Lowongan Kerja Dinas Kesehatan Kab Banyumas


Dinkes Banyumas

Lowongan Kerja Dinkes Banyumas

About Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Banyumas (Dinkes Banyumas)

Dinas Kesehatan Banyumas – Dinkes Banyumas is one of SKPD (Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah) in Banyumas tasked to implement the technical and operational affairs of local government health sector based on the principle of autonomy and duty of assistance.

Health Department shall exercise powers in the health sector have duty to health development, acting as the responsible, drivers, supervisors and implementing health development in accordance with their mandate, by referring to the local legislation and applicable health.

Dinkes Banyumas

Health development is directed to increase awareness, willingness and ability of healthy life for everyone in order to improve community health status as high can be realized. Health development organized with based on humanity, empowerment and independence, fair and equitable, and preference and benefits with particular attention to vulnerable populations, such as mothers, infants, children, Seniors (Elderly), and poor families.

Health development is carried out through the increase: 1) Health Services, 2) Health Care Financing, 3) Human Resources for Health, 4) of Pharmaceutical Products, Medical Devices and Food, 5) Management and Health Information, and 6) Community Empowerment. Efforts are made by taking into account population dynamics, epidemiology, ecological and environmental changes, the progress of Science and Technology (Science and Technology), as well as globalization and democratization with the spirit of partnership and cross-sectoral cooperation. The emphasis is on improving behavior and self-reliance as well as promotive and preventive efforts.

Department of Health in carrying out the task, the following functions:

  • the technical scope of the health policy formulation;
  • the implementation of government affairs and public service health settings;
  • development and implementation of the scope of the duties of health;
  • execution of other tasks given by the Regent in accordance with its duties and functions.

Having Banyumas District Health Office 43 Unit consisting of:

  1. PHC: 39 Unit
  2. Lung Health Centres (BP Lung): 1 Unit
  3. Community Eye Health Centres (BKMM): 1 Unit
  4. Public Health Laboratory (Labkesmas): 1 Unit
  5. Unit Medical Devices and Pharmaceutical Products (UPKF): 1 Unit

Contact Dinas Kesehatan Banyumas
Jl. RA. Wiryaatmaja No.4 Purwokerto
Kode Pos 53131
Telp : (0281)-632971
Fax : (0281)-631502
Email : dkkbanyumas@yahoo.co.id

Jobs Available

Dinas Kesehatan Banyumas is seeking the qualified people to join as :

  • Tenaga Keperawatan dan Kebidanan

Jobs Description

Requirements :

  • Indonesian citizens who fear God, faithful and obedient to the Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution and the Republic of Indonesia
  • Well behaved and never sentenced to imprisonment or confinement under a court decision which is legally enforceable
  • Minimum D3 nursing / midwifery
  • Transcripts with a minimum GPA of 3.00 (private colleges) and 2.80 (universities)
  • Academic accreditation, college, or university with accreditation at least “B”
  • Minimum height 165 cm (men) and 160 cm (women)
  • Graduated basic training Trauma and Cardiac Life Support is still valid (nurse)
  • Certificate of Registration and membership card PPNI (nurse)
  • APN graduate training and PONED (Midwife)
  • Certificate of Registration and Membership Card midwives (midwives)

Documents required :

  1. Photocopy of ID card
  2. Legalized last diploma
  3. Basic training certificate legalized Trauma and Cardiac Life Support (Nurse)
  4. Photocopy of letter Registration and Membership Card PPNI (nurses)
  5. APN Training Pass and PONED (Midwife)
  6. Registration Certificate and Membership Card Midwife (midwife)
  7. Police certificate
  8. Certificate of healthy physical / spiritual and free color blind
  9. The certificate of drug free
  10. 4×6 color photograph 4 pieces of red color background
  11. Copy SIM A
  12. Active Telp Number or Handphone

Sites Reference

  1. http://dinkes.banyumaskab.go.id

Submit Application

Please submit your application and required documents to :

Kepada Yth.
Kepala Public Safety Center Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Banyumas
Jl. RA. Wiryoatmaja No. 4 Purwekorto
Telp : (0281) 632971 Bidang Yankes


  • Closing date : 14 October 2016
  • All applications will be treated in strict confidential.
  • Only candidates that meet the above qualification will be shortlisted.
  • Source

Lowongan Kerja Dinkes Banyumas brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn.com