
Lowongan Kerja RSJD Soedjarwadi Klaten
About Rumah Sakit Jiwa Daerah Dr RM Soedjarwadi Klaten (RSJD Soedjarwadi)
Rumah Sakit Jiwa Daerah – RSJD. Dr. RM. Soedjarwadi Klaten is one of the hospitals belonging to the Government of Central Java Province, located in the district of Klaten which has been designated as a special hospital class A with the Minister of Health No. 216 / Menkes / VI / 2013.
Since August 23, 1953 as a colony of the Sick Soul (KOSJ), which is a satellite Mangunjayan Mental Hospital Mental Hospital Kramat Solo and Magelang. Serves to shelter mental patients who are already at the stage of the recovery period (period of calm) to do the mental and social rehabilitation.

1972 opened outpatient services once a week, while the function as a shelter increased to hospitalization. This is possible by bringing in a specialist spirit of RSJ Mangunjayan once a week.
With the publication of Decree of Minister of Health Decree No. 135 / SK / Menkes / IV / 78 of 1978 on the Organizational Structure and Work Procedures Mental Hospital, then KOSJ was officially changed to the Mental Hospital grade B.
Then, in accordance with the Letter No. 1732 / Menkes-Social Welfare / XII / 2000 dated December 12 2000, RSJ is submitted by the Central Government to the Government of Central Java Province.
In accordance with the recommendation of the Central Java Governor Number: 445/6797/2000 dated June 28, 2000 about the name change Klaten Mental Hospital next to SK. Minister of Health and Social Welfare RI No.1681.A / Social Welfare Menkes / SK / XI / 2000, since the date of 20 November 2000 Psychiatric Hospital Klaten name was officially changed to RSJD Dr. RM. Soedjarwadi.
Currently in the running duties and function RSJD Dr. RM. Soedjarwadi referring to the Central Java Governor Regulation No. 8 Year 2008 regarding the duties and functions and Working Procedures RSJD Dr. RM. Soedjarwadi Central Java Province.
KDP has implemented BLUD GRADUAL with Pergub No. 059/81/2008 About Financial Management Pattern Status Determination Regional Public Service Board (PPK-BLUD) on RSJD Dr. RM. Soedjarwadi Central Java Province.
FULL CO-BLUD implement the Decree No. 903/152/2012 About Improvement Status Determination Pattern Pengeloalaan Financial Services Agency Regional From Being Phased FULL on RSJD Dr. RM. Soedjarwadi Central Java Province.
Designated as Class A Special Hospital based on the Ministry of Health 216 / Menkes / VI / 2013 dated June 9, 2013 on Pentetapan Class RSJD Dr. RM. Owned Soedjarwadi Central Java Provincial Government.
Contact RSJD. Dr. RM. Soedjarwadi Klaten
Jl Ki Pandanaran Km 2 Klaten 57425 | Telp : 0272-321435, Faks : 0272-321418 | e-mail :
Jobs Available
Rumah Sakit Jiwa Daerah Dr RM Soedjarwadi Klaten is pleased to announce the following vacancies for immediate recruitment :
Formasi Tenaga Kesehatan
- Dokter Spesialis Radiologi
- Dokter Spesialis Kesehatan Jiwa
- Perawat
- Nutrisionis
- Psikolog
- Perawat Haemodealisis
- Radiografer
- Analis Laboratorium
- Asisten Apoteker
- Apoteker
- Terapis Wicara
- Okupasi Terapis
- Perekam Medis
Formasi Tenaga Administrasi
- Pengadministrasi Keuangan
- Pengadministrasi Umum
- Akuntan
- Pranata Komputer
- Teknik Sipil
- Perencana
- Pembimbing Sosial
- Arsiparis
- Instalator
- Resepsionis/Protokoler
- Pramu Taman
- Pramu Cuci
- Pramu Kantor
Jobs Description
General Requirements
- Indonesian Citizen (WNI).
- Age as of 31 January 2016 : at least 18 years old and maximum 35 years old (SMA/K, D3, S1 or equivalent) or maximum 46 years old (S2) or equivalent.
- Have the educational qualifications, skills, expertise and skills needed.
- Never sanctioned criminal or confinement under a court decision already has permanent legal force because it never committed a crime.
- Never dishonorably discharged as a government employee, temporary employee or as private employees.
- Have a required diploma.
- Good behavior evidenced by SKCK issued by the Police Department at the regency / city level (POLRES).
- Applicants who passed should not be tied to employment status at other institutions before the signature of the contract and free of corruption, collusion and nepotism.
- Willing to comply with all the rules that exist in RSJD Dr. RM Soedjarwadi Central Java Province.
Sites Reference
Submit Application
If you feel that you can meet the qualification and up to the challenge, please register and apply to RSJD Dr RM Soedjarwadi Klaten website at :
- Online application will be closed on 3 February 2016.
- All applications will be treated confidentially. Only short listed candidates will be notified.
- Source
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