Lowongan Kerja Dosen & Staf Universitas Sumatera Utara


USU Indonesia

Lowongan Kerja USU Medan

About Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU)

The history of University of Sumatera Utara – USU begins with the establishment of University of Sumatera Utara Foundation on 4 June 1952. This foundation was initially established by the Governor of North Sumatra to meet the demand of the North Sumatra people in particular and the Indonesian people in general.

USU Indonesia

During the Japanese colonial rule, some prominent people in Medan including Dr. Pirngadi and Dr. T. Mansoer drew up a plan for the establishment of a School of Medicine. After the Independence Day, the government appointed Dr. Mohd. Djamil in Bukit Tinggi as the committee chairperson. As soon as the sovereignty was regained due to a clash in 1947, the Governor Abdul Hakim was the first person to call the North Sumatra Community for a fund-raising activity in the effort to establish a university in this region.

On 31 December 1951, a preparatory committee for the university establishment was set up and chaired by Dr. Soemarsono whose members included Dr. Ahmad Sofian, Ir. Danunagoro and Secretary Mr. Djaidin Purba.

As a result of collaborative, mental and material support from the whole North Sumatra Community which also included the Special Region of Aceh, on 20 August 1952, a Faculty of Medicine was successfully established in Jalan Seram and 27 students were enrolled, two of whom were female students.

Some other faculties including Faculty of Law and People’s Knowledge (1954), Faculty of Teachers’ Training and Education (1956), and Faculty of Agriculture (1956) were respectively established.On 20 November 1957, USU was officially inaugurated by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Dr. Ir. Soekarno as the the 7th public university in Indonesia.

In 1959, a Faculty of Engineering in Medan and a Faculty of Economics in Kutaradja (Banda Aceh) were established and inaugurated by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, followed by the establishment of Faculty of Veterinary Health and Animal Husbandry in Banda Aceh. By then, USU comprised five faculties in Medan and two faculties in Banda Aceh.

In the following years, other faculties came into existence including Faculty of Dentistry (1961), Faculty of Letters (1965), Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (1965), Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (1982), School of Postgraduate Program (1992), Faculty of Public Health (1993), Faculty of Pharmacy (2006), Faculty of Psychology (2007), and Faculty of Nursing (2009).

In 2003, USU changed its status from Public University (PTN) into State-Owned University (BHMN). This change of status placed USU as the fifth university after UI, UGM, ITB and IPB which transformed into BHMN in 2000. After USU, UPI (2004) and UNAIR (2006) also respectively changed their status.

In their development, some faculties at USU have served as the embryo of establishing three new universities, including University of Syah Kuala in Banda Aceh, having its origin from Faculty of Economics and Faculty of Veterinary Health and Animal Husbandry in Banda Aceh. Then the Institute of Teachers’ Training and Education / IKIP (1964), currently called State University of Medan (UNIMED), owing its existence to USU’s Faculty of Teachers’ Training and Education. After that, State Polytechnic of Medan, formerly USU’s Polytechnic, was set up in 1999.

Jobs Available

Univesitas Sumatera Utara – USU seeks extraordinarily talented individuals to join as positions below:

  1. Dosen Asisten Ahli
  2. Staf Penelitian
  3. Perawat (NERS)
  4. Perawat Intensif
  5. Perawat HD
  6. Perawat (D3)
  7. Apoteker
  8. Pengolahan Limbah
  9. Asisten Apoteker
  10. Penunjang Teknisi Radiologi
  11. Radiografer
  12. Fisioterapis
  13. CSSD
  14. Pramusaji
  15. Rekam Medik
  16. Laboran Bank Darah
  17. Laboran
  18. Laundry
  19. Sopir Ambulans
  20. Arsiparis
  21. Teknisi

Job Description

General requirement :

  • Indonesian citizens
  • Male Female
  • The Lowest 18 Years And The Highest 35 Years Counted February 1, 2018 Except Applicants for Non Permanent Lecturer Formation Lecturers Who Have Qualified Education Doctor Maximum Aged 40 Years
  • Be cautious to God Almighty
  • Having a High Integrity Against the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia
  • Never Sentenced to Jail or Cage Based on a Judgment of the Courts Having Already the Permanent Legal Strength of Conducting a Crime of Crime
  • Never Dismissed No With Respect as a Civil Servant Or Private Employee
  • Not Domiciled For Candidate Civil Servants Or Civil Servants Or Not In Progress Contract Work Agreement Or Association At Institutions And Other Institutions Both Institutions Nor Government Agencies And Private
  • Have Qualified Skills Education And Skills Required
  • Well done
  • Physically Spiritual And Drug Free

Sites Reference

  1. www.usu.ac.id

Submit Application

If you meet these requirements, please send you application to :

  • PO Box 5 Medan

Notes :

  • Closing date : 22 December 2017
  • Your application will be treated confidentially and only short listed candidates will be followed up
  • Source

Info Lowongan Kerja USU Medan brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn.com