
Lowongan Kerja Kementerian BUMN Non PNS
About Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara Republik Indonesia (BUMN)
Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara – Kementerian BUMN is a Ministry Indonesian government in charge of the affairs of state-owned enterprises ( BUMN ) . SOE Ministry is headed by a Minister of State Owned Enterprises ( Kementerian BUMN ) that since October 27, 2014 held by Rini Soemarno.

Ministry of Enterprise is a transformation of the unit echelon II Ministry of Finance (1973-1993) who later became the first echelon unit (1993-1998 and 2000-2001 ) . In 1998-2000 and 2001 until now , the unit became the Ministry of SOEs .
Ministry of Enterprise has the duties and functions of state companies implement coaching / SOEs in Indonesia . Ministry of Enterprise has been around since 1973 , which was originally a part of a unit within the Ministry of Finance . Furthermore , the organization has experienced several changes and developments . In the period 1973 to 1993 , the unit that handles coaching SOEs are in units of echelon II . Initially , the organizational unit called Directorate Limited and PKPN ( Management Corporate Finance Country ) . Furthermore, a change in name to the Directorate Limited and BUN ( State Enterprises ) . The last time the unit echelon II organization , the organization is transformed into the Directorate of SOE to 1993 .
Furthermore , along with the increasing need to optimize the supervision and guidance of the SOEs , in the period 1993 to 1998 , the organization initially only at Directorate / Echelon II , improved to the level of the Directorate General / echelon , with the name of the Directorate General of State Enterprises ( DJ – PBUN ) .
Given the role , function and contribution of SOEs to the state coffers significantly , in 1998 to 2000 , the Indonesian government organization builder and change shape into a ministry-level SOE managers . Early forms of organizational change into the ministry occurred in the reign of Development Cabinet VI , with the name of the Office of the State Minister of Investment and Development of SOE / SOE Chief Development Board .
In 2000 to 2001 , the ministry ‘s organizational structure was abolished and reinstated into the first echelon in the Ministry of Finance . However , in 2001 , when the succession of leadership , the organization restored function to the level of a ministry by the name of the State Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises . In 2009 , following the nomenclature changes throughout the ministry , the ministry of the nomenclature was changed into the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises .
Contact Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara
Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No . 13 Jakarta 10110 Indonesia
Telepon 021-29935678 Fax 021-29935740.
Jobs Available
Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara have following Outsource Positions to offer for the right person that can grow together as :
- Tenaga Pengelola Kinerja Organisasi
- Tenaga Administrasi Perkantoran
- Tenaga Administrasi Gudang
- Tenaga Administrasi Barang Milik Negara
- Tenaga Dokumentasi
- Tenaga Jurnalistik
- Tenaga Hubungan Pemerintah
- Tenaga Pengelola Portal Publik
- Tenaga Pelayanan Publik
- Tenaga Protokol
- Tenaga Pengadministrasi Kearsipan
- Tenaga Pengantar Dokumen Keuangan
- Tenaga Perbantuan Administrasi
- Tenaga Pustakawan
- Tenaga Sekretaris
- Tenaga Pengadministrasi Persuratan
- Tenaga Pengantar Dokumen Internal
- Tenaga Pengadministrasi Surat Masuk
- Tenaga Alih Media
- Tenaga Penerima Dokumen
- Tenaga Analis Perkara Hukum
- Tenaga Analis Peraturan Perundang-undangan
- Tenaga Asisten Peneliti Riset BUMN Sektor I & II
- Tenaga Asisten Peneliti Riset Internal
- Tenaga Assiten Peniliti Riset Makro
- Tenaga Pengelola Konten Portal FIS KBUMN
- Tenaga Analisis dan Penyajian Data dan Informasi BUMN
- Tenaga Junior Web Programmer
- Tenaga Mobile App Developer
- Tenaga Senior Web Programmer
- Tenaga Network Admin
- Tenaga Technical Support I
- Tenaga Technical Support II
- Tenaga System Administrator
- Tenaga Application Support
- Tenaga Helpdesk Analyst I
- Tenaga Helpdesk Analyst II
- Tenaga Pembantu Pengelola Konten Portal SDM Eksekutif BUMN
- Tenaga Pembantu Pengelola Data Talent Pool Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris/Pengawas BUMN
- Tenaga Pembantu Pengelola Data GCG dan KPKU
- Tenaga Pengelola Data Privatisasi dan Sinergi BUMN I & II
- Tenaga Pengelola Data Pengembangan Bisnis BUMN
- Tenaga Pengelola Data PMN, Penerusan Pinjaman dan PSO BUMN
- Tenaga Asisten Pelaporan Keuangan Junior
- Tenaga Asisten Restrukturisasi Korporasi
- Tenaga Analis Perencanaan dan Pelaporan Kinerja
- Tenaga Analis Dokumentasi Hukum
- Tenaga Analis Kinerja dan Strategik Manajemen
Jobs Description
General requirement :
- Indonesian citizen (WNI)
- Physically and mentally healthy;
- Not located as a civil servant or civil servant;
- Never was dismissed at his own request at the previous institution;
- Formal education in accordance formation needed
Required application documents :
- Indonesian KTP;
- Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP);
- Latest academic diploma;
- Latest academic transcripts;
- Curriculum Vitae (CV);
- Other relevant certificates or documents to support the application.
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Please submit your application by signing into KBUMN Recruitment Website at :
- Closing date 7 December 2016.
- All applications will be handled in strictly confidential.
- Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for further process.
- Source
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