
Lowongan Kerja BNNP Sumut
About Badan Narkotika Nasional Provinsi (BNNP)
Badan Narkotika Nasional Provinsi (BNNP) is a vertical institution Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN). National Narcotics Agency Province (BNNP) is a vertical institution National Narcotics Agency carry out the duties, functions and powers of the National Narcotics Agency in the province. BNNP under and responsible to the Head of the National Narcotics Agency.
National Narcotics Agency BNN is a Non-Government Institutions Ministry (LPNK) Indonesia, which has the task of carrying out government duties in the field of prevention, combating abuse and illicit trafficking psychotropic substances, precursors and other addictive substances unless the material is addictive to tobacco and alcohol. BNN led by a chief who is directly responsible to the President through the coordination of the head of the Indonesian National Police.

BNN legal basis is Act No. 35 of 2009 on Narcotics. Previously, BNN is a non-structural institution established under Presidential Decree No. 17 of 2002, which was then replaced by Presidential Decree No. 83 of 2007.
History overcome the dangers of narcotics and institutions in Indonesia started in 1971 at the time of issuance of Presidential Instruction of the Republic of Indonesia (Instruction) No. 6 of 1971 to the Head of the National Intelligence Coordination (Bakin) to cope with 6 (six) national problem that stands out, namely the eradication of counterfeit money, drug abuse prevention, prevention of smuggling, prevention of juvenile delinquency, prevention of subversion, surveillance of foreigners.
Based on the Instruction Chief BAKIN formed Bakolak PI 1971 is one of the tasks and functions are tackling the dangers of drugs. Bakolak PI is a small coordinating body that includes representatives from the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Attorney General, and others, who were under the command and responsible to the Head of Bakin. The agency has no operational authority and does not receive its own budget allocation of ABPN but is provided by an internal policy BAKIN.
At that time, the problems of drugs in Indonesia is still a small problem and the Government of New Order continue to view and believes that the problem of drugs in Indonesia will not be developed because Indonesia is a nation whose air-Pancasila and religious. This view turned out to make the government and the entire nation of Indonesia unmindful of the danger of drugs, so that when the drug problems explode to the accompaniment of a currency crisis in the region in mid-1997, the government and the Indonesian people seemed not ready to deal with it, in contrast to Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand since 1970 consistently and continuously to combat the dangers of drugs.
Inclined face drug problems continue to increase, the Government and Parliament of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR-RI) approved Law No. 5 of 1997 on Psychotropic Substances and the Law Number 22 Year 1997 on Narcotics. Based on the Act, the Government (of President Abdurrahman Wahid) form the National Narcotics Coordinating Board (BKNN), by Presidential Decree No. 116 of 1999. BKNN is a drug prevention Coordinating Board comprising 25 Government Agencies concerned.
BKNN chaired by the Chief of the Indonesian National Police (Police Chief) ex-officio. Until 2002 BKNN does not have its own personnel and budget allocations. BKNN acquired and allocated budget of the Headquarters of the Indonesian Police (Polri HQ), so it can not carry out its duties and functions optimally.
BKNN as a coordinating body felt inadequate to face the threat of more serious drugs. Therefore, based on Presidential Decree No. 17 of 2002 on the National Narcotics Agency, BKNN replaced by the National Narcotics Agency (BNN). BNN, as an institution with the task of coordinating 25 forum relevant government agencies and coupled with operational authority, has the duty and function: 1. coordinate the relevant government agencies in the formulation and implementation of national policies tackling drugs; and 2. coordinate the implementation of the national policy of drug prevention.
Starting in 2003 the new BNN get a budget allocation from the state budget. With the allocation of the state budget, BNN continues to improve its performance together with BNP and BNK. However, because without the institutional structures that have the chain of command is firm and only coordinative (functional similarity alone), then BNN assessed can not work optimally and will not be able to deal with drug problems is increasing and more and more serious. Therefore, the authorities in this case immediately issued Presidential Decree No. 83 of 2007 on the National Narcotics Board, Provincial Narcotics Agency (BNP) and the County Narcotics Agency / City (BNK), which have operational authority over the capacity of Members BNN involved in the task force, which BNN-BNP-BNKab / city are partners at the national, provincial and district / city, each of which is responsible to the President, Governors and Regents / Mayors, and that each (BNP and BN district / city) do not have-vertical structural relationship with BNN.
Responding to the development of drug problems is increasing and more and more serious, then the Decree of MPR-RI No. VI / MPR / 2002 by the General Assembly of People’s Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia (MPR) of 2002 has recommended to the Parliament and the President to make changes Law Number 22 Year 1997 on Narcotics. Therefore, the Government and the House of Representatives ratified and enacted Law No. 35 Year 2009 on Narcotics, as the amendment of Law No. 22 of 1997. Under the Act No. 35 of 2009, it was given authority BNN investigations and criminal investigations of narcotics and precursors narcotics. Championed BNN today is a way to impoverish dealers or drug dealers, as pointed out and proven in some cases selling drugs already used for terrorist financing (Narco Terrorism) and also to avoid the drug trafficking activities of the political cost (Narco for Politics).
Contact Badan Narkotika Nasional Provinsi (BNNP) Sumatera Utara
Jl. Williem Iskandar Pasar V Barat I No. 1
Medan Estate, Sumatera Utara
Jobs Available
BNNP Sumut is seeking the qualified candidates to join as posistion below :
- Dokter Umum
- Dokter Gigi
- Perawat
- Psikologi
- Farmasi
- Analis Laboratorium
- Konselor Program
- Konselor Agama
- ME (Mechanical Electrical)
- Radiografer
Jobs Descriptoin
General requirements :
- Male / Female
- Physically and mentally healthy
- Min 20 years of age and mak 35 Years
- Stadar GPA (PT. Private) 3:00 and GPA (PT. State) 2.75
- Have the interest to work in the field of Addiction
- Ethics Services
- Responsible for the implementation of the Task
Sites Reference
Submit Application
For those who are interested and qualified, then please send your application file in person or by mail to:
Kantor BNNP Sumatera Utara Bidang Rehabilitasi
Jl. Williem Iskandar Pasar V Barat I No. 1 A
Medan Estate, Sumatera Utara
Notes :
- Closing date : 11 April 2016 At 15:00 pm
- All Information relating to the Recruitment Process is only delivered by the Committee on Official Website Through BNN North Sumatra province.
- Recruitment BNNP Sumatra is free of charge.
- Service Call Center 082274750000
- Source
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