Lowongan Kerja Dosen Telkom University – Tel-U



Lowongan Dosen Telkom University

About Telkom University

Telkom University (Tel-U) is a private university located in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. It was established in 2013 when four institutions, which were under Telkom Indonesia through its education focused wing, Telkom Education Foundation, were merged to form the university. The university, like its preceding institutions, maintains links with hundreds of companies, many of which involved in the telecommunications sector.

Telkom University was formed out of a merger of four institutions of higher education. The four institutions were Telkom Institute of Technology, Telkom Institute of Management, Telkom Politechnics and Telkom Arts School. Each of the four schools formed a faculty inside the university.

The plan to merge the four institutions were in existence from as early as 2011. Telkom Education Foundation, Telkom Indonesia’s education wing, saw that in order for the four institutions to become world-class, they needed to have a bigger presence. The best way to do that was to merge them into one university.

It was initially planned that the four institutions would be merged into one university in 2012. But due to several problems the merge was delayed to 2013.

Finally, in August 31, 2013, the Grand Launching of Telkom University was established by Professor M. Nuh, the Minister of Education and Culture, Republic Indonesia.

Jobs Available

In accordance with the announcement number : 115/SDM05/WR2.0.0/14 , in order to meet the needs of Lecturer , University Telkom ( d / h Telkom , IM Telkom , Telkom and Telkom Polytechnic STISI ) the best opportunities for graduates S2 and S3 for a career as :

A Lecturer on Studies Program :

Program Studi Formasi Program Studi Formasi
S2 Teknik Elektro/Telekomunikasi orang S1 Teknik Informatika 15 orang
S2 Teknik Informatika 6 orang S1 Sistem Informasi 9 orang
S1 Teknik Elektro 5 orang S1 Teknik Industri 7 orang
S1 Teknik Telekomunikasi 13 orang S1 Teknik Fisika 3 orang
S1 Ilmu Komputasi 10 orang S1 Manajemen Bisnis 3 orang
S1 Sistem Komputer 15 orang S1 Akuntansi 16 orang
S1 Ilmu Komunikasi 4 orang S1 Desain Komunikasi Visual 7 orang
S1 Desain Interior 14 orang S1 Desain Produk 3 orang
S1 Kriya Tekstil dan Mode 7 orang S1 Seni Rupa Murni orang
D3 Teknik Telekomunikasi 5 orang D3 Teknik Komputer 11 orang
D3 Teknik Informatika 11 orang D3 Manajemen Informatika 37 orang
D3 Komputerisasi Akuntansi 9 orang

Jobs Description

Qualifications :

  • S2 or S3 graduates of allied / linear with the proposed Program of Higher Education Accredited minimum B ,
  • GPA of at least 3.25 ( 4.00 scale ) ,
  • Maximum age 35 years for Graduates and 45 years for S2 S3 Graduates ,
  • Willing to carry out the Tri Dharma University ( Teaching , Research and Community Service ) ,
  • Good character , physically and mentally healthy ,
  • Has a minimum value of 500 TPA Bappenas ,
  • Have a TOEFL ITP or EPrT of Telkom University Language Centre at least 500 ,
  • Preferably already have the Functional Academic ( JFA ) or willing to take care of JFA after working for 2 years ,
  • Preferably with certification in their field ,
  • To graduate S2 S3 shall continue up to 2 years after work ,
  • Willing signing an official bond for 3 years from the appointed Prospective Employees ,
  • Details requirements can be viewed on the web : http://hr.telkomuniversity.ac.id/karir/

Selection Process : Selection Administration – Psycho – Microteaching – Interviews – Health Test

Sites Reference

  1. www.telkomuniversity.ac.id

Submit Application

Please register by online through :

then send your application to :

hr@telkomuniversity.ac.id with email subject “Lamaran Dosen – Program Studi yang dilamar”.


  • Closing date : 13 April 2014.
  • Source

For more info please contact :

Bagian Pengembangan SDM
Gedung D lt.3 R.309 Telkom Engineering School
Leo : 02261585658, Rizki : 02291147840

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