Lowongan Kerja KISEL – Koperasi Telkomsel



Lowongan Kerja Kisel

About Koperasi Telekomunikasi Selular (kisel)

Koperasi Telekomunikasi Selular (kisel) is a provider agency Distribution Channel (Sales and Distribution), General Service (Public Service) and Telco Infrastructure (Service Infrastructure Telecommunications), with a network of operational offices as many as 54 pieces of regional offices / branches of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam to Papua and supported by 4,039 members with a majority of the members are employees of PT Telkomsel.

In general, businesses become medium Distribution Channel for the telco industry to distribute their products from metropolitan centers to the country. Telco Infrastructure becomes a medium for telco operators to complete the various parts of the business processes in the infrastructure. Medium General Service becomes a medium for all businesses associated with the need for Public Service.


Kisel business trip begins with a relatively modern development of the enterprise, outside the customs agency called cooperatives, at which time it Kisel heavily involved in supporting the business activities of Telkomsel.

Since its founding in 1996 until 2000 when the fields are required inter alia to support the fulfillment of human needs, pekerjaanpekerjaan associated with the bill (invoice), and some support the needs of the local nature. From that moment terbangunlah embryos in all areas of operations of Telkomsel.

In addition to the external drivers that comes from stakeholder / customer, internally the Board conduct a variety of business development ideas. In the period 2000 – 2010, the development and the growth speed of customer / Telkomsel has conditioned Kisel to perform additional business scope.

Between the years 2010 – 2014 the transformation to develop Kisel as modern business institutions, through various initiatives. The spirit that was launched is to strengthen the foundation and accelerating business development, increased professionalism, integration and control of business processes.

This foundation facilitates Kisel as cooperative institutions to be more agile in serving its members (improving welfare) and move serves the market (market expansion).

In line with the development of the telecommunications industry and this industry environment, Kisel further developed to become a reliable support for the growth and development of the telecommunications industry in Indonesia. On his way there are some things that have been achieved Kisel exhibited significantly among others, as one of the Authorized Distributors National level, play a role in helping to roll out a large program in Indonesia such as the USO, becoming an official partner for several National Telkom Group companies, and so forth.

Contact Kisel Indonesia
Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu Kav. 34
Jakarta Selatan 12780
Telp. 021-79188200
Fax. 021-79188197

Jobs Available

Koperasi Telkomsel Sumbagsel are seeking the qualified candidates to join and fill the position below :

  • Staff IT

Job Description


  • Male / Female Maximum age 27 Years
  • Minimal education D3 Informatics / Computer D3
  • Mastering MS Office, Installation and Troubleshootnya
  • Mastering Windows 7 & 8, installation and troubleshootnya
  • Mastering Troubleshoot PC, Laptop, and maintenancenya
  • Mastering Network LAN, Mikrotik, Wifi and trobuleshootnya
  • Master network management and proxy (optional)

Sites reference

  1. http://kiselindonesia.com

Submit Application

For those who are interested and qualified, please mail your application with CV, photograph and other supporting documents can be sent to the address:

Koperasi Telkomsel (KISEL) Wilayah Sumbagsel
Jl. Basuki Rahmad no 14 A
Depan Masjid Alfalah kec Kemuning Palembang
Tekp : 0711-5610826


  • Only candidates with the best qualifications will be invited to attend the next selection stage.
  • Recruitment PT Kisel Telkomsel does not charge at all
  • Source

Info Lowongan Kerja Kisel brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn.com