Lowongan Kerja Dosen UIN Sunan Ampel



Lowongan Dosen dan Staff UIN SBY

About Universitas lslam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel – UIN Sunan Ampel is one of the public universities that provide education in Surabaya Islamic sciences as well as the multidisciplinary science and technology. UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya named, is the name of one Walisongo, figure spreaders of Islam in Indonesia.

UIN Sunan Ampel 2

In the late 1950s, some Muslim community leaders in East Java put forward the idea of ??establishing Islamic colleges under the auspices of the Department of Religion. To realize this idea, they held a meeting in Jombang in 1961. During the meeting, Professor Soenarjo, Rector of the State Islamic University of Sunan Kalidjaga, present as a speaker to convey the basic thoughts needed as a foundation for the establishment of Islamic Aagama intended College. In the final session of that historic meeting, forum approved several important decisions: (1) Establish a IAIN Establishment Committee, (2) Establishing the Faculty of Sharia in Surabaya, and (3) Establish Faculty of MT in Malang. Subsequently, on October 9, 1961, the Waqf Board Welfare Foundation established the Faculty of Sharia and Tarbiyah the work plan as follows:

Prepare the establishment of IAIN Sunan Ampel consisting of the Faculty of Sharia at the Faculty of MT in Surabaya and Malang.
Provide land for the construction of Campus IAIN area of 8 (eight) Hectares located at Jalan A. Yani No. 117 Surabaya.
Providing houses for the professors.

On October 28, 1961, Minister of Religious Affairs issued a decree No. 17/1961, to authorize the establishment of the Faculty of Sharia at the Faculty of MT in Surabaya and Malang. Then on October 1, 1964, the Faculty of Islamic Theology in Kediri was established by the decree of the Minister of Religion No. 66/1964.

Starting from three (3) faculty, Minister for Religious Affairs deems it necessary to issue Decree No. 20/1965 on the establishment of IAIN Sunan Ampel based in Surabaya, as described above. History records that without taking a long time, IAIN Sunan Ampel was able to grow rapidly. In the period between 1966-1970, IAIN Sunan Ampel has 18 (eighteen) faculties spread over three (3) provinces: East Java, East Kalimantan and West Nusa Tenggara.

However, when the accreditation of faculties in IAIN applied, five (5) out of 18 (eighteen) of the faculty was closed for incorporation into other faculties accredited and adjacent location. Furthermore, by government regulation number 33 in 1985, Faculty of MT Samarinda released and handed over its management to Banjarmasin IAIN Antasari. In addition, faculty Tarbiyah Bojonegoro moved to Surabaya and were transferred to the faculty of MT IAIN Surabaya. In a subsequent growth, IAIN Sunan Ampel has twelve (12) faculties scattered throughout East Java and one (1) faculty in Mataram, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara.

Since mid-1997, through Presidential Decree No. 11 In 1997, the entire faculty under the auspices IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya which are outside of IAIN Sunan Ampel off into the College of Islamic Studies (STAIN) autonomous. IAIN Sunan Ampel since then also concentrated in only 5 (five) faculty are all located on the campus Jl. A. Yani 117 Surabaya.

On December 28, 2009, IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya through the Minister of Finance Decree No. 511 / KMK.05 / 2009 official status as Public Service Agency (BLU). In documents validated on December 28, 2009 was IAINSA Surabaya given authority to run the flexibility of financial management in accordance with Regulation No. 23 Year 2005 on the Financial Management of Public Service Agency (PK-BLU).

Starting on 1 October 2013, IAIN Sunan Ampel turned into UIN Sunan Ampel (UINSA) Surabaya based on Presidential Decree No. 65 in 2013.

