
Lowongan Kerja Guru Ditjen
About Direktorat Pembinaan Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan Pendidikan Dasar
Direktorat Pembinaan Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan Pendidikan Dasar was formed in late 2010, based on the Minister of National Education (game) number 36 of 2010 on the organization and Working Procedure of Ministry of National Education. Article 214 Ministerial Regulation No. 36 of 2010 states that the organizational structure of the Directorate General of Primary Education, which is one of the general directorate established in accordance with these regulations, consisting of the Secretariat of the Directorate General, Directorate of Primary School, Directorate of Junior Secondary Education, the Directorate of Special Education and Education Special services Association, and the Directorate of Education Teachers and Education Personnel Association.
Directorate of Teachers and Education Personnel of Basic Education, as described in Article 296 National Education Minister Regulation No. 36 of 2010, consists of four sub-division of Teachers and Education Personnel Elementary School, Sub Directorate of Teachers and Education Personnel junior high schools, Sub Directorate of Teachers and Education Personnel Special and Special services; 1 subsections namely subsections of Administration; as well as the functional groups.
The duties and functions of the Directorate of Teachers and Education Personnel Basic Education described in Article 294 and 295 Permendiknas No. 36 of 2010, which was renewed by the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1 Year 2012 on the Organization and Administration of the Ministry of Education and Culture.
Earlier, the Directorate General of Primary Education that houses the Directorate of Teachers and Education Personnel Directorate General of Basic Education is managed jointly by the Directorate General of Secondary Education, with the Directorate General of Primary and Secondary Education Management (DG Mandikdasmen). DG Mandikdasmen established by National Education Minister Regulation No. 14 of 2005.
Separation of the Directorate General of Primary Education and the Directorate General for Primary and Secondary Education is done so that the Vision Ministry of Education and Culture of “The implementation of Prime Services Education to Establish Insan Indonesia Intelligent Comprehensive” and 5 mission of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Availability, Affordability, Quality, Equality and Assurance Assurance educational services can be achieved.
Inaugural Director P2TK Dikdas
Along with the establishment of the Directorate of Teachers and Education Personnel Primary Education in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of National Education (game) Number 36 Year 2010 on the Organization and Administration of the Ministry of National Education, the President also installed Sumarna Surapranata, Ph.D., as Director of PTK this dept.
Before serving as Director of the Directorate of Teachers and Education Personnel Primary Education (DG PMPTK), who served since February 8, 2006.
In July 2011, the Directorate of Primary Education P2TK do readmission teachers who finished serving in Sabah, Malaysia, for two years. Teachers go back to Indonesia is the teachers who are already serving in Community Learning Centre which organizes educational level of primary school and junior high school. The event was held in Jakarta.
Contact Direktorat Jenderal Guru Dan Tenaga Kependidikan
Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
Gedung D Kemendikbud Lantai 11 Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Senayan Jakarta, 10270
Jobs Available
Target recruitment of teacher candidates as many as 380 a. Teachers are selected as much as 116 teachers comprising:
- Directorate of Primary Education Teachers (PG Education) will recruit 100 teachers (20 civil servant teachers and 80 teachers are not civil servants) served in Malaysia for 2 (two) years.
- Directorate of Teachers of Secondary Education (Dikmen PG) will recruit 16 teachers (2 teachers PNS / are not civil servants serving in the Philippines and 14 teachers are not civil servants serving in Malaysia) for 2 (two) years.
Job Description
- Maximum age 40 years old when registering
- The minimum academic qualification of S1 / D4
- Having a teaching certificate
- A minimum GPA of 2.7 and have the ability to speak English
- Have the ability to field organizations, arts and culture, and sport
- Computer literate, have the ability to create media learning and teaching methods and ICT
- Having a life skills (sewing, embroidery, cooking, electronics, printing, weaving, etc.)
- Willing to give SK CPNS and PNS original contract term employment
- Getting permission from the local government to teach in Malaysia/ Filipina
- Maximum age 30 years old when registering
- The minimum academic qualification of S1 / D4
- Teachers are not civil servants who are already certified educators or teachers are not civil servants who have not been certified yet own NUPTK.
- A minimum GPA of 3.0 and have the ability to speak English
- Have the ability to field organizations, arts and culture, and sport
- Computer literate, have the ability to create media learning and teaching methods and ICT
- Having a life skills (sewing, embroidery, cooking, electronics, printing, weaving, etc.)
- Last diploma willing to hand over the original contract term employment
- Not married and not married until the completion of the contract
Participant selection phase 1 shall submit the file as follows:
- Application form duly completed;
- License to become a teacher in Malaysia or the Philippines of the Local Government (for civil servants);
- A written statement was not married and not married until the completion of the work contract (non-civil);
- Letter of parental consent for non-civil or husband / wife for civil servants;
- Affidavit willingness to comply with the employment agreement;
- Affidavit willing to serve in Malaysia / Philippines;
- Affidavit does not demand a civil servant for teachers who are not civil servants;
- A copy of the last diploma and transcripts legalized by the college;
- A copy of the certificate of educators and transcripts legalized by the college and / or photocopy NUPTK legalized by the competent authority;
- Photocopy of ID card;
- Health certificate from a state hospital physician;
- The certificate of free drugs from the government hospital doctors / National Narcotics Agency (BNN) / Drug Dependence Hospital;
- Police Notes (SKCK) latest;
- Photograph recent color (last 3 months), white background 4×6 and 3×4 respectively 2 pieces (for men to wear suits and ties and women wear neat free, for those who do not wear hoods, ear visible);
Forms can be downloaded and filled with handwriting
Sites Reference
Submit Application
1. UPI
Gedung University Center Lt. 4
Jl. Dr, Setiabudhi No. 229
Bandung 40154
Cp : Doni Febrian Ashadimas, A. Md
Hp : 081320259343
2. Unesa
Gedung: PPPG, Lt 1,
Kampus Unesa
Jl. Lidah Wetan
Cp: Nun Ida Masjullijah
Hp: 081357912321
3. UNM
Gedung: P3G UNM, menara Pinisi Wing C, Lt 4,
Jl. A.P. Pettarani Gunung Sari Baru
Makassar 90222
Cp : Ibu Rosleni, S,Si
HP : 081343583838
- Only those with the best qualifications to be included in the next selection process.
- Teacher recruitment is tidadk charge.
- Registration forms and more info please click : Source
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