
Lowongan CPNS PU PR
About Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (Kemenpupera)
Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat Republik Indonesia – Kemenpupera is a Ministry of the Government of Indonesia wing Affairs public works and public housing. Formerly the Ministry of public works and Housing Ministry called “Settlement and development of the region” (1999-2000) and “the Department of settlements and infrastructures of the region” (2000-2004). The Ministry of public works and Housing are under and is responsible to the President. Kemenpupera is headed by a Minister of public works and Housing.

After Indonesia proclaimed Independence on 17-8-1945, then the young men since Indonesia began gradually seizing power from the hands of the Government of Japan in both the seat of Government (Jakarta/Bandung) and Government areas.
After the Government of Indonesia to form a Cabinet first, then the Ministry began compiling the Organization and its nature. Public works at the time (1945) based in Bandung, by taking the place of the former building v. & w. (known as “Sate Building”).
When the Netherlands want to restore this Government in Netherlands East Indies before the war, came following the Allied forces entry into Indonesia. The result of the desire of the Government of the Netherlands, there was this physical clash with Indonesia’s youth who want to maintain the ground water below the buildings that have been serving, among others, the “Building” that has become a Sate Building Department of public works at the time (it’s known historical events with the event “December 3, 1945”).
At the time of the physical revolution from 1945 until 1949, the Central Government of INDONESIA in Jakarta were forced to evacuate to Purworejo henceforth to Yogyakarta, so did the Ministry of PU. After the Government of the Netherlands in 1949 recognized the independence of the Republic of Indonesia then the seat of Government of INDONESIA in Yogyakarta, moved again to Jakarta.
Since 1945 it is, public works (PU) have often experienced a change of leadership and organization, according to the political situation at that time. As the image outline organization PUT outlined as follows:
- Before the army of the Netherlands goes into Yogyakarta Order Independence PU. Transportation can be divided into 8 Office and 4 Halls.
- At the time of the Republic of India specifically States the Ministry of transportation and POU RIS are divided into several departments and several Office and several agencies that close relationship with the task of dep. PU. RIS.
The Ministry Of Transportation Of PLUTONIUM. RIS comprises the incorporation of 3 federal Department prae:
- Department Verkeer, Energie and Mynbouw first (except Mynbouw which is included in the Ministry of prosperity).
- Department Van Waterstaat at Wederopbouw
- Scheepvaart Van Department
The merging of the three Departments of the Government of the federal Ministries in one prae namely Ministry of transportation energy and PU. RIS are deemed necessary, in order that the Department 3 relationship one with another becomes very closely, terlebih-lebih if keep in mind, that for the country’s development will be a good coordination and rationalization and the presence of experts and also to launch all the duties charged on the Ministry of transportation and Energy. RIS.
Specially at the beginning of the formation of a unitary State of INDONESIA, then the arrangement of the different Ministries as follows: in a time prologue G 30 s. PKI in the history of the Government of INDONESIA Cabinet called by the name of Cabinet DwiKora Cabinet or 100 ministers, where at this time formed the Ministry Coordinator. The Department did not escape the PUT. then join the experienced organizational changes into 5 Dept. under the revised Dwikora Cabinet, PUT Compartment led General Suprajogi. As for Compartment PUT when he supervises, among other things:
- The Ministry of electricity and Workforce
- Department Of Bina Marga
- The Department Of Construction Works Of The Copyrighted
- Basic Irrigation Department
- The Department Of Highways Of Sumatra
After the events of G 30S PKI Government revised Dwikora Cabinet soon perfected by appointing IR. Soetami, as the Minister PUT the PUT the compartment for the lead. Enhanced Cabinet it cannot long be maintained.
Ampera Cabinet, as the first cabinet in the new order. Returns the Organization PUT formed by IR. Soetami, as Minister. With the decision letter of the Minister PUT dated June 17, 1968 N 0.3/PRT/1968 and amended by regulation of the Minister PUT dated 1 June 1970 No. 4/PRT/1970. The Department has PUT a strong organizational structure arrangement.
As a further description of the Division of tasks within the environmental DEP. of PUT, and on that day the basic tasks of PLUTONIUM has been delivered at the regional authority itself.
The Ministry of public works and Housing has the task of organizing the Affairs of Government in the field of public works and housing to assist the President in organizing the Government.
