Lowongan Kerja Kementerian BUMN Pegawai Pemerintah Non PNS (PPNPN)



Lowongan Kerja Kementerian BUMN Non PNS

About Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara Republik Indonesia (BUMN)

Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara – Kementerian BUMN is a Ministry Indonesian government in charge of the affairs of state-owned enterprises ( BUMN ) . SOE Ministry is headed by a Minister of State Owned Enterprises ( Kementerian BUMN ) that since October 27, 2014 held by Rini Soemarno.


Ministry of Enterprise is a transformation of the unit echelon II Ministry of Finance (1973-1993) who later became the first echelon unit (1993-1998 and 2000-2001 ) . In 1998-2000 and 2001 until now , the unit became the Ministry of SOEs .

Ministry of Enterprise has the duties and functions of state companies implement coaching / SOEs in Indonesia . Ministry of Enterprise has been around since 1973 , which was originally a part of a unit within the Ministry of Finance . Furthermore , the organization has experienced several changes and developments . In the period 1973 to 1993 , the unit that handles coaching SOEs are in units of echelon II . Initially , the organizational unit called Directorate Limited and PKPN ( Management Corporate Finance Country ) . Furthermore, a change in name to the Directorate Limited and BUN ( State Enterprises ) . The last time the unit echelon II organization , the organization is transformed into the Directorate of SOE to 1993 .

Furthermore , along with the increasing need to optimize the supervision and guidance of the SOEs , in the period 1993 to 1998 , the organization initially only at Directorate / Echelon II , improved to the level of the Directorate General / echelon , with the name of the Directorate General of State Enterprises ( DJ – PBUN ) .

Given the role , function and contribution of SOEs to the state coffers significantly , in 1998 to 2000 , the Indonesian government organization builder and change shape into a ministry-level SOE managers . Early forms of organizational change into the ministry occurred in the reign of Development Cabinet VI , with the name of the Office of the State Minister of Investment and Development of SOE / SOE Chief Development Board .

In 2000 to 2001 , the ministry ‘s organizational structure was abolished and reinstated into the first echelon in the Ministry of Finance . However , in 2001 , when the succession of leadership , the organization restored function to the level of a ministry by the name of the State Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises . In 2009 , following the nomenclature changes throughout the ministry , the ministry of the nomenclature was changed into the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises .

Contact Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara

Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No . 13 Jakarta 10110 Indonesia
Telepon 021-29935678 Fax 021-29935740. www.bumn.go.id

Jobs Available

Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara have following Outsource Positions to offer for the right person that can grow together as :

  1. Tenaga Pengelola Kinerja Organisasi
  2. Tenaga Administrasi Perkantoran
  3. Tenaga Administrasi Gudang
  4. Tenaga Administrasi Barang Milik Negara
  5. Tenaga Dokumentasi
  6. Tenaga Jurnalistik
  7. Tenaga Hubungan Pemerintah
  8. Tenaga Pengelola Portal Publik
  9. Tenaga Pelayanan Publik
  10. Tenaga Protokol
  11. Tenaga Pengadministrasi Kearsipan
  12. Tenaga Pengantar Dokumen Keuangan
  13. Tenaga Perbantuan Administrasi
  14. Tenaga Pustakawan
  15. Tenaga Sekretaris
  16. Tenaga Pengadministrasi Persuratan
  17. Tenaga Pengantar Dokumen Internal
  18. Tenaga Pengadministrasi Surat Masuk
  19. Tenaga Alih Media
  20. Tenaga Penerima Dokumen
  21. Tenaga Analis Perkara Hukum
  22. Tenaga Analis Peraturan Perundang-undangan
  23. Tenaga Asisten Peneliti Riset BUMN Sektor I & II
  24. Tenaga Asisten Peneliti Riset Internal
  25. Tenaga Assiten Peniliti Riset Makro
  26. Tenaga Pengelola Konten Portal FIS KBUMN
  27. Tenaga Analisis dan Penyajian Data dan Informasi BUMN
  28. Tenaga Junior Web Programmer
  29. Tenaga Mobile App Developer
  30. Tenaga Senior Web Programmer
  31. Tenaga Network Admin
  32. Tenaga Technical Support I
  33. Tenaga Technical Support II
  34. Tenaga System Administrator
  35. Tenaga Application Support
  36. Tenaga Helpdesk Analyst I
  37. Tenaga Helpdesk Analyst II
  38. Tenaga Pembantu Pengelola Konten Portal SDM Eksekutif BUMN
  39. Tenaga Pembantu Pengelola Data Talent Pool Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris/Pengawas BUMN
  40. Tenaga Pembantu Pengelola Data GCG dan KPKU
  41. Tenaga Pengelola Data Privatisasi dan Sinergi BUMN I & II
  42. Tenaga Pengelola Data Pengembangan Bisnis BUMN
  43. Tenaga Pengelola Data PMN, Penerusan Pinjaman dan PSO BUMN
  44. Tenaga Asisten Pelaporan Keuangan Junior
  45. Tenaga Asisten Restrukturisasi Korporasi
  46. Tenaga Analis Perencanaan dan Pelaporan Kinerja
  47. Tenaga Analis Dokumentasi Hukum
  48. Tenaga Analis Kinerja dan Strategik Manajemen

Jobs Description

General requirement :

  • Indonesian citizen (WNI)
  • Physically and mentally healthy;
  • Not located as a civil servant or civil servant;
  • Never was dismissed at his own request at the previous institution;
  • Formal education in accordance formation needed

Required application documents :

  1. Indonesian KTP;
  2. Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP);
  3. Latest academic diploma;
  4. Latest academic transcripts;
  5. Curriculum Vitae (CV);
  6. Other relevant certificates or documents to support the application.

Sites Reference

  1. www.bumn.go.id

Submit Application

Please submit your application by signing into KBUMN Recruitment Website at :


  • Closing date 7 December 2016.
  • All applications will be handled in strictly confidential.
  • Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for further process.
  • Source

Lowongan Kerja Non PNS Kementerian BUMN brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn.com