
Lowongan Kerja DPD RI Komite III
About Dewan Perwakilan Daerah (DPD RI)
Dewan Perwakilan Daerah Republik Indonesia – DPD RI is the House of Regional Representative Republic of Indonesia. DPD RI is the is higher institutions in the state system Indonesian state whose members are representatives from each province were selected through a General Election (Pemilu).
The Regional Representative Council DPD RI is one of two parliamentary chambers in Indonesia. Together with the People’s Representative Council, it makes up a third chamber, the People’s Consultative Assembly.

The DPD was created by the third amendment to the 1945 Constitution of Indonesia enacted 9 November 2001 in a move towards bicameralism. The DPD does not have the revising powers of an upper house like the United States Senate. Article 22D restricts the DPD to dealing with bills on “regional autonomy, the relationship of central and local government, formation, expansion and merger of regions, management of natural resources and other economic resources, and Bills related to the financial balance between the centre and the regions.”
The International Foundation for Electoral Systems conducted a tracking survey in the Indonesian legislative elections in 2004 which showed that not all voters knew how to vote for candidates for the new Regional Representative Council, or were even aware of its existence.
In line with the demands of democracy in order to satisfy the public sense of justice in the region, expand and improve the morale and capacity of local participation in national life, as well as to strengthen the Unitary Republic of Indonesia, then in order to reform the constitution, the Assembly of RI to form a new representative institutions, namely the Regional Representatives Council Republic of Indonesia (DPD RI). The formation of DPD RI was conducted through the third amendment of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 (UUD 1945) in November 2001.
Since the change, then the system of parliamentary representation in Indonesia and the change from a unicameral system of bicameral system. These changes do not happen instantly, but through a long phase of discussion both in public and in the People’s Consultative Assembly of Indonesia, particularly in the Ad Hoc Committee I. The process of change in MPR in addition to considering the political demands and views that grow with the reform, which also involves academic discussion, by studying the system of government prevailing in other countries, especially in a country adopts democracy.
In the process of discussion is, develops a strong view about the need for institutions that can represent local interests, and to maintain a balance between regions and between central and local, fairly and harmoniously. Basic idea of the formation of DPD RI is a desire to better accommodate regional aspirations and simultaneously give a greater role to the region in political decision-making process for matters directly related to particular areas of interest. Desire took off from a real indication that decision making is centralized in the past it has resulted in inequality and a sense of injustice, and will also give an indication of the threat of state territorial integrity and national unity. The existence of elements of regional representatives in the MPR membership for this (prior to the amendment to the Constitution of 1945) is considered inadequate to address these challenges.
Jobs Available
Dewan Perwakilan Daerah Republik Indonesia through the Commitee III (Komite III DPD RI) invites qualified candidates to fullfill the position as follows :
- Penerimaan Staff Ahli Komite III DPD RI
Job Description
General Requirements
- Indonesian citizens (WNI) are devoted to God Almighty, faithful and obedient to the Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, and the Republic of Indonesia.
- At least 28 years of age.
- Graduated from an accredited universities, both domestic or overseas with a minimum GPA of 3.00 for PTN or a minimum GPA of 3.25 for PTS.
- Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) with a minimum work experience of 10 years.
- Minimum Master Degree (S2) with a minimum work experience of 5 years.
- Minimum PDH Degree (S3) with at least 3 years of work experience
- Good communication in Bahasa Indonesia (verbal and written).
- Good communication in English (verbal and written) and have a minimum TOEFL score of 450 as indicated by the results of the TOEFL test (certificate issued from official institutions) a maximum of 1 year.
- Computer literate (office and internet applications).
- Physically and mentally healthy and free from drugs, evidenced by a certificate from the public / private hospitals.
- Well-behaved and never sentenced to imprisonment or confinement under a court decision having permanent legal force as evidenced by Police Notes (SKCK).
- Statement letter on the seal willing to carry out the obligations and acquire rights for committee expert staff as set in the Decree of the Secretary-General of DPD.
- Following the assessment process undertaken by the Committee III DPD RI.
- Domiciled in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
Specific Requirements
- The Prospective Expert Staff Committee III DPD RI must have a substantial ability to analyze an issue relating to the scope of work of the Committee III DPD RI, namely:
- Education;
- Religion;
- Culture;
- Health;
- Tourism;
- Youth and Sports;
- Social welfare;
- Women’s empowerment and child protection;
- Manpower and Transmigration;
- Creative Economy;
- Population Administration / Civil Registration;
- Population Control / Family Planning; and
- Library.
- Strong sense of analytical thinking to decision / products related to the interests of society and the regions in accordance with the scope of work of the Committee III DPD RI.
- Able to identify, understand and analyze the issues of regionalism that developed into a national issue in accordance with the scope of work of the Committee III DPD RI.
- Able to convey study / study results on policies / issues that are being developed in accordance with the scope of work of the Committee III DPD RI.
- Able to analyze the performance of their functions and duties in general DPD.
Application should contains the below documents :
- Curriculum vitae signed by the applicants;
- Legalized copy of diploma (with caption);
- Legalized copy of transcripts;
- Police Notes (SKCK);
- Medical and drug-free certificate from the public / private hospital;
- Copy of Ntional Identity Card (KTP);
- Color pass photo with a red background 4×6 (2 sheets) and 2 x 3 (3 sheets);
- Photocopy of Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP);
- Affidavit signed on the stamp referred to in general terms expert staff of Committee III DPD RI.
Sites Reference
Submit Application
For those who are interested and possess the above required qualifications, please send all required documents above not later than 30 November 2015 to :
Sekretaris Jenderal DPD RI Up. Sekretariat Komite III DPD RI
Jl. Jenderal Gatot Subroto No 6 Jakarta Pusat 10270.
- Applications received after these dates will not be considered.
- All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
- Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
- Source
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