
Lowongan Kerja KPI Pusat
About Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia (KPI)
Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia – KPI is an independent agency in Indonesia equal level with other state institutions that function as regulators broadcasting in Indonesia. The commission was established in 2002 based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 32 Year 2002 on Broadcasting. KPI consists of Central Institute for Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) and the Regional Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (Commission) who work in the provincial level. Authority and scope of work includes the Broadcasting Commission of broadcast regulation organized by the Institute for Public Broadcasting, Institute for Private Broadcasting and Community Broadcasting Institution.

Broadcasting Law No. 32 of 2002 is the main basis for the establishment of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI). His passion is the management of the broadcasting system is public domain should be administered by an independent body free from interference financiers and power interests.
In contrast to the spirit of the Act previous broadcasting, namely Law No. 24 1997 chapter 7, which reads “Broadcasting is controlled by state guidance and control by the government”, indicating that the broadcast at that time was part of the instrument of power used for solely for the benefit of the government.
The process of democratization in Indonesia put the public as the owner and ultimate controlling the broadcasting sphere. Because the frequencies are public property and limited in nature, hence its use must be for the greater public interest. For the greater public interest means the broadcast media should perform the function of healthy public information services. The information consists of a variety of forms, ranging from news, entertainment, science, etc. The basis of the healthy function of information services is as set out in the Broadcasting Act No. 32 of 2002 of the Diversity of Content (the principle of diversity of content) and Diversity of Ownership (principle of diversity of ownership).
Both of these principles as the basis for any policy formulated by the IEC. Healthy information service based on the principles of diversity content is the availability of diverse information for the public good based on the types of programs and program content. While the principles of diversity of ownership is a guarantee that the ownership of the mass media in Indonesia is not centralized and monopolized by a handful of persons or institutions only. This principle also ensures fair competition climate among managers in the broadcasting media in Indonesia.
If we analyze in depth, Law no. 32 of 2002 on Broadcasting was born with two main passion, first managing broadcasting system should be free of any interest for broadcasting the public domain and used for the greatest public benefit. The second is to strengthen the spirit of local entities in the spirit of regional autonomy with the implementation of networked broadcast system.
Then after the enactment of Law no. 32 of 2002 fundamental changes in the management of the broadcasting system in Indonesia, which in essence is the spirit of protecting the rights of society more evenly. The most fundamental change in the spirit of this law is the limited transfer of authority from the management of broadcasting which has been the exclusive right of government to an independent regulatory body (independent regulatory body) named the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI). Independent is meant to emphasize that the management of the broadcasting system is public domain should be administered by a body independent of the intervention of capital and power interests. Learning from the past where the management of the broadcasting system is still in the hands of the government (in the New Order regime), the broadcasting system as a strategic tool does not escape from the dominant state cooptation and used to support the interests of power. Broadcasting system at that time was not only used to support the regime against the hegemony of the public in the control of strategic discourse, but also be used to take advantage of the collaboration between the handful of ruling elites and businessmen.
Translation spirit both in the implementation of networked broadcast system is, any broadcaster who wants to organize broadcasts in an area must have a local station or networked with existing local broadcasters in the area. This is to ensure non-occurrence of centralization and monopolization of information as it happens now. In addition, the implementation of a networked broadcast system is also intended to stimulate local economic growth and ensure socio-cultural rights of local communities. During this centralization broadcasters resulting in socio-cultural disregard for the rights of local communities and minorities. Yet local people are also entitled to obtain information in accordance with the needs polical, social and cultural. Besides, the existence of centralized broadcasting institutions that have been established and nationwide increasingly choke the existence of local broadcasters to be able to develop their potential to be maximal.
Jobs Available
Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika RI invites the qualified Indonesia Citizen to join as :
- Calon Anggota KPI Pusat Periode 2016-2019
Job Description
- Indonesian citizens who fear God;
- Loyal to Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945;
- Physically and mentally healthy;
- Competent, honest, fair, and good character;
- Least educated scholar Strata 1 (S1) or equivalent;
- Be at least 30 (thirty) years and a maximum of sixty (60) years old at the time of signing;
- Have integrity and dedication to maintain the unity of the nation and the country;
- Have concerns, insights, knowledge and / or expertise, and experience in the field of broadcasting;
- Not directly or indirectly associated with the ownership of the mass media;
- Willing to work full-time;
- Ready to release position that could lead to a conflict of interest when elected as a member of the Central KPI;
- Non-members of the legislature and the judiciary;
- Not government officials; and
- Non partisan, and not become members and officials of political parties.
Documents required :
- Letter signed registration (appendix 1);
- A scan of Identity Card (KTP);
- The results of the last scan original certificate;
- Recent color photographs;
- Curriculum Vitae (DRH) in accordance with the format provided by the Selection Committee (Attachment 2);
- Statement letter would be nominated as Member of Central KPI signed by the person concerned on the stamp Rp6,000, – (Attachment 3);
- A Statement will be leaving office, ownership, and stewardship of the mass media and / or other organizations which may create conflicts of interest if elected as a member of KPI signed in question on the stamp Rp 6,000 (Attachment 4);
- Affidavit willing to work full time and are willing to resign if it does not achieve that if elected to the KPI, which was signed on the stamp Rp6,000, – (Attachment 5);
- Permit Tops for Civil Servants (PNS);
- Statement of non-partisan, not being members and officials of political parties, which was signed in question on the stamp Rp6,000, – the appropriate form (Appendix 6);
- Integrity Pact allegiance to Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 as well as the integrity and dedication to maintain the unity of the nation, if elected as Member of KPI 2016-2019 signed by the person concerned on the stamp Rp6.000, – (appendix 7);
- Papers:
- a. vision and mission of a Member of KPI 2016-2019 in improving the quality of broadcasting forward typed a maximum of 2 (two) pages of A4; and
- b. personal papers (personal paper) who describe themselves that question (Who am I?) and why is interested in becoming a member of KPI, who typed a maximum of two (2) pages of A4.
- Statement letter would resign if later found documents submitted prove incorrect, which was signed on the stamp Rp.6.000, – (Appendix 8).
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Registration and submission of documents administrative requirements of the request made online through the official website Kominfo below:
Notes :
- Download form : Click Here
- All applications will be handled in strictly confidential and only selected candidates will be notified to join recruitment process.
- Source
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