Lowongan Kerja Dinkes Jabar



Lowongan Kerja Dinkes Jabar

About Dinas Kesehatan Jawa Barat

dinas-kesehatanDinas Kesehatan is the executive element of regional autonomy in the areas of health and led by a Head of Department (Kadin). Chamber of Commerce located under the regent and is responsible directly to the Regents through the Regional Secretary (Secretary).


  • The key task of the Department of Health is carrying out the affairs of the local government in accordance with the principle of autonomy and the obligation of assistance in the health sector at regional or district.

In performing its duties, the health office has several functions, among which are:

  1. Function of technical policy formulation in the medical field
  2. Function organizers government affairs and public services in the medical field in the scope of the district
  3. Function implementation and development tasks in the areas of service, pencengahan disease, and referral, public health efforts, as well as health resources in the scope of the district
  4. Function monitoring, reporting, and evaluation in the medical field in the scope of the district
  5. Executive function tasks secretarial services
  6. Executive function tasks in the health sector of Regents submitted in accordance with their duties and functions.

Organizational structure

1 Head of Department (Kadin)

  • Chamber of Commerce in charge of local government affairs melasksanakan accordance with the principles of regional autonomy and the duty of assistance in the field of health. Kadin tasked to formulate policies both operational and technical policies related to health, directing activities and programming as proposed by the health department administration, UPTD, and health centers. Kadin also tasked to monitor the implementation of the activities and programs the health office, fostering the implementation of the program with relevant agencies, to foster the implementation of administrative, UPTD, and bidangteknis; report and be responsible for implementing the program offices on Regent, and evaluate each periodically the implementation of the program

2 Secretariat has some basic tasks to assist the work of Kadin in service delivery, planning, controlling, monitoring, evaluating programs, assets, and development in the medical field as well as to guide the administration. Secretariat or the secretary in charge of a principal sub-sections, namely:

  • Head of Section Planning: Having a duty to assist the secretariat for carrying out the planning, development, data control, and to evaluate the program office.
  • Head of Section of General and Services: Having a duty to help perform the functions of the secretary of administration, housekeeping, and management of personnel administration.
  • Head of Section of Finance: Has the task of helping a secretary to carry out activities of performance-based budgeting and financial accountability.

3 Head of Medical & Pharmaceutical Services has a duty to assist the Chamber of Commerce conducting basic medical services, referral services, or special services. Head of health services in charge of several sections, namely:

  • Primary Medical Services Section, Referral, Specialist
  • Section of Pharmaceutical and Food & Beverage

4 Head of Public Health Services in charge of the Chamber of Commerce to help implement activities to improve the health status of the community. Head field supervises several sections, namely:

  • Nutrition Section
  • Sexy family health

5. Head of Control, Communicable Disease and Environmental Health, has the task of carrying out activities to help Kadin environmental sanitation and the eradication of disease. Head field supervises several sections, namely:

  • Section disease surveillance, environmental health, and disaster management
  • Section disease control and eradication

6 Head of Security, Promotion & Information has a duty to help implement health promotion activities and community empowerment. This field is in charge of several sections, namely

  • Section of Information and Promotion Network
  • Section of Public Health Insurance

7 Technical Implementation Unit has the task of carrying out operational tasks separately in each work area that includes guidance, counseling, pembinanaan, and training in the field of health.

Functional 8 has a duty to carry out some tasks in the field of health in accordance with their expertise.

Jobs Available

Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia through Dinas Kesehatan Jawa Barat open the opportunity for the best Indonesian Citizen who have high integrity and commitment to join as following positions :

  1. Dokter
  2. Dokter Spesialis
  3. PTT Tenaga Analis – D3 Analis (40 formations)
  4. PTT Tenaga Farmasi – D3 Pharmaceutical (40 formations)
  5. PTT Tenaga Nutrisionist – D3 Nutritionist (40 formations)
  6. PTT Tenaga Perawat – D3 Nursing (39 formations)
  7. PTT Tenaga Sanitarian – D3 Sanitarian (40 formations)

Jobs Description

Administration requirements that must be completed:

  • Certificate (Original legalized).
  • Transcript (Original legalized).
  • Registration Certificate (STR) are still valid.
  • Police Notes Certificate/SKCK (valid).
  • Health Certificate from the doctor who has a Permit Practice (SIP).
  • Color photograph size 4 x 6 cm.
  • Specification work experience (if any).

Sites Reference

  1. www.diskes.jabarprov.go.id

Submit Application

To apply for this position, please register and submit your all documents above to :

Dokter dan Dokter Gigi :

Tenaga Kesehatan :

Dokter Spesialis :

Offline direct to:

Seksi Ditgunakes Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Barat
Jl. Pasteur No.25, Bandung


  • Please note that applications may not be reviewed if received after 18 August 2014.
  • All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
  • Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
  • Source

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