In carrying out the tasks referred to above, the Ministry of public works and Housing hosted a function:
- determination of formulation, implementation, and policy in the field of water resource management, Providence road, provision of housing and neighborhood development, housing financing, the arrangement of buildings, drinking water supply systems, waste water management systems and environmental and drainage persampahan, and coaching construction services;
- coordination of the implementation of tasks, coaching, and the granting of administrative support to all elements of the environmental organizations in the Ministry of public works and Housing;
- the management of the country’s wealth/belongings that became the responsibility of the Ministry of public works and Housing;
- supervision over the implementation of the tasks in the environment of the Ministry of public works and Housing;
- implementation of technical guidance and supervision over the execution of the Affairs of the Ministry of public works and Housing in the area;
- implementation of technical policy formulation and strategy alignment of infrastructure development for public works and housing;
- implementation of research and development in the field of public works and housing;
- the implementation of human resources development in the field of public works and housing; and
- the implementation of the substantive nature of the support to all elements of the environmental organizations in the Ministry of public works and Housing.
Contact Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat
Gedung Pusdata Lt 1,
Jl. Pattimura 20, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan
(021) 7392262
Jobs Available
Kemenpupera is seeking the best Indonesian people to join as :
- CPNS Kementerian PU PR
Formation :
- Teknik Pengairan Pertama
- Teknik Pengairan Pelaksana
- Teknik Jalan dan Jembatan Pertama
- Teknik Jalan dan Jembatan Pelaksana
- Analisa Jalan dan Jembatan
- Teknik TAta Penyehatan Lingkungan Pertama
- Teknik Tata Bangunan dan Perumahan Pertama
- Pembina Jasa Konstruksi Pertama
- Auditor Pertama
- Peneliti Pertama
- Surveyor Pemetaan Pertama
Education :
- S1 Teknik Sipil / Teknik Geologi / Teknik Geodesi sebanyak 162 kursi
- D3 Teknik Sipil sebanyak 139 kursi
- S1 Teknik Sipil sebanyak 141 kursi
- S1 Teknik Sipil / Teknik Lingkungan sebanyak 65 kursi
- S1 Teknik Sipil / Teknik Arsitektur sebanyak 92 kursi
- S1 Teknik Sipil / Teknik Arsitektur / Teknik Lingkungan / Planologi / Perencanaan Wilayah Kota / Ekonomi / Manajemen / Akutansi / Hukum sebanyak 17 kursi
- S1 Teknik Sipil / Teknik Lingkungan / Hukum sebanyak 50 kursi
- S1 Teknik Sipil / Teknik Arsitektur / Teknik Lingkungan / Oseanografi / Ekonomi Studi Pembangunan sebanyak 28 kursi
- S1 Teknik Sipil / Teknik Planologi / Perencanaan Wilayah Kota / Geografi sebanyak 6 kursi
Total: 700 Formation
General Requirements:
- Indonesia Citizen (WNI)
- Minimum age of 18 years and a maximum of 35 years
- Never dismissed with disrespect not by own request/not with reverence as CIVIL SERVANTS or laid off not with respect as an employee of a private
- Berkelakukan good
- Healthy physical and spiritual
- Never sentenced to imprisonment for a criminal offence on the basis of the Court ruling
- Not domiciled as CPNS/PNS
- Have the education, skills, expertise and skills necessary
- Willing to be placed throughout the area SO, or any other country
Special Requirements:
- Maximum age 35 years: S2 (Applicants), 35 years old (Non CIVIL SERVANT Employees)
- Maximum age S1:28-30 years old (Applicants), 35 years old (Non CIVIL SERVANT Employees)
- Maximum D3 age: 25-28 years of age (Applicants), 35 years old (Non CIVIL SERVANT Employees)
- The maximum age is 25 years for applicants from the D3
- Maximum age 35 years for the Honorary Power
- Has accredited majors with a minimum value of B
- Have a minimum GPA of 2.75 for the accreditation Department A grade or minimum GPA 3.00 for the accreditation Department value B
- Able to operate the computer
- Have a TOEFL score of at least 450
- The TOEFL IBT has a value from the IIEF 53
- Have an IELTS score of at least 5
Sites Reference
Submit Application (Registration will be open at October 2016)
For those interested and meet the requirements of the Vacancy CPNS Kemenpupera, please carry out the following stages of the registration:
- Registration on page : Prepare data: full name, NIK & Number KK, Place of birth, Date of choice & agencies, active E-mail address
- After that, Applicants will obtain a UserID, Password, links web
- Continue the process of registration to the website of the Ministry of PUPR
- The official announcement of the registration and the other will be announced through the official website of the Ministry of PUPR.
- Recruitment CPNS PU PR is free of charge.
- Test the system using CAT, so make sure you’ve understood it. Learn too grating and CAT in the test tips : Soal Latihan CAT CPNS
- Source
Info Lowongan CPNS Kementerian PUPR brougth to you by