Since its establishment until now (1965-2015), UINSA Surabaya has been led by 8 rector, namely:

  1. Prof H. Tengku Ismail Ya’qub, SH, MA (1965-1972)
  2. Prof KH. Syafii A. Karim (1972-1974)
  3. Drs. Marsekan Fatawi (1975-1987)
  4. Prof Dr H. Bisri Affandi, MA (1987-1992)
  5. Drs KH. Abd. Jabbar Adlan (1992-2000)
  6. Prof Dr HM. Ridlwan Nasir, MA (2000-2008)
  7. Prof Dr H. Nur Syam, M.Si (2009-2012)
  8. Prof Dr H. Abd A’la, M.Ag (2012-2018)

Contact Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya
Jl. A. Yani 117, Surabaya
Jawa Timur, Indonesia, 60237
Telp. +62 31 8410298
Fax. +62 31 8413300
Email. humas@uinsby.ac.id

Jobs Available

Universitas lslam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya is seeking the best candidates to join as :

l. Tenaga Pendidik


  1. Calon Dosen Bahasa lnggris
  2. Calon Dosen Matematika
  3. Calon Dosen Biologi
  4. Calon Dosen Arsitektur
  5. Calon Dosen Teknik Lingkungan
  6. Calon Dosen llmu Kelautan
  7. Calon Dosen Psikologi Transpersonal
  8. Dosen Tarekat
  9. Dosen llmu Tauhid/ llmu Kalam
  10. Dosen Manajemen Zakat
  11. Dosen Hukum Zakat dan Wakaf
  12. Dosen llmu Falak
  13. Dosen Hukum Kewarisan lslam
  14. Dosen Perbandingan Hukum/ Ushul Fiqh Perbandinqan
  15. Dosen Hubungan lnternasional
  16. Dosen Akuntansi
  17. Dosen llmu Ekonomi

ll Tenaga Kependidikan


  1. Calon Analis Produk Hukum
  2. Calon Teknisi Mesin
  3. Calon Teknisi Listrik
  4. Calon Tenaga Pengelola Media dan lnformasi
  5. Calon Teknisi Elektro
  6. Calon Tenaga Administrasi Jaringan Komputer
  7. Calon Tenaga Pengelola Keuangan
  8. Calon Petugas Keamanan
  9. Calon Pengemudi
  10. Calon Dokter Gigi
  11. Calon Perawat Gigi
  12. Calon Perawat
  13. Calon Bidan

Jobs Description

General requirement

  • Have experience and expertise in their field (if any);
  • Residents Neg’ara Indonesia (especially prospective applicants security officer and driver of the male sex);
  • Applicants maximum age of 35 (thirty-five) years at the time of applying;
  • Diploma settlement date must be prior to the date of applying, whereas the statement or statements not pass dlperbolehkan;
  • This index has a grade point average (LPK)
    • – Bachelor Degree (S1) of at least 3.00 (three point zero zero)
    • – Dlll a minimum of 2.7 (two point seven)
    • – SMU / SMK / STM or equivalent minimum average grade of 7.00 (seven point zero zero).
  • Never been sentenced to imprisonment or confinement under a court decision which has had permanent legal force;
  • Never dismissed with respect not his own request or dismissed with hormaisebagai civil servants / private employees’
  • Not located as a candidate for Civil Servants / TNI / Police
  • Not being a member / caretaker Parties;
  • Willing to comply with the conditions set;

Sites Reference

  1. www.uinsby.ac.id

Submit Application

Handwritten cover themselves with black ink. and signed by the applicant addressed to :

Rektor Universitai lslam Negeri Sunan Ampel

Documents required :

  • a. copy of diploma and transcripts that have been validated in accordance with the required educational qualifications;
  • b. Recent color photographs 3X4 size of 2 (two) pieces;
  • c. The photocopy of valid ID card;
  • d. The certificate of the height of doctors clinic for Prospective applicants Security Officers (minimum 165 cm);
  • e. Photocopy of SIM B1 for Prospective Applicants driver;
  • f. Applicants must attach arnpiop replies that have been on the outboard stamps special delivery by writing the name, full address and postcode;
  • g Certificate of work experience.


  • Closing date : 6 November 2015.
  • In the application should mention the type of formation that is proposed;
  • In the application envelope to include the proposed formation in the upper left corner (example terlampi0;
  • Application letter and documents referred to in paragraph 1 (a) above, is received by the admissions committee Servants Public Service Agency of Civil Servants (PNS) in Organization and Personnel UIN Sunan Ampel Jl. A. Yani 117 Surabaya on working days and hours;
  • For applicants who submit the application file does not match the type of formation yan g spoken, declared null / g ug urid iskualifikasi;
  • Applicants who have submitted application file that is proposed in order to monitor the results of the verification application file via Website: www.uinsby.ac.id “
  • Source

Lowongan Dosen dan Staff UIN Surabaya brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn.com.