Lowongan Kerja Dinkes Kabupaten GunungKidul


dinkes gunungkidul

Lowongan Kerja Dinkes Gunungkidul

About Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Gunungkidul (Dinkes Kab Gunungkidul)

Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Gunungkidul – Dinkes Gunungkidul is one element of the conduct of the District Government which is under and responsible to the Regent through the Local Secretary in the government of Gunung Kidul Regency. Health Department has primary responsibility to implement regional government affairs and special assistance in the health sector.

dinkes gunungkidul

Human resources is an essential element in the functioning of health development. Health human resources in Gunung Kidul Regency scattered at the Department of Health, Regional General Hospital Wonosari and 30 health centers and 1 UPT Regional Health Laboratory. SDM also many health care facilities are scattered in private kesehatn.

Medical health personnel to specialists in Gunung Kidul Regency ratio was 2.7 compared to the 100,000 residents of specialist doctors. The ratio of doctors are 9.3 doctors per 100,000 population. The ratio of dentists is 4.2 PER 100,000 population. The ratios including doctors servant status Variable (PTT).

While the ratio for paramedical personnel (paramedical treatments and non-treatment) are: nutritional power of 2.2 people compared to 100,000 residents. Pharmacy personnel ie 0.69 people serving 100,000 residents, nurses 52.57 nurse serving 100,000 residents and 22 midwife Bidan ratio serves 100,000 residents, 5.5 sanitation workers people serving 100,000 residents, medical technicians are laboratory analyst ratio is 6.6 people / officers serving 100,000 residents. Fore need verification of health professionals who practice in government and the private sector, so there is no double counting.

Contact Dinas Kesehatan Kab Gunungkidul
Jl. Kolonel Sugiono No 17, Wonosari
Telp : (0274) 391322, 391504
Fax : (0274) 391322
Kode Pos 55812

Jobs Available

Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Gunungkidul invites the best Indonesia people to join as :

  • Tenaga Harian Lepas (THL) tahun anggaran 2017.

Jobs Description


  • Male / Female
  • Maximum age 35 years at the date February 1, 2017.
  • Minimal education D3 Health.
  • lnstitusi Education / High pergurun minimal accredited B evidenced by a certificate Copy of Higher Education Accreditation
  • This index minimum grade point average of 3.00.
  • Physically and mentally healthy evidenced by the Certificate of Physicians (Puskesmas / Hospital Government)
  • Good character as evidenced by Police Notes (SKCK) of the local police.
  • Able to operate computer minimal Microsoft Office programs (Ms Word, Ms Excel, Ms Power Point).
  • Capable of driving a motor vehicle wheel 2.
  • Preferred has KTP Gunung
  • Preferably have at least 1 year work experience in the field of health / health promotion

Terms of application documents:

  1. A cover letter addressed to the Head of Gunung Kidul District Health Office, with the format as attached.
  2. Copy ljasah and transcripts legalized authorized official.
  3. A copy of the certificate of Higher Education Accreditation.
  4. Health Certificate from a government doctor (Puskesmas / Hospital Government) is still valid.
  5. Photocopy of Police Notes (SKCK) of the local police are still valid and legalized by the competent authority.
  6. Copy of Identity Card (KTP) is still valid 1 sheet.
  7. A copy of a valid driver’s license C 1 sheet.
  8. Color photograph size 4 x 6 as much as two (2) copies.
  9. Photocopy of certificate Evidence of work experience employer health institution (if any)
  10. Terms admisnitrasi number 1  – 10 are arranged in the order requirements and put in stofmap BLUE.

Sites Reference

  1. www.dinkes.gunungkidulkab.go.id

Submit Application

Application files submitted to:

Subag Umum Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten
Gunungkidul sesuai jadwal yang telah ditentukan.


  • Selection Administration. The number of participants who passed the administrative selection at most 75 participants based on ranking the highest GPA, GPA same if there is then calculated the domicile and work experience
  • The selection of applicants or participants no charge WHATSOEVER.
  • During the execution of a written exam and practice computer Committee does not provide accommodation and meals.
  • The decision of the Selection Team Recruitment freelance (THL) Health Promotion Gunung Kidul District Health Office of Fiscal Year 2017 be absolute and inviolable.
  • Announcement of participants who pass the written and practical tests can be seen on notice boards Gunung Kidul District Health Office and Health Office website http://dinkes.gunungkidulkab.go.id/
  • Download Form lamaran : Click Here
  • Source

Info Lowongan Kerja THL Dinkes Gunungkidul brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn.com