Lowongan Kerja BLUD RSUD Kota Bandung


RSUD Kota Bandung

Lowongan Kerja RSUD Kota Bandung

About Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kota Bandung (RSUD Kota Bandung)

Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kota Bandung – RSUD Kota Bandung originally named the Hospital End Berung is derived from PHC With Care Points (DPT) until April 1993 turned into a Regional General Hospital (Hospital) Ujungberung Class D, Regional Regulation (Perda) No. Bandung. 928 1992.

Regional General Hospital (Hospital) Ujungberung continues to grow along with the presence of specialist doctors who had only two specialist doctors that pediatricians and obstetrician then over the coming two doctors spsialis in and spsialis surgery, and coming doctor doctor spsilais other so Hospital Ujungberung deemed eligible for the enhanced class become Regional General Hospital Ujungberung C grade by the Minister of Health Number. 1373 / Menkes / SK / XII / 98

RSUD Kota Bandung

In 2000, precisely in December 2000 under Regulation (Perda) No. 10 of 2000, concerning the status of Institutional Regional General Hospital (Hospital) which was kelebagaanya as i UPT DKK became Regional Technical Institute who is directly responsible to the Mayor through the Regional Secretary.

2007 by the Decree of the Minister of Health Decree No. YM.01.10 / III / 1148/2007 Regional General Hospital (Hospital) Ujungberung get a Certificate of Accreditation of Hospitals with Full Accreditation Status for five (5) Service Standards include: Administration Management, Medical Services, Emergency services, nursing services and medical records.

Regional Regulation (Perda) Bandung Number 16 Year 2007 on the Establishment and Organization Structure RSUD Kota Bandung making General Hospital (Hospital) Ujungberung become RSUD Kota Bandung, and the only hospital Government-owned general of Bandung in addition to two special hospitals yairu Special Hospital Mother and Child (RSKIA) and Special Hospital Dental and Oral (RSKGM).

Year 2010 Changes Financial Management of the hospital into a Public Service Board (BLUD) based Bandung Mayor Decree No. 445 / KEP-868-hospital / 2010 Concerning the Establishment of Hospital Bandung to Implement Financial Management BLUD.

Hospital Bandung in 2012, after receiving full accreditation basic level in 2007, re-obtain certificate Hospital Accreditation by Accreditation Status Full to 12 services include: Administration Management, Medical Services, Emergency Services, Nursing Services, Medical Records, Pharmacy, K3RS, Radiology, Laboratory, Operating Room, Infection Control in Hospitals and High Risk Perinatal, in accordance with the Decree KARS / 398 / II / 2012 dated February 14, 2012.

RSUD Kota Bandung continue to improve the quality of service to the city of Bandung and its surroundings so that Bandung City Hospital has been certified ISO 9001: 2000 / SNI 19-9001-2001 the Implementation of Quality Systems in health care in the ENT Clinic, Eye Clinic and Polyclinic Dental Unit Installation and accompanied by supporting

RSUD Kota Bandung in improving and consistently while maintaining the quality of health care quality by implementing ISO 9001-2008 quality system re-certified Hospital Bandung ISO 9001: 2008 certified Quality System Certificate No. QMS / 410 in 2012, especially in the Eye Clinic, Poliklnik ENT and Dental Polyclinic accompanied by installation and supporting units.

Kontak RSUD Kota Bandung
Jl. Rumah Sakit No. 22 Ujung Berung Bandung
Telphone : (022) 7811794, (022) 7800017
Fax : (022) 7809581. www.rsudkotabandung.web.id

Jobs Available

RSUD Kota Bandung is seeking the best candidates to join as position below :

Tenaga Kesehatan

  1. Ners Keperawatan
  2. Perawat
  3. Penata Anesthesi
  4. Laboratorium
  5. Ass.Apoteker
  6. Rekam Medik

Tenaga Teknis

  1. IPSRS
  2. Satpam RS
  3. Supir Ambulance

Jobs Description


Formation Medicals and Technical Manpower / Personnel Non Health
1) Form which can be downloaded at the website: http://rsudkotabandung.web.id
2) Age / Age as low – low 18 (eighteen) years and a maximum – height 35 (thirty-five) per year – 31 April 2016.
3) Have a diploma in Education qualification, as defined above issued by the Institute of Education Accredited BAN-PT “A / B” for the School / State / local PTS.
4) For the Formation of Health Workers (Skep + nurses, Kep D3, D3 stylist Anesthesi, Health Analyst D3 D3 D3 Pharmaceutical and Medical Record) MANDATORY attaching Health Worker Registration Certificate (STR) issued by the Provincial Health Office / Related Professions.
5) For the Formation of Non Health Personnel, namely:
a. Formation Ambulance Driver MUST have a driver’s license (SIM) – B1.
b. Formation Power RS Security (Security RS), MUST:
1) Height (TB) of at – least 160 cm (for men – men) and 155 cm (for women) and Weight (BB) proportional.
2) Attach a certificate as an Energy Security (Security).

Completing the Requirements Document Administration, aimed to:

Kepada, Yth :
Direktur / Pemimpin BLUD RSUD Kota Bandung
Alamat : Jl. Rumah Sakit No.22 Ujungberung
Kota Bandung – Kode POS : 40612

By Completeness Files / Documents

  1. Cover Letters Job Handwrite using Ink / Ballpoint Color Black and original signature.
  2. Legalized copy of the latest certificate + stamp wet.
  3. Copy of legalized transcript Value + stamp wet, with a grade point average (GPA) for Private Universities (PTS) Min: 3.00 and State University (PTN) Min: 2.75.
  4. Copy of Identity Card (KTP) is still valid.
  5. Copy of Certificate of Good behavior of the local police.
  6. Attaching Recent Photograph size 3×4 3-colored fruit.
  7. Attach one sheet Doctors Health Certificate from the Government (the original).
  8. Attach a Curriculum Vitae (Curriculum Vitae) Short.

Sites Reference

  1. http://rsudkotabandung.web.id

Submit Application

Please submit application letter and Completeness of Administration to:

Sub Bag Pengembangan SDM Lt.III Ruang Komite Keperawatan


  • Closing date : 29 January 2016.
  • All applications will be treated confidentially.
  • Only candidates that meet the above qualification will be shortlisted.
  • Source

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