Lowongan Kerja GFATM Tuberkulosis – Kemenkes 2013



Lowongan Staf GFATM Kemenkes

About Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia

Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia – Kemenkes or the Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia is one of the ministry in Indonesian Government engaged in medical affairs. The main task of Ministry of Health are to assist the President of Republic Indonesia in performing government affairs in the health sector. Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia is based in Jakarta and its main office is situated in Jl HR Rasuna Said Blok X.5 Kav. 4-9 Jakarta. Since 14 June 2012, the Ministry of Health lead by Nafsiah Mboi as the Minister of Health and supported by Ali Ghufron Mukti as vice minister. The Ministry of Health supported by 1 secretary-general, 1 inspector general, 4 Directorate Generals (DG), 2 agencies (Balitbangkes and PPSDM) and also supported by 5 expert staff.

Republic of Indonesia is an archipelago of around 18,000 islands large and small. Chain of islands spread over the equator from 6 ° to 11 ° LS LU and from 95 ° up to 141 ° BT BB. This path is a chain of islands spread over a comparable Indonesia wiliyah European measure. Around two-thirds (about 67%) is water, and the third region is the region surrounding land around 1.89 million square kilometers.

There are five major islands: Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java, Sulawesi, Papua and two small islands: Maluku and Nusa Tenggara. The other islands are small and mostly uninhabited. Indonesia is geographically located between Asia and Australia, and between the Pacific and Indian Ocean. Neighboring countries of the north side is Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei and the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, East, East Timor and Australia in the South.

Decentralization policy was put into action in 2001 has affected inter alia increasing number of provinces and districts / cities. Administratively, there are currently 33 provinces, seven of them are new practice (Figure 11).

Province that killed 33 of 399 districts (districts) and 98 city (municipality). The next unit to lower administration of districts / cities are districts (districts): 6652; village (village / kelurahan): 77 012 and hamlet (hamlet).

Health Situation

Health and nutritional status of the population generally expressed in life expectancy, maternal mortality (AKI), infant mortality (NTA), and the prevalence of malnutrition in preschoolers who have shown improvement over the last few years (BAPPENAS 2010). Mother’s health is marked by a significant reduction of maternal mortality rates in the last few years. However, to pursue MDGs target 102 maternal mortality ratio per 100,000 live births in 2015, Indonesia still needs to pursue further efforts to achieve it.

Low access to and quality of health services remains a major cause mothers high maternal mortality, as shown by the low proportion of births assisted by trained midwives. A high disparity in the proportion of births assisted by trained midwives clearly between provinces, with the highest proportion in Jakarta (97.6% as large) and lowest in North Maluku (38.0% per year) (Balitbangkes, 2007).

TB situation in Indonesia

Indonesia occupies the fourth stage of the countries highest TB burden in the world. Estimated prevalence of all types of cases and the incidence of TB is estimated 690,000 are 450,000 new cases per year (WHO, 2011). Approximate number of deaths from TB are 64,000 deaths per year (WHO, 2011) .. Among Asian countries, Indonesia has the highest number of HIV epidemics. HIV epidemics are concentrated, except in Papua, where HIV prevalence has reached 2.5% (generalized epidemic). National estimates of HIV prevalence among the adult population is 0.2%.

A total of 12 provinces have been described as a provincial priority for HIV intervention. It is estimated that there are 190,000 until 400,000 people living with HIV in the state. Estimated HIV prevalence among new TB cases was 2.8%. Approximate number of cases of MDR-TB among new TB cases in Indonesia is 2% lower than estimated area (4%) and 20% in the case of repeat treatment. Each year, the estimated number of MDR-TB cases is 6.300.

Despite having the highest burden of TB cases, Indonesia is the first country in the high burden countries (HBC) in the WHO South-East Asia region that managed to reach global targets for TB case detection and treatment success since 2006. In 2010, 302 861 cases of TB notified and treated and 183 366 cases of positive BTA. Therefore, Case Notification Rate for AFB positive TB is 78/100, 000 (Case Detection Rate 78.3%). The treatment success rate on average for the last four years is 90% and for the group in 2009, the treatment success rate is 91%. Achieving this global target is an important pillar in the national TB control program.

