one (1) prepared as follows:
  • Recent color photographs size 4 x 6 cm (1 sheet), 3R (1 sheet) on the back is written the name and put in a plastic;
  • Photocopy of identity card (KTP) is still valid, do not have to be legalized;
  • Cover Letter wearing striped paper folio handwritten with Latin letters using black ink and signed by the applicant, addressed to the Chief of the Port Health Office Yogyakarta;
  • Copy of diploma and transcripts that have been legalized for DIII level of education in accordance with the Decree of the Head of State Personnel Board No. 11 of 2002 dated June 17, 2002;
  • A copy of the Accreditation Program for Undergraduate College DIII not need legalized;
  • Conditions for the Accreditation College Diploma Education level: Universities Accreditation (A, B) IPK min 2.75, PTS Accreditation (A, B) GPA min 2.75
  • A copy of high school diploma has been legalized by the principal or vice-principal field of the student’s level of high school education;
  • Copy Legalization Police Notes (SKCK) issued by the authorities / police domicile of the applicant is still valid;
  • Genuine latest condition paper issued by Government Doctors, among others in the health centers / hospitals / Hospital / RS military-police who admitted to practice (at least published November 2016);
  • Original Certificate not consume / use of narcotics, psychotropic substances, precursors, and other addictive substances are still valid, with the note issued by Hospital / Dr / RS TNI-Polri (minimal published November 2016);
  • Attach Statement could be placed in the working area in accordance with the policy of the office is signed on the stamp Rp 6,000 according to the format attached;
  • Filling a curriculum vitae with a letter CAPITAL / BEAM with black ink, the first sheet affixed to the upper right photograph 4 × 6 cm in the most appropriate format attached;

All documents mentioned above are clamped together with a binder clip and put into a brown envelope and mailed to the address;

Kepada Yth. Kepala Kantor Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Yogyakarta
Cq. Panitia Penerimaan Pegawai Pemerintah Non Pegawai Negeri TA 2017
Jalan Ringroad Utara No. 8 Nanggulan Maguwoharjo Depok Sleman DIY 55282
No Telp. (0274) 484259 No Fax. (0274) 484259


  • At the top right corner of the front of the envelope was written TYPES OF VACANCIES and on the front top left corner of the envelope was written QUALIFICATIONS EDUCATION;
  • Application file is not eligible age, educational qualifications, incomplete, and no sequence as described above otherwise fall into administration.
  • Admission time registration s.d dated 22 November 2016 December 5, 2016;
  • The committee only accept files sent by post;
  • Applicants who pass the selection will be announced on the administration through the website address: www.kkpyogyakarta.com;
  • For participants who do not qualify administration application file is not returned and become the property of the Port Health Office Yogyakarta;
  • Prospective Employees Non Government Servants who graduated and received will be placed according to the user’s head office and the allocation of human resources needs;
  • If in the future the applicant proved to provide data that does not fit the facts / deliberate manipulation of data both on the selection process or after the appointed candidate Servants Non Government Employees then passing concerned is declared void and dismiss the Government Employees Prospective Non Servants.
  • Only the best will dipangil candidates for further processing
  • Port Health Office Yogyakarta is not responsible for charges by the individual in the name of the Admissions Committee of Government Employees Prospective Non Servants so participants are encouraged not to serve the bid to facilitate the reception.
  • The selection committee decision is final and can not be contested
  • Source

Lowongan Kerja KKP Yogya brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn.com