Lowongan Kerja Kementerian ESDM Non CPNS



Lowongan Kerja Kementerian ESDM

About Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Republik Indonesia (Kementerian ESDM)

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral – Kementerian ESDM is a government ministry in Indonesia engaged in the field of energy and mineral resources. Mineral Resources Ministry is headed by a Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM Minister) that since the date of October 27, 2014 held by Sudirman Said.


  • Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has the task of conducting affairs in the field of energy and mineral resources in the government to assist the President in carrying out the state government.


  1. formulation, determination, and implementation of policies in the field of energy and mineral resources;
  2. management of property / wealth of the country are the responsibility of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources;
  3. supervise the execution of duties in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources;
  4. implementation of technical guidance and supervision over the conduct of the affairs Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in the area
  5. implementation of technical activities at the national scale.

Organizational structure

  1. Secretariat General
  2. Directorate General of Oil and Gas
  3. Directorate General of Electricity
  4. Directorate General of Mineral, Coal
  5. Directorate General of New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation
  6. Inspectorate General
  7. Geological Agency
  8. Research and Development Agency for Energy and Mineral Resources
  9. Education and Training Agency of Energy and Mineral Resources
  10. Expert Staff Institutional and Strategic Planning
  11. Expert Staff Economics and Finance
  12. Expert Staff Investment and Production
  13. Expert Staff of Environment and Spatial Planning
  14. Expert Staff Communication and Social Community


year 1945
The first institution that handles Mining in Indonesia is a Bureau of Mines and Geology which was formed on 11 September 1945. The Bureau, originally named Agency Geological Survey , Is ruled by the Ministry of Welfare.

Geology Bureau and which at that time was in the Ministry of Industry, based on the Minister of Economy no. 2360a / M 1952, converted into the Directorate of Mines consisting of Central Bureau of Mines and Geology Bureau Center.

year 1957
Under Presidential Decree 131 of 1957 was split into the Ministry of Economy Ministry of Trade and Industry Ministry. Based on the Minister of Industry no. 4247 A / M 1957, centers under the Directorate of Mines turned into a Bureau of Mines and Geology Bureau.

The Ministry of Industry was split into the Department of Primary Industry / Mining and Industry Ministry of the People where the field of oil and gas under the Ministry of Basic Industry and Mining.

Government established the Bureau of Oil and Gas, which is under the Ministry of Basic Industry and Mining.

Bureau of Geology and Mining Bureau was changed to the Directorate of Geology and Mining Directorate.

Bureau of Oil and Gas was changed to the Directorate of Oil and Gas, which is under the authority of the Vice Minister of Mines and Mining Companies State.

Ministry of Basic Industry / Mining split into three departments, namely: Department of Primary Industry, the Ministry of Mines and the Ministry of Oil and Gas Affairs. On June 11, 1965 Minister of Oil and Gas set founding the Institute of Oil and Gas (Lemigas).

Department of Oil and Gas merged into the Ministry of Mining and Oil and Gas in charge of the Ministry of Oil and Gas.

In Ampera Cabinet, the Ministry of Oil and Gas and Mining Department merged into the Ministry of Mines.

Department of Mines changed to Ministry of Mines and Energy.

year 2000
Department of Mines and Energy changed to Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

Jobs Available

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Republik Indonesia seeks the best Indonesian Citizen who have high integrity and commitment to seize theese career opportunities :

  1. Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi (terbuka bagi non-PNS);
  2. Direktur Jenderal Ketenagalistrikan (terbuka bagi non-PNS);
  3. Direktur Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara;
  4. Direktur Jenderal Energi Baru, Terbarukan, dan Konservasi Energi;
  5. Sekretaris Jenderal Dewan Energi Nasional.

Jobs Description

General Requirements

  • Have status of Indonesian Citizen (WNI) for non-civil servants (PNS);
  • Have status of Civil Servant (for a vacancy numbers 3,4, and 5);
  • For Civil Servants applicants : At least occupy the rank of Major Young Patrons / Pembina Utama Muda (IV / c) and have been / are still occupying the post of Chairman of High Admiral / Pimpinan Tinggi Madya (Echelon I) or High Primary Leadership / Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama (Echelon II) at least 2 (two) years / officials functional competence related to the position to be filled, at least Associate / Madya level, occupying the rank of at least Patrons Main Young / Pembina Utama Muda (IV / c);
  • For non-Civil Servants applicants : at least current or past positions with similar responsibilities of High Primary Leadership / Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama (Echelon II) at least 2 years;
  • Maximum age of 58 years old at the end of January 2015;
  • Precedence who have followed and passed the Leadership Training Level II and / or Level I (PIM Level II and / or Level I) or LEMHANAS, or equivalent leadership development programs;
  • All the elements of performance appraisal at least worth Whether in 2 (two) years;
  • Never / is serving a related discipline with malfeasance;
  • Physical and mental health;
  • It has been handed SPT (last year), and LHKPN (for state officials);
  • Writing paper.

Sites Reference

  1. www.esdm.go.id

Submit Application

Register online through :

http://seleksiterbuka.esdm.go.id not later than 7 January 2015.


  • All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
  • Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
  • Source

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