Lowongan Kerja Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited



Lowongan Kerja Husky Energy

About Husky Energy-CNOOC Madura Limited

Husky Energy Inc. is one of Canada’s largest integrated energy companies, headquartered in Calgary, Alberta. It is publicly traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbols HSE and HSE.PR.A. The Company operates in Western and Atlantic Canada, the United States and the Asia Pacific Region, with Upstream and Downstream business segments. Husky Energy is controlled by Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-Shing who owns a majority share of approximately 70% according to Bloomberg and Financial Post data.

Husky’s foundation is in Heavy Oil and Western Canada, where it has extensive conventional oil and natural gas assets, significant heavy oil production and downstream operations, including refineries, upgrading facilities and pipelines. The Company is pursuing three growth pillars in the Asia Pacific Region, the Oil Sands and the Atlantic Region.

In the Asia Pacific Region, Husky’s Liwan Gas Project in the South China Sea is progressing towards first gas. The company also holds exploration rights offshore Indonesia.

Husky also has a portfolio of oil sands leases, encompassing some 2,500 square kilometres in the Fort McMurray region of northern Alberta. Its Sunrise Energy Project is on track for first oil in late 2014.

In the Atlantic Region, off Canada’s East Coast, the company holds interests in 20 exploration licenses and producing properties at Terra Nova and White Rose. In the United States, the company owns a refinery in Lima, Ohio and holds a 50 percent ownership interest with BP in a refinery at Toledo, Ohio. The company employs approximately 5,200 people (as of 2012), has approximately $36.9 billion in assets and produced an average of 312,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day in 2013, making it one of Canada’s largest energy companies.

Now a publicly traded Canadian company with global interests, Husky Energy was originally founded in 1938 in Cody, Wyoming, in the United States, as the Husky Refining Company. Its primary founder was Glenn Nielsen. The first refinery was built in Cody, with a second constructed later in Riverton, Wyoming. In 1946, the Riverton refinery was moved to Lloydminster, Alberta, Canada, to take advantage of the expanding asphalt and heavy oil opportunities in the area. A wholly owned subsidiary, Husky Oil and Refining Ltd., was created and headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The Cody refinery continued operations well into the 1970s, producing primarily asphalt. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, there were periodic rumors floating around Cody that the refinery would be reopened by a variety of different companies. One of the more persistent rumors was the impending purchase and reactivation of the refinery by Flying J. This never happened, however, and the entire refinery was finally razed in the late 1990s.

In 1998 Husky purchased Mohawk Oil, the largest independent chain of filling stations in Western Canada. Mohawk continues as a banner of filling stations within the Husky company.

Company Contact

Husky Energy Inc.
707-8th Avenue SW
Box 6525, Station “D”
Calgary, Alberta
Phone: 403-298-6111 (Switchboard)
Fax: 403-298-7464

Jobs Available

Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited, an Oil & Gas company partnership between Husky Energy and CNOOC Limited based in Jakarta with operation field in Madura, is looking for highly experienced Indonesian professional to join as :

Senior Commercial and Planning Engineer

Jobs Description


  • Provides economic justification, studies and planning, not limited to providing recommendation in economic aspects of various activities such as exploration, development, and drilling
  • Handles gas commercial issues such as domestic gas supply issue and revenue allocation issue
  • Provides economic justification supports to all departments, especially Projects, Exploration Departments, and gas marketing committee.
  • Attends Gas Marketing Meeting and providing report or minutes as required
  • Assists Commercial and Economic Specialist in developing funding arrangement / agreement model, gas contract / agreement and other related documents
  • Prepares Long Range Planning of HCML
  • Prepares year-end reserve assessments
  • Provides guidance to peer group for development of economic report and understanding


  • Bachelor degree in Petroleum / Gas Petrochemical Engineering with minimum 5 years experiences in related field
  • Has knowledge in Commercial Understanding and justification on Gas Industry, Engineering (Oil and Gas) economic analysis, Production Sharing Contract Schemes, US Securities and Exchange Commission definitions and guidelines on gas reserves, MERAK and QUESTOR software to support daily tasks
  • Self-motivated, good interpersonal skill, dynamic team player, integrity, initiative, ability to work under pressure; smart / hard worker; sense of responsibility and HSE concern
  • Could work independently as well as in a team.

Sites Reference

  1. www.hcml.co.id
  2. www.huskyenergy.com

Submit Application

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  • Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

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