
Lowongan Kerja BPN Kaltim
About Badan Pertanahan Nasional (BPN)
Badan Pertanahan Nasional – BPN is a Non-Government Institutions Ministry which is under and responsible to the President and chaired by the Head. (In accordance with Presidential Decree No. 63 Year 2013)
National Land Agency has the task of carrying out government duties in the land sector of national, regional and sectoral accordance with the provisions of the legislation.

National Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia turned into the Ministry of Agricultural and Spatial Planning / National Land Agency pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 17 of 2015 of the Ministry of Agrarian functioning of Spatial Planning and Presidential Regulation No. 20 Year 2015 concerning the National Land Agency, set on January 21, 2015.
In implementing its duties as intended, BPN has the functions:
- The formulation of national policy in the land sector.
- Technical policy formulation in the land sector.
- Coordination of policies, plans and programs in the land sector.
- Coaching and general administrative services in the land sector.
- Organization and execution of surveying, measurement and mapping in the land sector.
- The registration of the land in order to ensure legal certainty.
- The setting and the determination of rights over land.
- Implementation of stewardship of land, agrarian reform and structuring specific areas.
- Preparation of the administration on land owned and / or state / region in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance.
- Supervision and control of land ownership tenure.
- Cooperation with other agencies.
- Operation and implementation of policies, plans and programs in the land sector.
- Community development in the land sector.
- Assessment and treatment issues, disputes, legal proceedings and the conflict in the land sector.
- Assessment and development of land laws.
- Research and development in the land sector.
- Education, training and human resource development in the land sector.
- Data and information management in the land sector.
- Functional coaching institutes relating to the land sector.
- Cancellation and termination of the legal relationship between the person and / or legal entities with land in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force.
- Other functions in the area of land suitable laws and regulations in force.
Contact Kantor Wilayah BPN Prov. Kalimantan Timur
Jl. M. Yamin No. 14, Samarinda
Jobs Available
Badan Pertanahan Nasional kantor wilayah Provinsi Kalimantan Timur is seeking the qualified candidates to join as position below :
- (KODE : AVB) Asisten Verifikator Berkas, 2 orang
- (KODE : OK) Operator Komputer, 5 orang
- (KODE : PT) Petugas Teknisi, 1 orang
- (KODE : PA) Petugas Administrasi, 2 orang
- (KODE : P) Pengemudi, 1 orang
- (KODE : PK) Petugas Kebersihan, 3 orang
- (KODE : S) Satpam, 4 orang
Jobs Description
General qualifications:
- Indonesian citizens;
- Be at least 19 years of age on January 1, 2017;
- Minimum high school education / equivalent;
- Healthy Body and Spirit, evidenced by the Physical and Spiritual Health made by Doctors Hospital Government / local health center;
- Ability to work independently and in teams;
- Good behavior, as evidenced by the Police Notes;
- Able to work under pressure and time targets;
- Especially those who have experience in the type of position that is selected;
- Prospective Applicants can only register at one type of position.
1. Asisten Verifikator Berkas (Kode AVB)
Special Qualifications:
- Man or woman;
- Neat, friendly, and courteous;
- Computer literate with good;
- Capable and meticulous in correcting the application file;
- Able to communicate well;
- Having a good understanding of the administrative offices.
2. Operator Komputer (Kode OK)
Special Qualifications:
- Man or woman;
- Neat, friendly, and courteous;
- Computer literate with good;
- Having a good understanding of managing computers and networks;
- Able to communicate well;
- Having a good understanding of the information and communication technology;
- Having a good understanding of the administrative offices.
3. Petugas Teknisi (Kode PT)
Special Qualifications:
- Man;
- Neat, friendly, and courteous;
- Have good skills in the maintenance of electronic equipment;
- Able to communicate well;
- Have expertise maintaining machines and network systems.
4. Petugas Admininstrasi (Kode PA)
Special Qualifications:
- Man or woman;
- Neat, friendly, and courteous;
- Computer literate with good;
- Having a good understanding of the information and communication technology;
- Able to communicate well;
- Having a good understanding of the administrative offices.
5. Pengemudi (Kode P)
Special Qualifications:
- Man;
- Healthy body;
- Having a driver’s license (SIM) A;
- Neat, friendly, and courteous;
- Able to communicate well;
- Having a good driving skills;
- Having a good understanding of the regulation of traffic signs;
6. Petugas Kebersihan (Kode PK)
Qualification :
- Man or woman
- Healthy body;
- Active and have high discipline
- Neat, friendly, polite;
- Able to communicate well;
- Ready at any time when needed.
7. Satpam (Kode S)
Special Qualifications:
- Man;
- Healthy body physically and mentally;
- Have a height of at least 165 cm;
- Not tattooed and pierced;
- Neatly dressed, polite, assertive and authoritative;
- Active and have high discipline;
- Able to communicate well;
- Preferably with the ability of self-defense.
Sites Reference
Submit Application
For those of you who are interested and qualified memenuihi the job, please register with the following procedures:
- Registration opened on 14 November 2016 and closed on 18 November 2016 during the quota still available, quotas cumulative total of 50 participants;
- Files that must be completed include:
- Cover letter handwritten and signed on the stamp Rp 6,000, – addressed to:
- Team Selection Procurement Officer Variable (PTT) for Fiscal Year 2017 in the Regional Office of : Badan Pertanahan Nasional Provinsi Kalimantan Timur.Jl. M. Yamin No. 14, Samarinda, Telp. 0541-741526.
- Curriculum Vitae (CV);
- Recent photograph size 4 x 6 cm (color) of 3 pieces (put the name on the back of the photo);
- Photocopies of diplomas and transcripts legalized;
- Photocopy of identity card (KTP) is still valid;
- Domicile in Samarinda area of ??Kecematan Local;
- Police certificate;
- Certificate of Physical and Spiritual Health.
- A cover letter along with file attachments neatly arranged in the order in RED color folder with the “IN POSITION on the go” in the upper right corner;
- Registration and completeness of the file, as mentioned above submitted directly to the Team Selection Procurement PTT is addressed at the Regional Office of the National Land Agency Prov. East Kalimantan Jl. M. Yamin 14 Samarinda, began on 14 November 2016 and at the latest on 18 November 2016 at 09.00 pm s.d. 13:00 pm;
- Name, address of residence (mailing address) to be written clearly and completely in capital letters on the back of an envelope;
- Application file is incomplete and does not correspond declared ineligible;
- For applicants who reputedly / fill data is not correct at the time of registration, Team Selection Procurement PTT cancel keikutsertaanya in the selection of the Procurement Officer Variable at the Regional Office of the National Land Agency of East Kalimantan Province;
- File applications received Team Selection Procurement Procurement Team PTT belong to PTT and is not refundable by the applicants.
- Closing date 18 November 2016.
- All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
- Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
- Source
Info Lowongan Kerja BPN Kaltim brougth to you by