Lowongan Kerja Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia



Lowongan Kerja Kemlu

About Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia (Kemlu)

Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia – Kemlu or Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia is a government ministry which oversees the foreign affairs of Indonesia. The ministry was formerly known as the Department of Foreign Affairs (Departemen Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia, better known as Deplu).

The name changed due to the new law about State Ministry of 2008 (UU 39/2008).

The ministry is one of the ministries that is mentioned in the Constitution of Indonesia, so the president has no authority to dismiss this ministry, compared to other ministries that are not mentioned in the Constitution of Indonesia.

The first 5-year period of Indonesia’s independence is a decisive period in the struggle for independence which enforcement is part of history that determines the character or the character of Indonesian foreign policy. At that time, the main task of Ministry of Foreign Affairs through diplomacy seek sympathy and support of the international community, solidarity friends all fields and with a variety of efforts to gain support and recognition of the independence of Indonesia. Through the spirit of Struggle Diplomacy allowing Indonesia eventually won broad support of the international community at the United Nations in 1950.

Now, the main task of Ministry directed to fence the potential disintegration of the nation, trying to help the economic recovery, improving the image of Indonesia as well as improve the quality of services and the protection of citizens. In 2001 the Ministry mencanangkanperbaikan internally to realize the principles of good governance and improve service to the public. The program is implemented through the establishment of a disciplined work culture, through the concept of 3 1 secure the orderly and disorderly time, order administration, physical discipline, and personnel-safe-working environment information. So as to achieve a competent human resources and professionals to support organizational goals. This was reinforced by Presidential Regulation No. 05 Year 2004 on the Acceleration of Corruption. These regulations strengthen efforts to reorganize and create a Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the professional organizations that are transparent, capable and clean.

The policy program focuses on three main aspects, namely: Department of organizational restructuring, restructuring RI Representative abroad, as well as the improvement of professional diplomats. It is hoped that through the process of self can be created Benah lean organization, dense, adaptive, effective, and efficient. The third main pillar of the Self Benah bureaucratic reform in line with targets as set out in the General Guidelines on Regulatory Reforms Minister of State for Administrative Reform PER/15/M.PAN/7/2008 No. 2008, namely: organizational structuring towards right sizing; cultural formation working to realize the bureaucracy with integrity and high performance; development of procedures that are effective, efficient, transparent and accountable; formulation of rules and regulations that do not overlap, as well as the formation of human resources with integrity, competent, professional, high-performing and well-being.

The task of revamping the diplomat profession and improvement of human resources with actionable reorganize staffing rules and systems development and career coaching. Law. 37 of 1999 on Foreign Relations diplomacy requires a creative, active, anticipatory, not just routine and reactive, steadfast, rational and flexible. In the context of realizing the mandate of the Act, fix the admission selection CPNS Ministry, which was considered an important step in structuring human resources professional. CPNS admission selection system has been developed and implemented since 2002. Recruitment patterns implemented in the principles of transparency, effective and efficient, through the use of information technology and rigorous methodology, clean and accountable in determining graduation. This selection process is gaining recognition in the form of ISO 9001: 2008. Revamping the recruitment system has gained public recognition with the increasing number of enthusiasts who follow the selection process CPNS Ministry.

Career development at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was conducted by merit, taking into account the performance and achievements of the task. Department also improve the system of education and training, placement, promotion and enforcement of employee discipline, employee to obtain a clean, honest, and passionate, as well as capable in substance. Professional recognition through rule Functional diplomat Diplomat (JFD) in 2005 to be an additional boost for the Foreign Ministry to actually run Benah Self.

In JFD, a diplomat duties benchmarks the performance appraisal. There are five main tasks diplomat, namely: representing, negotiating, protecting, promoting, and reporting, the performance and achievements will be measured each year through the Target Working Individual (SKI). Ministry of Foreign Affairs has awarded directly Document Proposed Reforms to the Foreign Ministry of National Bureaucracy Reform Team at the Ministry of PAN and RB. Bureaucratic Reform Proposal document is presented as an essential pre Foreign Ministry of National Bureaucracy Reform program. In order to increase the number of Indonesian people who work in international organizations, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia encourages all Indonesian citizens are eligible to apply for available positions, the job family.

Jobs Available

Kementerian Luar Negeri (Direktorat Jenderal Multilateral) and The United Nations is looking for highly qualified Indonesian nationals who are ready to embark on a professional career as an international civil servant. In order to increase the number of Indonesians working in the international organization, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia encourages all eligible Indonesians to apply for the available positions, in job families of :

Administration Staff
Jakarta Raya

Jobs Description


  • Indonesian nationals
  • Maximum age of 32 years old by the end of this year;
  • Holding at least a first-level university degree in the related fields (no previous working experience needed);
  • Fluent in English and/or French both oral and written (proficiency in other UN official languages is a plus).
  • Willing to be posted at UN offices around the world

Sites Reference

  1. http://careers.un.org/
  2. www.kemlu.go.id

Submit Application

Please regsiter by online through :


  • REGISTRATION PERIOD (online registration only): 8 July – 5 September 2013
  • (closed at 23.59 New York time)
  • for job families: Administration

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