Lowongan Kerja Dosen Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Non CPNS



Lowongan Dosen ITS Non CPNS

About Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember – ITS is an Indonesian public university located in Surabaya, East Java, with strong emphasis on scientific, engineering, and technological education and research. ITS has five faculties containing 27 academic departments which occupy an area of 180 hectares.

ITS was founded at November 10, 1957, as its establishment charter was signed by Soekarno, then President of Republic of Indonesia. Initially, Sepuluh Nopember Technical College had only two departments, Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. On his speech, President Soekarno himself gave the strong emphasis on the Spirit of Sepuluh Nopember, remembering the famous Battle of Surabaya which reached its heat on November 10, 1945 and annually being commemorated as Heroes Day in Indonesia.

In 2001, in response to the vision of Abdurrahman Wahid, then President of Republic of Indonesia, ITS introduced faculty of information technology in which consist of two departments: Informatics Engineering and Information Systems. Today, ITS’s educational disciplines have expanded beyond sciences and engineering into fields such as arts and business management.

Currently, ITS has a wide range of degree and non-degree programs, which are managed under five faculties: Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Faculty of Marine Technology and Faculty of Information Technology.

In addition, two polytechnics (Electronic State Polytechnic, PENS, and Shipbuilding State Polytechnic, Politeknik Perkapalan) operate independently on the same area at ITS’ main campus in Sukolilo, an area in the vicinity of East Surabaya.

ITS has three campuses in Surabaya. Its major campus is located at Sukolilo, where all undergraduate programs are located here along with the postgraduate buildings, administrative building, main library, faculties housing, student community center, football stadium, jogging track, and student dormitory that could accommodate 1200 freshmen.

Smaller campus is located in Manyar district, providing Civil Engineering diploma course.

Third campus is located at Cokroaminoto Street, providing postgraduate Technology Management Magister course.

Jobs Available

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya are currently seeking for highly qualified candidates who have high integrity and commitment to join as following positions :

Non CPNS Lecturers


  • S2 Fisika
  • S2 Matematika
  • S2 Statistika
  • S2 Kimia
  • S2 Ekoloei/Zoologi


  • S2 Manufaktur/Teknik Produksi
  • S2 Teknik Elektro – Elektronika /Telekomunikasi/ Teknik Sistem Tenaga
  • S2 Teknik Kimia
  • S2 Teknik Fisika-lnstrumentasi/Fotonika/Energi/ Material/Akustik
  • S2 Teknik lndustri / Manajemen Sains/ Business School
  • S2 Teknik Material dan Metalurgi/Teknik Mesin Metalurei/Teknik Kimia/Teknik Pertambangan
  • S2 Manajemen SDM dan Organisasi/ Manaiemen


  • S2 Teknik Sipil/Struktur/Bangunan Air
  • S2 Desain Produk lndustri
  • S2 Geodesi-lnformatik
  • S2 Perencanaan Kota dan Daerah/ Geomatika/ Regional and Rural Development Planning/ Urban Environmental Management
  • S2 Geofisika/Geoloei/l nstrumentasi Fisika
  • S2 Desain


  • S2 Teknik Perkapalan
  • S2 Teknik Kelautan
  • S2 Teknik Perkapalan/Teknik lndustri


  • S2 Teknik lnformatika/Computer Science and lnformation Engineering


  • S2 Theoloei (Dosen Agama Katolik)
  • S2 Profesi Psikologi
  • S2 Akuntansi

Non CPNS Education Staff

  • S1 Teknik lndustri
  • Sl Kimia
  • S1 Bahasa lnssris
  • S1 Arsitektur
  • Sl Teknik Sioil
  • Sl Teknik Elektro
  • S1 EkonomiManaiemen
  • S1 Administrasi Niaga/Ekonomi Manaiemen
  • D3 Teknik lnformatika/Komputer
  • D3 Elektronika/D3 Teknik Elektro/D3 Teknik Mesin
  • D3 Akuntansi
  • D3 Manaiemen
  • D3 Analis Kesehatan
  • D3 Perpustakaan
  • D3 Teknik Elektro
  • D3 Teknik Perkapalan
  • D3 Statistika
  • D3 Pariwisata


Non CPNS Lecturers


  • S2 Teknik Mesin

Non CPNS Education Staff

  • S1 Akuntansi
  • D4 /S! Teknik lnformatika/Sistem lnformasi
  • D4 / SI Statistika
  • S1 Teknik Lingkungan

Jobs Description


  1. lndonesian Citizen(WNI);
  2. Loyal to the Pancasila, the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesians in 1945 and the Homeland;
  3. Aged up to 35 (thirty five) years on the date t April2OL4;
  4. Healthy physical, spiritual and free drugs;
  5. Well-behaved and never sentenced to prison or jail based on court decisions that have permanent legal force;
  6. Never not honorably discharged at his own request or not with respect as PNS / Members Military / Police or dismissed with respect as private employees;
  7. Not being bound by contract kerjal labor agreement / bond to another agency;
  8. For Non Lecturers PNS formation, academic qualifications of the need of allied between S1 and S2;
  9. This index has a grade point average (LPK):
    • – Applicants S1 and S2 Lecturer GPA of at least 3.00;
    • – Applicants Tendik mininal GPA of 2.75;
  10. Special applicants with qualifications S2 must have a Surat ljin Praktek Psikologi (SIPP);

Sites Reference

  1. www.its.ac.id

Submit Application

Cover letter is written in lndonesio, handwritten in black ink addressed to:

Rektor ITS
Kampus lTS, Sukolilo
Surabaya 60111


  • Closing date 19 March 2014.
  • All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
  • Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
  • Source

Lowongan Dosen ITS Non CPNS brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn