Lowongan Kerja BRI Bali
About PT Bank BRI (Persero) Tbk
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk – BRI is one of the largest government -owned bank in Indonesia. At the beginning of Bank Rakyat Indonesia ( BRI ) was established in Purwokerto , Central Java by Raden Bei Aria Wirjaatmadja with the name De Poerwokertosche Hulp en Spaarbank der Inlandsche Hoofden or ” Help and Savings Bank Owned Priyayi The Navan ” , a financial institution that serves nationals Indonesian ( native ) . The agency was established on December 16, 1895 , which is then used as the birthday of BRI .
In the period after independence , based on Government Regulation no . 1 of 1946 Article 1 stated that BRI is the first state-owned banks in the Republic of Indonesia . In wartime maintain independence in 1948 , BRI was stopped for a while and just starting off again after the Renville agreement in 1949 to change its name to Bank Rakyat Indonesia States. At that time through No. PERPU . 41 was formed in 1960 Farmers and Fishermen Cooperative Bank ( BKTN ) which is a fusion of BRI , Bank Farmers and Fishermen and Nederlandsche Maatschappij ( NHM ) . Then based on Presidential Decree ( Presidential Decree ) No. . 9 In 1965, BKTN integrated into the name of Bank Indonesia Bank Indonesia Affairs Cooperative Farmers and Fishermen .
After walking for a month , Presidential Decree No. out . 17 of 1965 on the establishment of a single bank under the name of Bank Negara Indonesia . In the new provisions , Bank Indonesia Affairs Cooperative , Farmers and Fishermen ( ex BKTN ) integrated with the name of Bank Negara Indonesia unit II Rural areas , while Bank Negara Indonesia NHM into field Export II unit ( Exim ) .
Under Law No. . 14 of 1967 on the Basic Law and the Banking Law no . 13 of 1968 on the Central Bank Act , which essentially restores function as a central bank Bank Indonesia and Bank Negara Indonesia Unit II of Export Import Rular and each separated into two banks, Bank Rakyat Indonesia and Bank Indonesia Export Import . Furthermore, based on Law no . 21 of 1968 set back from the main tasks of BRI as a commercial bank .
Since August 1, 1992 by the Banking Act No. . 7 of 1992 and Government Regulation No. . 21 1992 BRI status changed into a limited liability company . BRI ownership when it was still 100 % in the hands of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia . In 2003 , the Indonesian government decided to sell 30 % stake in the bank , so it became a public company with the official name of PT . Bank Rakyat Indonesia ( Persero ) Tbk . , Which is still used up to this time .
COMPANY contact

Head Office
Gedung BRI 1
Jenderal Sudirman str, Kav.44-46
Jakarta 10210
Phone : (62-21) 2510244, 2510254, 2510264, 2510269, 2510279
Facs. : (62-21) 2500065, 2500077
Jobs Available
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk are seeking for suitably qualified and professional candidates to join as following position :
Job Description
- Minimum D3 any majors, a minimum GPA of 2.75
- Never been married
- Domiciled in Bali and Nusa Tenggara
- Height and weight proportional
- Able to operate Ms. Office
- Do not have a nuclear family who worked at Bank BRI
- Communicative, hard-working and disciplined
- salary
- health benefits
- insurance
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Please submit your application to :
PT. Mutualplus Global Resources
Jl. Nusa Kambangan no. 132a Denpasar Barat 80113
Phone: 8423373 (0361)
- All applications will be treated in strict confidential and only use for the purpose of selection.
- Only qualified candidates that meet with the above requirements would be processed in this recruitment.
- Source
Lowongan Kerja BRI Bali brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn