Lowongan Kerja Dewan Jaminan Sosial Nasional – DJSN



Lowongan Kerja DJSN

About Dewan Jaminan Sosial Nasional (DJSN)

Dewan Jaminan Sosial Nasional – DJSN is board serves to assist the President in the formulation of public policies and synchronization implementation of national social security systems .

National Social Security System is a system of social security that is set in Indonesia in Law No. 40 of 2004 . These Social Security is a form of social protection organized by the Republic of Indonesia to ensure its citizens to meet the basic needs of a decent life , as in the the UN declaration on Human Rights of 1948 and the 1952 ILO Convention No.102

Legal Basis

  1. The first basic law of Social Security is 1945 and its amendment in 2002, Article 5 , Article 20 , Article 28 , Article 34 .
  2. The UN Declaration of Human Rights or the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 and the 1952 ILO Convention No.102 .
  3. MPR RI No. X/MPR/2001 are assigned to the RI president to form a National Social Security System .

Law No.40 of 2004 on Social Security

Law No.40 of 2004 on Social Security replaces social security programs that existed before ( Askes , Social Security , Taspen , and Asabri ) were considered less successful provide significant benefits to users , because the number of participants is less , the total value of benefits programs inadequate , lack of good governance and management of the program.

Benefits of the program is quite comprehensive Jamsosnas , which includes pension, national health insurance , accident insurance and death benefits . The program will cover all Indonesian citizens , no matter whether they are formal sector workers , informal sector or self-employed .

Contact Dewan Jaminan Sosial Nasional

Gedung Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kesejahteraan Rakyat Lantai IV (Office)
Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat No. 3, Jakarta Pusat 10110, Indonesia.
No. Telp : +62 21 3852165
No. Fax : +62 21 3444356
Email: contact@djsn.go.id

Jobs Available

Penerimaan Calon Anggota
Tahun 2014 – 2019

Jobs Description


  • Indonesian citizen .
  • Devoted to God Almighty .
  • Physically and mentally healthy as evidenced by a medical certificate governments .
  • Good character as evidenced by a certificate of the local police .
  • Aged at least 40 (forty ) years and setingi – high 60 (sixty ) years at the time of becoming a member .
  • Lowest levels of education graduates stratum 1 ( one ) .
  • Having expertise in the field of social security .
  • Have concern for the field of social security , and
  • Not been convicted by a judgment which has obtained the force of law for committing a criminal offense .


  • Registration Form , Statement List Hidupdan History Never Been Sentenced Prison can be downloaded in www.djsn.go.id or www.menkokesra.go.idatau taken secretariat Candidate Selection Committee Member of the National Social Security Council .
  • Candidate registration file as a Board Member of the National Social Security that have been accepted by the Selection Committee shall not be refunded .
  • Only applicants who meet the completeness and administrative requirements to be called for the selection stage next .
  • Registration is free of charge . Selection Committee does not bear the accommodation and transportation during the selection process
  • Social Security Board Member Candidate Nasionaldiputuskan by Panita Selection and the Selection Committee ‘s decision is final and can not be contested .

Documents Required :

  1. Application  form ( signed on the stamp Rp . 6.000 , – ) .
  2. Copy of valid ID .
  3. Copy of last diploma legalized in accordance with the original .
  4. Curriculum Vitae .
  5. 3 The Latest Photo Pas ( 3 months ) color size 4 x 6 cm .
  6. Police Notes are still valid ( the original ) .
  7. Health certificate from Government Doctor ( original ) .
  8. Affidavit was never sentenced to imprisonment by a court decision having permanent legal force because of a criminal act , signed on stamp duty Rp.6.000 . – .

Reference Sites

  1. www.djsn.go.id

Submit Application

Please sent your application to :

Panitia Seleksi Calon Anggota Dewan Jaminan Sosial Nasional
Sekretariat Panitia Seleksi, Gedung Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kesejahteraan Rakyat, Lantai 4
Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat No. 3, Jakarta Pusat. Telp. 021 46277459 Email : pansel@djsn.go.id


  • Registration and admission file not later than June 19, 2014 .
  • Further terms and conditions can be downloaded from : Click Here

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