Lowongan Kerja Dinas Kesehatan Pemerintah Kota Yogyakarta



Lowongan Kerja Dinkes Yogya

About Dinas Kesehatan Pemerintah Kota Yogyakarta

Dinas Kesehatan Pemerintah Kota Yogyakarta – Dinkes Yogya is Dinas Kesehatanunder the Kementerian Kesehatan – Kemenkes that the Indonesian government ministries in charge of health affairs.


  • Being a facilitator, motivator, Regulator and Giver of Health Services Quality and Affordable


  1. Improving Health Empowerment in Development Towards a Healthy and independent
  2. Increased Health Care Quality and affordable
  3. Increased Based Health Information Systems Accurate Data
  4. Increasing Network Working between Community, Government and Private
  5. Increased Regulatory Functions of Health and the Health Resources
  6. Increased availability Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices


  1. Increasing the empowerment of communities in health development towards a healthy society and independent
  2. Improving health care quality and affordable
  3. Improving health information based on accurate data
  4. Improving networking between communities, government and private
  5. Improving the regulatory functions of health and health resources according to the standard
  6. Increasing the availability of pharmaceuticals and medical devices


  1. Increased Community Empowerment in Health Sector
  2. Increased Availability of Public Budget for Population Health, especially for poor
  3. Increased Health Care Quality and affordable
  4. Increased Quality-Based Health Information Accurate Data
  5. Increased development efforts of Community Nutrition and Health as well as Family and Reproductive Health
  6. Increased Efforts for Disease Control and Health Problems and Environmental Efforts
  7. Increased regulation and function of Unmet Health Resource Availability
  8. Meningktanya availability Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices


Kantor Dinas Kesehatan Pemerintah Kota Yogyakarta
Jl. Kenari No. 56 Yogyakarta 55165
Telp/Fax (0274) 515868, 515869

email :kesehatan@jogjakota.go.id

Jobs available

Dinas Kesehatan Yogyakarta required 4 teams consisting of one chairman and four members with the composition of male and female.

Type and Number of Workers Needed

  • Ketua Tim sebanyak 4 orang dan Anggota Tim sebanyak 16 orang.

Jobs Description

Team Leader:

  • Health Education minimal D3 (Midwifery, Dental Nurse, Health Analyst / Nurses, Pharmacy, Nutrition Expert, Expert Environmental Sanitation)
  • Having leadership

Team Members:

  • Education minimal D3 Health (Medicine, Nutrition, Public Health, Nurses, Midwives, Environmental Sanitation, Health Analyst)

Other Requirements:
a. Able to operate a computer and use the internet
b. For those who have worked Duty Free has been awarded Letter from the Chairman
c. Not pregnant
d. Maximum age 35 years
e. Willing to sign a contract
f. Submit:

  1. Submit a cover letter addressed to the Chief Medical Officer of the city of Yogyakarta, handwritten in black ink enclosing the following requirements:
  2. Curriculum Vitae (CV) with short residence today
  3. Copy of last diploma in health: 1 Sheet
  4. Copy of identity document (KTP / SIM): 1 sheet
  5. 4×6 size colored photographs (applicant name written behind): 1 sheet
  6. Physical health certificate and not pregnant from the Government Doctors (RS / PHC)
  7. Permit to work full-time for data collection from Head Office to have worked (Government / Private)
  8. Promissory note if acceptable to comply with obligations

Sites Reference

  1. http://kesehatan.jogjakota.go.id

Submit Application

Time and Place of Registration Registration

On 11 s / d 15 March 2013 addressed to the:

Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Kota Yogyakarta c.q. Seksi SIK Surveilans, Jl. Kenari No.56 Komplek Balaikota Timoho Yogyakarta

Closing date

  • March 15, 2013


  • Administration Selection: March 18, 2013
  • Administration Selection Announcement: March 20, 2013 (in Board Notice Yogyakarta City Health Department and http://kesehatan.jogjakota.go.id/ website)
  • Source

Lowongan Kerja Dinkes Yogya brought to you by lokercpnsbumn