Despite the implementation of the TB control program at national level show positive progress in case detection and treatment outcomes, performance at provincial level reflects regional disparity. Based on the performance in 2010, twenty-five provinces in Indonesia has reached 70% CDR and only 8 provinces are able to meet the target of 70% CDR and 85% treatment success.


  • http://www.tbindonesia.or.id

Jobs Available

Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia through Ditjen PP&PL are seeking for suitably qualified and professional candidates to supports the National Tuberculosis Control Programme (NTP) as follow :

  1. Technical Officer Managemen TB & Resisten Obat (Code : PMDT)
  2. Technical Staff NGO (Code : AKMS)
  3. Finance Control (Code : IC)
  4. Programmer (Code : PROG)
  5. STaff Logistik (Code : LOG)

Jobs Description

Technical Officer Managemen TB & Resisten Obat (Code : PMDT)


  • Male/Female, with max age 35 years old
  • Education : medical doctor (dr), dentist (drg) or S1 majoring in public health (SKM)
  • Preferably experienced in the field of public health at least 1 year
  • Able to analyze the data and mastering in Computer (MS Word, MS Excel, and MS Power Point)
  • Active in English (oral and written)

Technical Staff NGO (Code : AKMS)


  • Male/Female, with max age 35 years old
  • Education : medical doctor (dr), dentist (drg) or S1 majoring in public health (SKM)
  • Preferably majoring in AKK/PKIP and majoring in Communication
  • Preferably have 1 year experience in the field of health promotion (promkes)
  • Active in English (oral and written)
  • Able to write articles and reports properly
  • Computer literate (MS Word, MS Excel, and MS Power Point)
  • Have a good skill in blog and other internet media is an assets

Finance Control (Code : IC)


  • Male/Female, with max age 35 years old
  • Min S1 majoring in Accounting
  • Preferably have working experience in the field of finance and accounting
  • Have experience managing finance in NGO will be an added value
  • Computer literate (MS Word, MS Excel, and MS Power Point)
  • Have a good skill and experience in accounting applications (ABI Pro, etc)

Programmer (Code : PROG)


  • Male/Female, with max age 35 years old
  • Min S1 majoring in Information Management/Informatics Engineering
  • Preferably have experience to create applications using JAVA (J2EE, SEAM, JBOSS)
  • Preferably in using Developer Experss 2010
  • Min 1 year of working experience in the field of Programmer using Java Enterprise Edition (JEE), Developer Microsoft .NET 3 (Desktop Application)
  • Able to use LINQ to SQL
  • Able to use Eclipse Ganymede and Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
  • Able to configure JBOS Server as application server
  • Experienced managing database in using MySQL 5 and Microsoft SQL Server 2005
  • Experienced to create Store Procedure and View in Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Staff Logistik (Code : LOG)


  • Male/Female, with max age 35 years old
  • Min S1 all majors (preferably from Industrial Engineering)
  • Min 1 year of working experience in the field of warehouse management or expeditions
  • Have a good knowledge of ISO 9000:2001
  • Active in English (oral and written)
  • Computer literate, min MS Office (MS Word, Excel, EPI Info, Statistics (SPSS, etc)

Sites Reference

  1. www.tbindonesia.or.id

Submit Applicatiom

Please send your application letter with CV to :

Kementerian Kesehatan RI Sub Direktorat Tuberkolusis
Gedung B Lt 4 Jl Percetakan Negara No 29 Jakarta Pusat 10560.
Or submit your complete applications by email to :
hrd.gftb@tbindonesia.or.id cc to bambang@tbindonesia.or.id with email subject : Rekrutmen GFATM TB 2013 (Position Code).

Closing date

  • May 16, 2013


  • Please write the position code on top – right corner of the envelope.
  • The entire selection process are free of charge.
  • All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
  • Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
  • Source

Lowongan Kerja TB Indonesia brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn